Super Special Forces King

Chapter 1854: Not a real brother, I really like you!

To be precise, why did they let me wash it myself? Bai Jiajia thought.

Is it really like that? Is Guo Xingheng's injury healed?

This is very possible.

If you try to abolish Guo Xingheng by yourself, will his bad brother agree?

Let's talk about it then.

The door opened, and the two people outside grabbed her shoulders one by one and escorted her away like a prisoner.

On the second floor, I entered a room, and closed the door as soon as I entered. The room was filled with the smell of herbs.

When I walked in, I saw Guo Xingheng sitting there in a daze. This daze is not a daze with severe trauma, but a psychological injury.

Bai Jiajia didn't bother him. She stood in the corner and didn't move. After a while, she saw a lot of food on the table, and resisted the urge not to go up to eat, although she was very hungry.

"If you are hungry, come and eat these things, I'm not hungry!" Guo Xingheng said.

And in such a strange and peaceful tone.

Bai Jiajia did not hesitate, but ate in the past.

It can be said that she was gobbled up, starving her crazy, and these things are delicious.

While eating, he looked at Guo Xingheng. He looked out the window, very sad.

Bai Jiajia can conclude that this kid was hit, and he didn't respond when he came in. Isn't he going to take revenge?

"Can you help me look at the piece of paper on the table?" Guo Xingheng said.

Bai Jiajia noticed that there was a piece of paper on the table.

This is a family relationship appraisal letter from the Shuiquan Appraisal Center. This kind of thing will not be appraised by ordinary people.

He could get it, oh, Guo Xinghui should get it.

"You are not related by blood, not brothers!" Bai Jiajia said in surprise.

Guo Xingheng said: "Is this authoritative?"

"Of course, there is a big seal on it, this kind of thing can't be a joke, it will kill people!" Bai Jiajia said.

After eating his food, and his tone didn't seem so bad, Bai Jiajia was not so afraid of him.

"Yes, it will kill people, hehe, he said that there are a lot of mines buried around here, if you go out, you will be blown up!" Guo Xingheng.

"No way!?"

Bai Jiajia was a little surprised. Guo Xinghui actually took his blood for testing. How suspicious is this person?

As soon as they found out that they were not brothers, they changed their faces and locked them here.

"Now I and you are a grasshopper on the same line!" Guo Xingheng said.

Bai Jiajia did not answer.

This is too dramatic.

"Will he kill you?"

"do not know!"

"Don't you hate me?"

"How should I say, I like you, but now I don't have that thought!"

The two of you had a conversation with each other.

This is something Bai Jiajia has never thought of since this time.

Bai Jiajia can understand Guo Xingheng's mood now.

Born with the golden key in his hand, he had no worries about food and clothing since he was a child, and grew up so carefree that he was gone all at once.

The family's property was all gone, his father was arrested, and his mother ran away with others.

He became a lonely man.

At this moment, an elder brother who was extremely capable appeared, and he was stunned for half a month.

But now it turns out that this is not his brother, and soon his life will be in danger.

He knows that people like his brother are the most unsympathetic.

It can be said that the animals are inferior, because most animals do not eat the same kind.

What he said just now can explain the problem. There are a lot of mines outside, don't run around.

Why do you want him Guo Xingheng to run? Because Guo Xinghui is going to be against him.

So if you can run, you will die.

Bai Jiajia didn't know how to answer the call.

Finally Bai Jiajia had to ask: "Then what do you do now?"

"Haha, I don't know either!" Guo Xingheng sneered.

Not only did he not know what to do now, even if he could get out from here, he didn't know where he was going or where he could go.

And he knew very well that if he went out, there would be no benefit.

Because he knew what he had done illegally before, and this time with his brother, um, he was still a brother, anyway, he had already called out, and he was an accomplice in doing this with his brother.

Who is Bai Jiajia?

Guo Xingheng is clear.

"Shall we escape together?" Bai Jiajia asked tentatively.

For more than half a month, she has always wanted to escape, and now may be a good opportunity to have Guo Xingheng.

"No, I don't want to die yet!" Guo Xingheng said.

"Can you stay alive here?" Bai Jiajia asked again.

"At least he won't kill me now!"

Bai Jiajia didn't know what to say again.

"Don't worry, I won't move you!" Guo Xingheng said again.

Bai Jiajia did not speak, which relieved her a lot, but she did not dare to relax or trust anyone here, including Guo Xingheng of course.

"In fact, up to now, I really like you, not the kind of possession, but the appreciation of you, you are better than me!" Guo Xinghui said.

Bai Jiajia did not speak, she did not expect Guo Xingheng would say such a thing.

"Before you leave here, you can stay in my room, as if you were what I did, my brother won't find out!" Guo Xingheng said.

"Thank you!" Bai Jiajia said this.

I have known Guo Xingheng for a long time, but this is the first time I have said this.


Guo Xingheng suddenly laughed wildly, and turned around before Bai Jiajia could react. Bai Jiajia was frightened and backed away with a yeah.

"Ah... yeah... don't come, don't come..." Bai Jiajia screamed in a loud voice.

The bad guy.

Bai Jiajia's reaction was quick and she took a few steps back.

"Haha..." Guo Xingheng laughed again at this time: "Haha..."

He smiled and laughed, it was like crying, and he didn't jump on it again.

"Haha, I scared you, really scared!" Guo Xingheng smiled gleefully.

He supported his body with difficulty, climbed onto the bed and sat down on the head of the bed.

"Interesting? Haha, people outside heard your call, that's it!" Guo Xinghui said: "You can sleep on the ground, I can't sleep on the ground!"

Guo Xingheng said that he lay down to sleep.

Bai Jiajia was stunned on the spot. It turned out that besides pranks, he was just trying to confuse people outside.

Anyway, thank him?

Guo Xingheng really fell asleep, and there was a nasal noise. Bai Jiajia stood there stupidly. She was really frightened just now. During this period of time, she was weak in spirit and could not stand fright.


Bai Jiajia heard the sound of footsteps outside, and the sound of footsteps drifted away. It turned out to be true.

She was in the corner with her head buried in her knees. She didn't know when she had an extra knife in her hand. It was used to cut fruit on the table just now.

Bai Jiajia, who was full, fell asleep like this.

This time I didn't dream, but fell asleep peacefully, believing that Guo Xingheng would never harass him again.

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