Super Special Forces King

Chapter 1868: Can you really only talk about bodyguards?

Chapter 1868 Is It Really The Bodyguard?

The nurse has already begun to wrap the wound in front of Zhang Feng with a bandage, seriously.

After packing, Zhang Feng smiled at him and the little nurse blushed.

Of course, Zhang Feng couldn't see it wearing a mask.

After waiting ten minutes, the doctor took out the bullet and bandaged it to stop the bleeding.

Zhang Feng's entire belly and back were bandaged into rice dumplings.

Finally done!

The doctor was greatly relieved, lying on the operating table, and taking a good rest.

\"Jiajia, are you okay?\" Zhang Feng asked.

Bai Jiajia wanted to ask what he said.

\"I, I, I'm fine~~~\" Bai Jiajia's tone was trembling.

Zhang Feng smiled and said: \"Didn't you scare you? You shouldn't come in and see!\"

Bai Jiajia came over and whispered to Zhang Feng: "Does it hurt?"

\"What did you say?\"

What can Zhang Feng say? It's best to ask her back, can it hurt? They all grow in flesh.

Bai Jiajia couldn't help crying again.

She wanted to hug Zhang Feng very much, but there was a doctor here, and she couldn't hug him. What's the relationship between them?

Although Bai Jiajia had already handed herself over to Zhang Feng in her heart, there was still that layer of windows.

What's more, Bai Jiajia didn't know what Zhang Feng meant to herself.

Or he is just Bai Jiajia's bodyguard.

Is it really only a bodyguard?

At this time, Bai Jiajia had such an idea in her heart. The little girl's idea was like this, all of a sudden, even though he was much mature now.

\"Hehe, okay, watching you cry as if I bullied you!\"

Zhang Feng smiled and patted the hospital bed, so it was suitable for her to sit on it. She walked over and turned around and sat on it, not daring to look at Zhang Feng.

Fortunately, I stop crying now.

There are still a few tubes inserted into Zhang Feng's body, and his body needs some potion.

These syrups were quickly called out.

\"Jiajia, are you going to school tomorrow? Or will you take a few days off?\" Zhang Feng asked.

\"Go to school, I have already left a lot of courses!\" Bai Jiajia said, lowering her head.

In fact, she didn't want to go back like this, and wanted to be with Brother Feng, but she knew that was not wise, and Brother Feng still had big things to do.

\"Good too!\" Zhang Feng said.

Now Zhang Feng doesn't know whether to be his bodyguard, it depends on the old beggar's arrangements.

\"Sir, we will send you to the ward to rest!\"

Two nurses came over and said to Zhang Feng.

\"Thank you guys!\" Zhang Feng smiled.

The nurse blushed: "No hard work, no hard work!"

Then the nurse pushed the bed over, Zhang Feng lay down, and three women pushed him out of the operating room.

When he got outside, Zhang Feng saw that there was only one person waiting for him.

Chen Wanru!

\"How are you?\" Chen Wanru said anxiously.

In fact, when the doctor went out just now, Chen Wanru had already asked the doctor, and she knew that Zhang Feng would be fine, but she was still very worried.

\"Why are you here?\" Zhang Feng smiled, his heart warm.

Hades and the others have gone to help, they are not worried about Zhang Feng's injury.

Chen Wanru ignored his words and came over and grabbed his hand and said: "I can't do it in the next class, otherwise what do you let Yun Qian do?"

\"Then what do you do?\" Zhang Feng smiled.

\"What did you say?\"

Chen Wanrubai glanced at him, let go of his hand, and turned to Bai Jiajia with a smile: "Jiajia, are you okay?"

\"I'm fine, thank you Wanru sister!\" Bai Jiajia's smile was stiff.

She knew that this very beautiful, mature and attractive woman was brother Feng's woman. She felt very unhappy, very unhappy, and a little inferior.

And Bai Jiajia vaguely knew that Brother Feng was more than one woman.

\"Hehe, you are welcome, I will take you to eat something, and then go to the hotel to rest!\"

Chen Wanru smiled.

Facing this woman's invitation and kindness, Bai Jiajia couldn't think of any reason to refuse, but she had to take care of her brother Feng and didn't want to leave.

She looked at Zhang Feng, and Zhang Feng said: "Go, eat, take a bath, wash your face, and change into clean clothes! Don't worry about me, there are many beautiful nurses!"

With that said, Bai Jiajia could stop leaving, because her current condition is not very good and her face is dirty.

She didn't want Brother Feng to feel that she was not beautiful.

So he nodded and said: \"Then I will see you tomorrow!\"

Zhang Feng smiled and nodded.

Chen Wanru pulled her out of the ward.

With Chen Wanru's eyesight, how could she fail to see Bai Jiajia's love for Zhang Feng? She didn't want to cut this love and let Zhang Feng solve it by herself.

Sitting in Chen Wanru's car, Bai Jiajia was a little restrained, sitting there quietly.

\"Are you hungry?\" Chen Wanru asked.

Bai Jiajia shook her head.

She is indeed not hungry, she is not afraid of hunger these days.

\"Then I will take you to the hotel to take a shower and put on clean clothes!\" Chen Wanru said.

Bai Jiajia nodded.

Chen Wanru said: "Tiger Shark, drive!"

\"Yes!\" The big guy in front responded and drove steadily.

In the nearby hotel room, Bai Jiajia suddenly said: "Sister Wanru, I'll go shopping first!"

\"Hehe, I'm ready for you, let's go in for a bath, it's late!\"

Originally, Chen Wanru thought she would go to eat first and then come to the hotel, but this is not a big problem.

On the big bed in the hotel room is a set of clothes with a white plastic bag, a princess dress, and a pair of beautiful mid-heel shoes.

\"Go take a bath, I am here waiting for you!\" Chen Wanru said with a smile.

\"Thank you Sister Wanru!\" Bai Jiajia said and went into the bathroom.

Chen Wanru was still smiling. After she entered, Chen Wanru took out the tablet and started to work against time.

The device in Shuiquan City had not been found yet, and she had mobilized all the nearby personnel who could come to help.

But several hours passed without any gain.

In fact, Chen Wan wanted to find this thing before the Shuiquan City officials. This is high-tech.

There are many countries in the world that have the technology to develop such devices, and the technologies are different.

One such device contains too much technology, and its value in other aspects is much more precious than the device itself.

She has two worries, one is that the culprit starts the device again;

It was to destroy the device, and such a trip was almost in vain.

Chen Wanru didn't want to go for nothing. Zhang Feng didn't worry about it at seven.

Toot toot~~~

At this moment, her mobile phone vibrated, it was a text message, and the sender was a word: Ting.

The content of the message is simple: How is Zhang Feng's injury?

Chen Wanru smiled and muttered: \"The news is clear!\"

While replying to the message: Fortunately, two bullets have been taken out, there is no danger to life, don't worry!

The next moment she replied: That's good, when will I have time to sit together when I return to Kyoto!

Chen Wanru: You say time!

Hu Xinting: Good!

Then there is nothing.

In fact, Chen Wanru said that she was very curious. She never contacted her actively. Why did she take the initiative this time?

The clever Chen Wanru couldn't figure it out this time.

Women's minds are the most difficult to understand, especially for women like Hu Xinting.

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