Super Special Forces King

Chapter 1825: Fallen boy, cry on rainy night

The police came quickly and checked the surveillance, but they couldn't see the man's face. The police called all the surveillance nearby, but didn't see him.

In other words, they disappeared after leaving this shop.

This is a wicked one. The case is not big or small, and the police are also embarrassed, because there are still bigger cases waiting for them to handle, so they have to leave the case and wait for news before calling him.

The boss knew that the money was difficult to get back, so he had to admit that he was unlucky and should not be greedy.

Guo Zhanmu changed his clothes and rode a shared bicycle to Daxia, the headquarters of the Guo Group, which has been seized.

There was a security guard guarding the security booth at the door.

Guo James walked over, handed a cigarette to the security guard, and said, "Hello, uncle, what's the matter? Five days ago, they even called me for an interview. I came from another place!"

"Boy, haven't you watched the news?" The uncle took the cigarette.

"Here in a hurry, I didn't even look at my phone!"

"Oh, that's the case, alas, it's true. I don't understand what happened now. I only know that Mr. Guo's son was injured that day. The police came to investigate the case the next day and found out. In many big cases, the president was also arrested. Alas, this morning the news reported that he committed suicide in the detention center and was sent to the hospital for treatment. Guo Shao was also in the hospital, but they were not in the same hospital!"

"Which hospital is that in?"

"The president is in Union Hospital, and Shao Guo is in People's Hospital! Boy, you should go to another company!"

"Okay, thank you uncle!"

"You're welcome!"

Guo James is gone.

Now he almost figured out the situation, the uncle said that the idea was on, because Shao Guo was beaten and the company was attacked.

"Go to the hospital tonight!" Guo James thought to himself.

Zhu Shanmao asked him to look for Mr. 2, but did not say the time. Now Zhu Shanmao is safe. The Malaysian police can’t find him. Guo Zhanmu will go back to his hometown first. In fact, he wanted to go home a long time ago. I wanted to go home from the day I was free, and now I can come back many years later.

But what he saw was such a scene, and Guo James said he was very angry.

He arrived at the hospital in the evening and it took him half an hour to quietly find Guo Xingheng's ward.

He stood outside the window and looked at his brother on the hospital bed. He was very sad. Today, he learned that his mother ran away and ran away with others. His father was in the hospital with an uncertain life and death. Even if he was cured, he would face life imprisonment.

The only ones left are his brothers, which can be said to be hard brothers.

Over the years, Guo James has thought about reunion scenes many times, but none of them are like this.

Then he went to the Union Hospital to see his father.

Because he was in the ICU, he couldn't go in to see it, but he knew his condition was very serious without seeing it.

At two o'clock in the morning, Guo Zhanmu was walking alone on the air-cooled street. He was thinking that he might have only one relative in this world, and that mother is dispensable.

As for his father, he is still very affectionate. I remember some scenes when he was young, and his father loved him very much.

For many years after being abducted, he knew that his father had looked for him for many years, but in the end he didn't look for him again.

After searching for many years, he was worthy of him. After many years, he didn't look for Guo James again and didn't blame them.

This is why Guo Zhanmu needs a ‘Guo’ surname, followed by a foreigner’s name.


It was raining, he walked in the rain alone, ignoring the rain, and still walking.

He walked for a long time, and many people walking with him in the rain showed the cruelty, pressure and helplessness of this city.

They are troubled for survival.

And Guo James is worried about the affection in his heart. This is a knot in his heart.

He wants to untie this knot and kill all the people who hurt his family!

This is his way of doing things and does not give the enemy any chance to come again.


Early the next morning, Fang Qing came to the hospital early tomorrow morning, helped Guo Xingheng go through the discharge formalities, and then pushed him out of the hospital.

"Guo Shao, I found a house for you, you feel wronged, and cultivate there, plan after the injury!" Fang Qingming said to Guo Xingheng behind in the car.

All the assets of their Guo family have been frozen, including villas.

So he is now homeless.

Guo Xingheng did not speak.

Fang Qingming shook his head and drove.

As the car drove away, a person appeared behind the big tree at the entrance of the hospital. He remembered the license plate number.

It quickly disappeared into the crowd.

Fang Qingming took Guo Xingheng to a fifty-square-meter single apartment.

Then he said: "Guo Shao, don't go out during this period of time. The police may find you to settle the old bills. The refrigerator is full of things. You cook your own food. I will buy things in three days!"

After speaking, he went out. Guo Xingheng sat in a daze on the sofa, and then lay down on the sofa to sleep.

He had a long, long dream. In a university, there was a couple of lovers in love, just like gods and goddesses.

After one night of self-study, there was a heavy downpour in the sky. They were trapped in the classroom, lightning and thunder, thunder and rain crossed...

The girl was pregnant in her sophomore year and had a baby in October. On the night of her delivery, there was heavy rain, lightning and thunder. They went to the hospital in heavy rain. There was no car. The girl was born on the side of the road. A flash of lightning struck from the sky. A cry seemed to cover the lightning.

Under the light of lightning, the boy looked at the child and was shocked: "Ah..."

It turned out to be a pig!

"Ah..." Guo Xingheng was also scared awake.

Guo Xingheng stood up and saw that this was a strange place, with heavy rain and thunder outside.

It turned out to be a dream!

Gu Gu...

Guo Xingheng found that his stomach was hungry, he smeared, and then the light of lightning went to find the refrigerator, a large refrigerator filled with food and instant noodles. He took out instant noodles.

But instant noodles also need boiling water. He went to the kitchen to boil water, and leaned on a cane to find the switch for the hall light.

He found it quickly, and the hall lit up the moment he turned on the light, and a person suddenly appeared on the sofa.

"Ah..." Guo Xingheng screamed like a woman, and then fell down with an unstable foot.

He was terrified in his heart, is it a ghost? How could it suddenly appear? There is no sound at all.

No, I was lying there just now!

Guo Xingheng didn't dare to look up. He had experienced too many things in the past few days, and he no longer had any bearing capacity in his heart.

No, is it dazzled?

When Guo Xingheng thought of this, his hungry eyes fainted.

Thinking of this, he raised his head bravely. At this moment, he clearly saw this person. He sat there quietly, his whole body soaked...

"Don't, don't, it's nothing to do with me... Oh, don't come to me, is this your house? I'll go, I'll go, go now..."

He was frightened and crawled away.

As he crawled, he heard this man speak: "My name is Guo Xinghui, you can call me brother!"

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