Super Special Forces King

Chapter 1809: Be a bodyguard, Zhuo Chaoyun is fiery

It seems that the two of them have said this, it may be something that Zhang Summit would not ask.

To do research is to break through the bottleneck, and then there will be a new bottleneck. This is normal. What's more, the problems faced by the Dragon Warrior research are world-wide problems.

"We have achieved more results than the previous 52 districts, but it is still not enough. We are running out of time. Now 52 districts have begun to enter the standard. Although Professor Rowan is on our side, we have more Scientists like Professor Rowan!"

The old beggar said solemnly: "We are in a race against time. Area 52 is estimated to be ahead of us. We must work harder. They have never stopped blocking us. We must be self-reliant!"

In the recent news, Zhang Feng also paid attention to it, and the old beggar made sense.

"What do you want me to do? Just say it!"

Zhang Feng said.

The old beggar said: "We need more scientists like Professor Rowan. Now we have reached out to them. Many people have come. But one of these ten scientists has not come. There is one condition. We After trying many times, I can't finish it, so I will come to you!"

"Old guy, just say it!" Zhang Feng was a little impatient.

He is not the kind of tacit person, just talk about the task directly. Zhang Feng can't help much with the research of the dragon warrior. He doesn't know how to do research. What he can do is the rough work, the work of going up to the sword and down to the fire.

Zhang Feng really wanted to do more for it.

Zhang Dashan was a little unhappy: "Talk to your master!"

Zhang Feng didn't respond.

The old beggar took out a piece of paper from his pocket, a photo, and gave it to Zhang Feng.

She is a seventeen or eighteen-year-old girl. She looks pretty, but she looks a little non-mainstream. She is not an easy-going master.

The old beggar said: "His name is Bai Jiajia. His father Bai Chen is a world-renowned biologist. His research is exactly what we need. He is now working in a research center in China. He is not listening. The people who keep making noise all depend on his preferences. I have sought him out on one condition, that is, someone takes care of his daughter."

"Bai Chen's wife died in a car accident a few years ago. There are many doubts about that car accident!"

"It's not that simple to take care of his daughter. The first thing is to get his daughter to agree, and have good skills, and then Bai Chen to agree."

"The latter two require that we have a lot of people, and they have all been there, but only the first condition, his daughter didn't take a fancy to either, I decided to let you try!"

The old beggar looked at Zhang Feng after speaking.

"Meaning to let me please her and protect her safety? Bodyguard?" Zhang Feng asked.

The old beggar nodded and said, "Accurately speaking, it is a personal bodyguard! According to intelligence, the people in District 52 also sought out Bai Chen and gave them relatively favorable terms!"

The so-called personal bodyguard is to stay together 24 hours a day.

"Okay, I'll take this job!" Zhang Feng said without thinking.

The old beggar smiled at Zhang Dashan.

"What am I talking about?" Zhang Dashan smiled.

"Haha, good!" The old beggar smiled happily: "Well, I won't bother you anymore, I will send you all their information!"

Saying that the old beggar stood up and left with Zhang Dashan.

There will be no surprises with Zhang Feng.


After a while, Zhang Feng received the information from the old beggar. He sat on the sofa and looked at the phone. Yun Qian was very sensible and took his son out.

Bai Jiajia, 16 years old, is a second-year student of Kyoto No. 2 Middle School. She often misses classes. She is the number one eldest sister in the school. She is 1.75 meters tall. She is a headache for teachers.

This is the information from the school's response, and Zhang Feng is not concerned about this.

She turned out to be a member of the Qiu Mingshan clan, playing locomotives, and she was seen by the police on the Panshan Highway, 30 miles out of Beijing's outskirts.

A photo made Zhang Feng in awe. She was dressed in a black tight leather jacket, with a delicate and perverse iron chain tied to her belt, and a pair of black high-heeled boots on her feet.

The most conspicuous thing is that she wears a red logo on her arm with a few words printed on it: Security Officer.

She has long black hair up to the waist, a superb figure, long legs and a star face.

There are also a pair of sharp eyes, with a raised eagle eyebrow, a force of heroism.

To deal with such a girl, Zhang Feng felt a little drumming.

No wonder those people have failed.

People who can be bodyguards are all out of the army. They have good skills, but they have a staid and boring personality. How can they be liked by such a girl?

Zhang Feng has a headache, because he has promised the old beggar. If this thing fails, then Zhang Feng's zero failure archway will collapse.

Can't collapse, can't be broken in the hands of this girl.

Zhang Feng took out his cell phone and wanted to call the brothers, but thought they were all in the training camp.

Helpless Zhang Feng had to go to the club alone.

When Zhang Feng went outside, a red sports car drove outside, which immediately blocked Zhang Feng's car.

A beautiful woman got in the car and ran over in a hurry. She ran into Zhang Feng’s car and got into Zhang Feng’s arms. She sat on Zhang Feng’s lap and hugged Zhang. Feng's neck immediately kissed Zhang Feng.

The most active, hottest, shortness of breath.

Zhang Feng finally opened his mouth: "Chao Yun, Chao Yun, wait, wait..."

Zhuo Chaoyun came up again and didn't listen to him at all. This is not a place to do errands.

But Zhuo Chaoyun looked like an evil spirit, so Zhang Feng had to hold her and let her do mischief while driving.

The car drove to a quiet corner. After finishing the work, Zhuo Chaoyun put on his clothes and got out of the car. He turned and left without saying anything.

"That..." Zhang Feng wanted to speak but he knew what language to use to organize. How did Zhang Feng feel like he was a bus? It was free.

Zhuo Chaoyun said: "I just got off the plane and I'm hungry. I want to go back and let Sister Yun Qian cook me noodles. I like her noodles the most."

"Oh, OK!"

She didn't mention anything just now, and Zhang Feng hadn't fully adapted to this matter yet.

Zhuo Chaoyun is a female president worth hundreds of billions of dollars. She looks like a cold and beautiful president in front of outsiders. Her time is very expensive, tens of millions of billions per hour.

In that case, it was more than one billion just now. This gun is really expensive.

Zhuo Chaoyun walked back, it was more than a hundred meters away from the Zhang family compound, and her car was still parked not far from the door.

In the past few years, Zhuo Chaoyun's personal group has developed rapidly. It went public last year, and the group's market value has soared. It has become the world's leading luxury goods group company, with many brands under it, occupying a place abroad and making foreigners' money.

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