Super Special Forces King

Chapter 1976: Zhang Feng’s personal problems, the source of the money

The old beggar had also thought about this problem before, so he couldn't be special.

You can't do special things, otherwise it will be very troublesome if someone catches a pigtail.

It is not an enemy, nor an opponent, nor a class enemy, but a defender.

They maintain everything.

Zhang Feng's approach has stepped on the red line. Some seemingly ordinary little things will be infinitely magnified in the eyes of some people, and finally become big things, and a bomb will blow up himself.

But as long as the red line is not crossed, the problem is not big.

Zhang Feng's identity is quite special. He is not in the military and no longer in the establishment.

But he is the soul of Huangquan team. Few people in the army know his true strength, but outsiders know more.

This is an abnormal phenomenon.

There are two sides to everything, which can give him more protection.

Thousands of miles are destroyed by the ant nest, not by the flood.

As for his several girls, the old beggar said this: \"Except Yun Qian, aren't the other girls just his female friends?\"

Roach was asked rhetorically, he smiled and said: "What Mr. Gusu said!"

Sure enough, he is well-deserved, this old man is extremely protective of his shortcomings.

What happened just now called me to speak, I really didn't understand him.

If you really understand him, he would not be Mr. Gusu.

As for the marriage of Zhang Feng and Yun Qian and the issue of Haohao's hukou, it must be done in a hurry.

Because there are still many girls, Roach doesn't know how many girls Zhang Feng has.

Haohao is about to go to kindergarten, he needs some documents when he goes to kindergarten, right?

This is not something Roach wants to consider.

What he has to consider is whether it will affect Zhang Feng.

\"Don't worry about his personal problems!\" said Mr. Gu Su.


\"Come on, drink!\"

Roach held the bottle.

\"The food at the base is still very good. Is this mutton from the northwestern area Tan sheep?\" The old beggar ate the skewers.

Xiao Liu was already roasting there, he was very conscious of this kind of thing.

The big guys are talking about big things, so he just serves meat and wine.

\"Mr. Gusu is right, it was prepared and stored in the ice storage a week ago!\" Roach said.

The old beggar said: "You don't have to have a good meal. They can just starve to death. Give these things as rewards to the meritorious company and give them some cabbage buns. Of course, this is just my advice!

Roach was taken aback, this is too much, right?

But it's right to think about it. It's not a vacation to come to Huangquan Road.

Food also needs to be tested.

"It's a very good suggestion, thank you Mr. Gusu!" Roach said.

This matter 80% can't get away, because the old beggar said that he will eat cabbage in the next two to three months.

Now is the last meat meal.

After drinking and eating meat until midnight, I almost finished eating here. After a few sips of wine, Xiao Liuzhi turned into urine after a few hours. After drinking a little water, the alcohol in the body was gone.

He drove the old beggar back, and Roach spent the night here.

In the morning, Xiao Liu came to pick him up and drove back.

Roach hasn't been drinking like this for a long time.

After returning, he immediately asked someone to take away all the things in the ice store, and then replaced them with cabbage potatoes and soybeans.

The old beggar slept for three or four hours after returning to 01 last night, and got up busy at dawn.

He has a lot to do.

Before 01 was a business, that is, an intelligence department, a hidden intelligence department.

Now it’s different. Now there is one more business, and that is the Dragon Warrior project.

The old beggar left all the intelligence items to Chen Wanru to take care of, and he concentrated on research.

In fact, he doesn't understand research, what he understands is people who understand research.

Oh, yes, Chen Wanru still manages a company and a headhunting company.

Specializing in digging talents.

All kinds of talents are needed, even for talented fresh graduates. She can give these fresh graduates an annual salary of two to three million.

Their studies are all single items and cannot be linked.

01 Scientists there threw some questions to Chen Wanru's company to study them one by one.

And all are strictly confidential.

In this way, the dragon warrior research has core scientists plus peripheral researchers, and the speed will be much faster.

Chen Wanru is very busy. It has been a long time since she went to eat at home. For a long time, Yun Qian and her children were at home.

Zhuo Chaoyun comes back once a month. If she doesn't see Zhang Feng, she will go back to work the next day.

Where does the astronomy research funding for Dragon Warrior come from?

It's a little bit on the top, but only a little bit, it's not enough to plug the teeth.

Where does so much money come from?

Many of Chen Wanru's companies here are big heads, and a small part is from Zhuo Chaoyun's company and Zhai Qiang's.

There is also a part of the old beggar who laid down the company before.

One account has invested in Zhuo Chaoyun’s company and Zhai Qiang’s.

It is in this form.

At present, the funds are sufficient. Some time ago, there were more than one billion yuan, which was transferred by Zhai Qiang.

Mobilizing so much money did not attract the attention of others. This is the old beggar's method.

If the research funding is through normal and honest methods, it will not be enough for a hundred years.

How can you keep up with others?

The old beggar's methods are very horrible. They can start such a large research project. Although some of the methods of collecting money are not visible, the impact will not be very bad, regardless of the above. After all, this can solve the big problem.

At the beginning, a lot of investment was invested, and the research had no results. This project was almost dead. It was the old beggar who tried to keep the project alive, and obtained a lot of research results, which were applied in many fields.

These technologies have played a big role in the face of others' technical blockade.

Don’t worry about getting stuck in your neck.

Here, technology is continuously exported to major companies, first of all, the enterprises under the jurisdiction of Chen Wanru, which have achieved great results this year, and the benefits are also great.

The money is also more, and the research funding for 01 is also more.

In this way, a virtuous circle is obtained.

Those who previously blocked their technology from the top, are now shocked when the barrier is broken, and some technologies have even led them.

In this more than a year, so many top technologies have emerged all at once.

How can they not be shocked?

And none of these Zhang Feng knew that he was still training there.

He is the initiator.

In the middle of the night, in Chen Wanru's office, her personal cell phone vibrated and it was Hu Xinting.

She answered by surprise. She knew that Hu Xinting went to Xiangjiang City. There must be something big when calling now.

\"Sister Wanru!\"

Hu Xinting is a few years younger than Chen Wanru, so naturally she wants to call her sister.

\"Oh, it's Xinting, it's so late, haven't you slept yet? \" Chen Wanru hit haha.

Hu Xinting said: "There is something, I need your intelligence line!"

\"no problem!\"

Chen Wanru is very happy to help with such things.

It's not a help, it's an obligation, it's a matter of its own, and everyone is responsible.

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