Super Special Forces King

Chapter 1996: Little white face? Forgive me!

Brother Leopard is not afraid of Zhang Feng, but Zhuo Chaoyun behind. This chick is too hot.

\"Brother Leopard, 200,000 yuan, right? I want my woman to eat with you, right?\" Zhang Feng said angrily.

Zhang Feng would not be polite to this kind of bullying scum.

However, Zhang Feng did not release his murderous aura, and he didn't need a murderous aura to deal with this little bastard.

\"So what? What can you do, you are just a little boy!\"

Brother Leopard is not afraid of Zhang Feng, and the anger he received from Zhuo Chaoyun just now wants to spread to Zhang Feng.

Zhang Feng walked to the flower belt beside the restaurant and folded a small slender branch with his thumb and said: \"Really?\"

This is the vine of Chinese rose.

The tree fell with a sharp sound, and the branches twitched behind Brother Leopard.

\"Ah!\" Brother Leopard screamed, guarding his arm, a blood stain appeared, Brother Leopard said angrily: "Do you dare to hit me!?"

He couldn't believe that a little white face would dare to hit him.

\"You are the one who hit!\"

Da~~~ There was another crisp sound.

Brother Leopard wanted to go, but was entangled by Zhang Feng. He couldn't go. Zhang Feng would block wherever he went.

Da Da~~~

The branches beat, blood stains appeared on Brother Leopard's body, and his clothes were torn.

This is like torture, screaming and screaming Leopard, which is extremely painful.

I also saw the people around me in a daze, can even a branch have such power?

That Miss Lin was so scared that she squatted on the side of the road, holding her head in her hands.

\"The hero is forgiving, the hero is forgiving, my fault, my fault~~~ah~~~\"Brother Leopard can't stand it anymore, what the **** is going on, I can’t run away, and it’s getting more painful of.

Not a single moment, the skin was spattered, and Brother Leopard's body was covered with scars, very oozing.

\"What's wrong with you, what's wrong?" Zhang Feng's hand increased in speed and intensity, and it hurts even more when hitting Leopard Brother.


Brother Leopard was beaten so hard that he couldn't go anywhere. This man was too fast.

\"Big brother, big brother, hit my car, I don’t need the money, no more, you go, you go, I will not pursue the person who beat me, ah, I will not pursue it~~~\"

Zhang Feng hit hard again.

\"No, no, I hit you, I lose you money, I lose money!\" Brother Leopard finally thought of this.

Zhang Feng stopped and said: "Okay, fifty thousand yuan, take it!"

\"What? Fifty thousand?\" Brother Leopard ignored the severe pain on his body.

His car is more than 10,000, maybe not 10,000, and even a new car is not 50,000.

This is obviously blackmail.

\"Why? Disagree?\" Zhang Feng called again.

\"Ah, I give it, I give it!\"

Zhang Feng stopped and he went to get the money, there was cash in his car.

After getting the money, Zhang Feng said angrily: "Get out!"

\"Yes~~~\" Brother Leopard left quickly, ignoring the girl.

His bodyguard had already stood up at this time. He asked to let Maserati drive away, but Miss Lin was unhappy and said it was not for me?


Brother Leopard slapped her face violently, making her pretty white face flushed.

\"Smelly girl, you hurt me miserably! Don't let me see you again, or I will fight once!" Leopard brother said and left.

He gave Zhang Feng a vicious look when he left.


Miss Lin cried and watched her man leave, and then she glared at both Zhang Feng.

\"Yongzhi, Yongzhi~~~\" Miss Lin shouted. It was the man who came with her and said it was her cousin.

Just as Leopard’s mind believed that it was her cousin, he was turned away.

At this time, Zhang Feng has already entered the restaurant. As for the van being scraped a bit, don't worry too much.

\"Wait later, eat more and eat all the money!\" Zhang Feng said as he put 50,000 yuan on the table, like a big money.

\"Hey~~~\" Zhuo Chaoyun smiled, smiling like a flower, everyone in the restaurant was dumbfounded, it was so beautiful.

Zhuo Chaoyun smiled and said: \"I like you like this, so you have a personality!\"

For Zhuo Chaoyun, who is pursuing freshness, today's date is so interesting, don't mention how cool it was when I hit the leopard just now.

Now the waiter came over and asked for food.

Zhang Feng just said: \"Let her order!\"

\"Hey~~~\" Zhuo Chaoyun smiled and ordered some very simple colors, which are the most common dishes here, and then she said: \"If you order too much, it will be wasted. Give the remaining money to the west. I recently set up a foundation, and all the money will be sent to the western mountain area!\"

\"Yes, just listen to you!\" Zhang Feng said

He said to the waiter: "I need these dishes, give me two more bowls of rice!"

The waiter went down.

Zhuo Chaoyun was very happy to have this meal. She was already very happy to be able to go on a date with Zhang Feng for dinner alone, and it made her even more happy to encounter such an event today.

They were blocked in front of the restaurant after dinner.

This was what Zhang Feng expected. The look in the eyes of the leopard brother before he left, he would definitely come back for revenge, but he did not expect it would be so fast.

There are more than twenty hardcover men outside, and Brother Leopard's body is wrapped in a white bandage, like a mummy.

They moved very fast in only an hour.

Zhang Feng didn't hit Brother Leopard in the face just now, he was already merciful. He now pointed to Zhang Feng and shouted: "Brother, it's him, he hit our man!"

Standing in front was a middle-aged man with a eagle-eyed figure, who knew he was a ruthless character.

\"Who is he?\" Zhang Feng asked the restaurant security at the door.

Zhang Feng's deeds of beating Leopard brother here just now have won the hearts of the people, and the security guard admires Zhang Feng.

The security guard said: "He is the local snake here, the man on the road is his brother Yuan, the entertainment city is his, cruel, black and white master! Brother, I think you should ask for more blessings, and, This Brother Yuan likes beautiful women, especially like your girlfriend!\"

\"Yuan brother, haha~\"

Zhang Feng smiled, and he wanted to treat this kind of people.

He took out his cell phone and called Mike and said: \"Check this man's bad deeds for me, it is better to have evidence, and then send it to the police station in this district!\"

\"Good Brother Feng, I need pictures, it will be faster!\"

\"it is good!\"

Zhang Feng took Yuan Ge's photo with his mobile phone and sent it to Mike.

At this moment, Brother Yuan came up and pointed at Zhang Feng and said, "Boy, where did you go?"

\"Where am I going, are you in charge? There is such a person here, it is an illegal party! \" Zhang Feng buttoned a hat on him.

A hundred brother Yuan can't control Zhang Feng's place.

\"Hmph, no matter where you are, whoever beats me, you have to pay the price and give you two ways, one is to take half a million out and send the woman behind you to my hotel; second , You broke your arms!\"

Yuan Ge is really domineering.

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