Super Special Forces King

Chapter 1811: A case, as a bodyguard?

At this moment, Zhang Feng has arrived at the Red Star Club. He originally wanted to sit down and watch the beauties, but it was too annoying here. Many people came to greet him and approached him. Zhang Feng came to Chen Wanru's office.

"Brother Feng!" the subordinate upstairs called Zhang Feng respectfully.

Zhang Feng smiled and nodded, agreeing.

In the entire Red Star Club, only Zhang Feng has this authority. No matter where he goes, he can enter without asking for instructions, even in Chen Wanru's room.

Pushing the door open, Chen Wanru was answering the phone. There were more than a dozen phones on her desk, and there were a lot of software in the computer. There was a lot of information that needed her to process.

So it's still busy.

When Zhang Feng came in, she didn't even look up at Zhang Feng, because she knew that there would be no one else except Zhang Fengshan who came in and didn't knock at the door.

She continued to deal with information, while Zhang Feng sat on the sofa and smoked, looking a little bored.

Chen Wanru ignored him temporarily and continued to deal with it.

The intelligence that can be reflected to her is the final intelligence, which is only given to her after the analysis and summary of the next department, from all over the world.

Heavy workload.

After half an hour, Chen Wanru finally finished it, and asked her assistant to come over and deal with it again, sort out the case.

Then she walked up to Zhang Feng and said, "Why are you here?"

"Can't you come?" Zhang Feng said.

Chen Wanru approached him, smelled his body, and smiled: "Hey, is Chao Yun back?"

"It wasn't you who told her that I came back, so you came to ask me!" Zhang Feng said.

"That's the case. I called her yesterday to tell her an intelligence, and by the way you went back to Kyoto, and she also needs to go back to China to handle an order!" Chen Wanru said.

If the information she got was useful to people around her, she would tell them without hesitation. For example, this time the true strength of Zhuo Chaoyun's competitors was known by Chen Wanru's intelligence personnel.

Every piece of information is related. The two pieces of news do not seem to be related at all, but they are related to the intelligence personnel, and new information can be obtained from this information.

When analyzing information, the most useful method is the butterfly effect.

"Originally, there was one thing for you to help. I was going to say that the police asked you to help, but you already have a task. I rejected them and let them figure out their own way! They always come to our side to ask people, We are also very busy!" Chen Wanru said.

"what's up?"

"A few days ago, according to intelligence, a group of criminals entered the country with a small electromagnetic pulse device. This intelligence was obtained in Africa. At that time, a freighter entered the port. When they were approaching the port, the device disappeared! "

Chen Wanru went on to say: "The police could have intercepted it, but the culprit was too cunning. He changed a few cruise ships midway. During that time, all the ships entering the port had to check every piece of cargo, but this was not found. Has entered the country!"

Zhang Feng asked questioningly: "Electromagnetic pulse?"

"Yes, have you seen that movie? Super 8, you can put it in the car, and a single click can paralyze all the electrical equipment within ten kilometers."

Zhang Feng quickly searched in his phone, and soon came out and found a picture.

"this one?"

"Yes!" Chen Wanru answered: "If they press this in the city, almost the entire city will be in chaos!"

"Is there any information about the gangsters? What do they want? Want money?"

"There is no information about the culprits yet, it may be for money!" Chen Wanru said: "So now the police are very worried and panicked!"

Zhang Feng is silent, who is doing this?

"There are also talents in the police sector, they can do it themselves, and now Kyoto has sent capable personnel to Shuiquan City!" Chen Wanru said.

"Shuiquan City?" Zhang Feng wondered.

"Yes, Shuangjiang Port in Shuiquan City. I tracked the freighter carrying electromagnetic pulses outside of Shuangjiang Port. When inspecting the freighter, no electromagnetic pulses were found. Moreover, the sailors on the ship suddenly lost ten people. I investigated the other people on the boat, and there was no information! The ten people came in lurking, and it seems that they have been preparing for a long time!"

Chen Wanru said.

"It's Shuiquan City again!" Zhang Feng said solemnly.

Chen Wanru nodded and said: "Don't look at the ancient architecture of Shuiquan City, the Jiangnan Water Town Tourist City, there are many talents!"

Zhang Feng said: "It's probably not that simple!"

"You don't need to care about this, just be your bodyguard!"

Zhang Feng didn't speak. To tell the truth, he was really not sure that he would be able to deal with this girl. The old beggar would go to see this girl tomorrow.

"She, she is a bad girl, but girls all like uncles, mature and stable, especially your omnipotent uncle!" Chen Wanru knows Zhang Feng very well.

There is nothing wrong with letting him charge and kill the enemy, but it is really difficult for him to deal with such a girl.

But it's also a challenge, isn't it?

"Haha, I have already taken this job, but the old guy doesn't say a deadline, do you mean to protect it all the time?" Zhang Feng said.

Chen Wanru said: "I'll be a little bit more about this matter. After Professor Bai Chen has completely entered the research of Dragon Warrior, you will be free!"

"It's almost the same!" Zhang Feng said.

"I got a message that Bai Jiajia has skipped class. She ran out of school and should now go to the Dragon Mountain to ride a car. This is the most troublesome thing for the professor, but there is no way to deal with it!" Chen Wanru said.

"Then I will go see her!"

"I will go with you!"


If Chen Wan owns a locomotive, hundreds of thousands of dollars, a global limited edition, Zhang Feng drove this car.

This is not the first time Zhang Feng has driven her car, nor is Chen Wanru sitting in the back.

I have confidence in Zhang Feng's driving skills.

People who are as fierce as her are subdued by Zhang Feng's driving skills, which shows how good Zhang Feng's driving skills are.

On the high-speed, it soared to two hundred and five, close to three hundred.

And it was still at night. Chen Wanru, who was sitting behind, hugged Zhang Feng's waist tightly in fear, feeling an extraordinary feeling.

Yes, it just feels like flying.

Chen Wanru had never felt like this before, it was amazing.

Hula hula...

There was a traffic police car behind him, because Zhang Feng had already slowed down to one hundred and five, and the police car could catch up.

Chen Wanru thought Zhang Fengming would stop to accept the punishment, but Zhang Feng did not expect Zhang Feng to speed up. It reached more than two hundred all at once, leaving the police car far behind.

"Woohoooo..." Chen Wanru exclaimed excitedly, her adrenaline soaring and floating.

Soon I arrived at Kunlongshan Mountain, where many people gathered and all kinds of cool motorcycles.

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