Super Special Forces King

Chapter 1834: Brother Feng, am I pretty?

Ten seconds later, Zhang Feng said: "Sand, help me untie my gloves."

"Ah, oh, okay, Brother Feng!" Shao reacted, now he doesn't know what words to use to describe what he saw just now.

Only shocked in my heart.

Shasha helped Zhang Feng untie his gloves, and Zhang Feng said, "Practice yourself!"

"Yes, yes, Brother Feng!"

Zhang Feng said to Bai Jiajia: "You should practice with them first!"

"Oh!" Bai Jiajia said mechanically.

Although Bai Jiajia had never practiced, she was not a person in the industry, but she had seen Zhang Feng's performance just now, and she was also shocked.

Speed, speed is too fast.

Why didn't the hanging sandbag move? It can break the sandbag.

The skin of this sandbag is specially made, very tough, and most people can't break it after playing for a year, and it won't even wear out at all.

And he could break it with one punch.

Zhang Feng walked around here, and finally went to the rest area to smoke. A pretty good-looking girl made tea for Zhang Feng and said respectfully: "Brother Feng, please have tea!"

"Well, well, you are welcome, you go and do your job!" Zhang Feng said casually.


This is the sandbag area.

"Did everyone see it?" Sand was the first to react and said to everyone in a deep voice.

"I saw it!"

"Didn't see clearly!"



They expressed their opinions.

Shao asked Bai Jiajia: "Sister, you just saw clearly, how powerful is Feng's punch?"

"I, I don't know either!"

Although Bai Jiajia understood it by herself, she didn't know how to say it.

"Speed ​​is speed. Brother Feng's punching speed has reached the extreme! Just like a water gun, it can easily cut thick steel plates." Shaza said.

Bai Jiajia understood better now, because it was too fast, so fast that people could not see clearly, so fast that the sandbag could not react before it was broken.

"Big Brother, how can I reach the speed of Brother Feng?" Bai Jiajia asked.

Shao said: "Sister, it's possible in your life, but I don't have anymore, I have no chance to reach the speed of Brother Feng!" Shao looked very dejected.

No matter what it is, the most feared thing is comparison.

The same is true for people.

"That's it, I haven't, I can't reach the height of Brother Feng!" Bai Jiajia said.

In fact, she wanted to say that it was enough to have Brother Feng, and she didn't need to practice so hard.

Bai Jiajia was sweating profusely after practicing with the sand for a while, and her arms were sore. The experienced sand comforted her, saying that it was like this at the beginning, and it would be okay to practice more.

"Thank you, big brother!" Bai Jiajia smiled.

There was an idea in her heart to practice boxing fighting.

When this thought came to mind, Bai Jiajia said to Shasha: "Big brother, can I come here to practice in the future?"

"Of course you can!"

This is Shazai’s truth. Regardless of whether Zhang Feng is there, she can practice here for free with her looks.

Besides, there is Zhang Feng's halo here, which is totally fine.

"Hey!" Bai Jiajia smiled.

Since being with Zhang Feng in the past two days, she has laughed a lot.

The woman smiled to hide her ugly.

What's more, a beautiful girl like Bai Jiajia!

The man who was practicing over there worked harder, feeling full of energy.

After coming out of the boxing club, the two of them went to eat. They had food in the club, but Zhang Feng didn't want to eat here, so everyone looked at him and felt uncomfortable.

Zhang Feng took Bai Jiajia to eat noodles in a small restaurant on the street. After coming out of the boxing club, Bai Jiajia did not speak, and Zhang Feng did not say anything to her.

The bodyguard is just a bodyguard, and not a friend, at least Zhang Feng thought so, just took her to have fun just now.

After eating the noodles, the two of them walked in the park near the noodle shop, like a couple. Although Zhang Feng looks a little old, it is nothing new for the 30-year-old to marry the 80-year-old this year. Age is not a problem. , The problem is money.

Bai Jiajia was very nervous because she had something to say, but she didn't know how to say it, and her palms were sweating.

"Brother Feng!" Bai Jiajia whispered.

"Hmm!" Zhang Feng responded.

Bai Jiajia plucked up the courage to ask: "Can I ask you a question?"

"of course can!"

Zhang Feng seemed to be able to guess what she wanted to say, from the look in her eyes and her behavior.

"Do you think I'm pretty?" Bai Jiajia asked.

Zhang Feng was taken aback, but he didn't expect her to ask so directly.

What should I say? It will hurt people if it doesn't.

After thinking about it, Zhang Feng thought of a ‘drag’.

Zhang Feng said: "Let's sit here!"

The two sat on the bench, Bai Jiajia lowered his head, twisted his clothes with both hands, his face flushed.

"Jiajia, what do you think of me?" Zhang Feng asked her back.

Bai Jiajia looked up at him, feeling very confused, how could he ask?

"Brother Feng is very handsome and strong. He is a girl who likes me, I..." Bai Jiajia was shy after all.

Zhang Feng said: "I understand what you mean, but you are still young, so don't think about this problem."

"Where am I young?"

Bai Jiajia stood up and stood in front of Zhang Feng, raised her chest and said domineeringly: "Where do you see me getting younger?"

Zhang Feng looked up at her, she was indeed not young and well developed.

Yes, girls nowadays are well developed and their nutrition keeps up. Compared with ten years ago, the primary school students are almost the same as the previous junior high school, and the junior high school is almost the same as the high school, and the high school is almost the same as the university.

It is on a three-year grade, and one grade in ten years.

And Bai Jiajia is the best in this class.

He was already a college student, except for his immature eyes, but he was really young and invincible.

"Sit down and listen to me!" Zhang Feng quickly looked away.

Bai Jiajia sat down and listened to him quietly. Now she was not as nervous as she was just now, and this matter seemed to clarify.

The key is to tell who.

Zhang Feng said: "As far as I am and your age, your father will beat me to death. More than a billion people across the country will scold me for destroying the flowers of the motherland. Tens of millions of single dogs across the country will scold me for being inexhaustible. Even middle school students don’t let it go;"

"Do you want me to bear this infamy and stinking forever?"

After speaking, Zhang Feng looked at her.

A smile appeared on Bai Jiajia's face, and then burst into laughter: "Haha, Brother Feng, I found that you are not only good at your skills, but also good at speaking!"

"I'm so serious!"

In fact, Bai Jiajia has already got the answer, she is not a fool.

"I'm serious with you too!" Bai Jiajia pretended to say lightly, "Brother Feng, do you like me or not?"

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