Super Special Forces King

Chapter 2003: Brother Feng is going to cheat others

Seeing the cheers in the audience, Shao Xiao didn't realize what was going on tonight, so he was happy.

He doesn't even bother to pay attention to these money now. The money is just a number to him. It hasn't been long since he returned to China. The weather in China is not worse than that in foreign countries. What kind of country is he leaving?

Now his attention is focused on the girl behind the upper DJ position.

Little sister who plays DJing.

In a moment, he must make an appointment with this chick, it is his, no one here dare to **** him.

He sat there staring intently at Miss DJing.

At this moment, Miss DJing came over, and still bit her little lip at him. Shao Xiao was electrocuted and teased, and his heart was pounding.

He vowed to chase this girl, it was the feeling of being in love.

A bodyguard at the back came up and whispered: "Shao Xiao, do you want to wait for me to get her?"

\"Idiot, can't be rough to her, I will come in person, I like her!\"

\"Yes!\" The subordinates quickly stepped back.

At this time, Zhang Feng was still drinking below, and there was free wine to drink. He naturally wouldn't waste it, he wanted the most expensive one.

Zhang Feng was sitting below Xiao Shao. Just now, Zhuo Chaoyun bit her lip at Zhang Feng, not at Shao Xiao. Zhuo Chaoyun didn’t put this second and second master in his eyes at all, and dared to be in Red Star. He's going to be finished with the reservation.


Chen Wanru was dealing with affairs, and the assistant came in.

\"Miss, Xiao Qingfan rents out, spending no less than one million!\"

Chen Wanru raised her head and said coldly: "How much is his car worth?"

\"Maybach, 26 million!\" said the assistant.

\"That's it, go!\"



Bar on the first floor.

Xiao Shao called.

\"Go and prepare nine hundred and ninety-nine roses, I will use them later!\"


Go ahead and do it, he can make thousands of dollars from it, and he is very happy to go.

After half an hour, Zhuo Chaoyun came down from above and replaced her sister DJing on the other side.

\"Girl, we Xiao Shao booked the venue tonight, and would like to invite you over for a drink!\"

This is Xiao Shao's subordinate, and his attitude is fairly polite.

Zhuo Chaoyun thought about it for a while, and it was a big deal. It was Wanru Jie's place, and it would give you face in any way, then go!

\"Lead the way!\" Zhuo Chaoyun said domineeringly.

The bodyguard was taken aback for a moment, and said in his heart that it was indeed the girl Xiao Shao liked, not ordinary.


Zhuo Chaoyun stood in front of Shao Xiao, Shao Xiao stood up and took a serious look at her, very satisfied, very temperamental, and incomparable to the woman she had brought!

\"Beautiful lady, take the liberty to invite you here, just to see the beauty! \" Shao Xiao pretends to be a gentleman:\"My name is Xiao Qingfan, may I have a name for Miss?\"

Zhuo Chaoyun said: \"Zhuo Chaoyun!\"

\"Good name!\" Shao Xiao didn't know what was so good about this name. If the owner of this name was a pretty girl, Shao Xiao wouldn't say that.

And Shao Xiao would never have thought that her surname was Zhuo, from the Zhuo family in Kyoto.

Of course, there are more people surnamed Zhuo, and it's no wonder he didn't think about it.

\"Shao Shao what else can I advise?\" Zhuo Chaoyun looked at the woman behind who was wearing clothes and saving fabric, and looked a little impatient.

Xiao Shao noticed the look in her eyes and said angrily at the woman: \"Go over there!\"

Since Shao Xiao fell in love with this woman, her face has changed. She thought of her fate, that she would be replaced by this woman, and everything she wanted would be gone, and maybe she would be taken back. So She will attribute all the misfortune to her on this woman, and count her anger on this woman.

\"Shao Shao, she is just a bus, my man is only you! \" The woman came up to haunt Xiao Shao.

\"Let me say it a second time?\"

Xiao Shao said coldly.

\"Shao Shao, she is a vixen!\" The woman is not reconciled! \"


After a slap, the woman collapsed on the sofa, and then two bodyguards came to set up the woman and went out. The woman went out crying, and she knew she had been played on.

Although I thought of this step a long time ago, I didn't expect it to be so fast. Is it only a week? I haven't made enough money yet.

But what can I do? Resist? How to resist?

Change to another one.

This is the life of a woman.

Zhuo Chaoyun looked at this step coldly, and had the first label on Shao Xiao's head: scum man!

Once a man has this label, he is finished playing in a woman's heart.

\"Miss Zhuo, can I buy you a drink?" Xiao Shao smiled.

What happened just now seems to be something he takes for granted.

Zhuo Chaoyun said: "Thank you Xiao Shao, you have taken the place, didn't you buy everything I eat and drink here? Thank you, I still have business!"

Zhuo Chaoyun turned around and left.

Shao Xiao's face changed, wouldn't it work just like this? But after thinking about it, it wouldn't be fun to catch it all at once.

This, on the contrary, aroused Shao Xiao's interest.

But he was not calm in the next scene. This beauty went to a man and sat down to drink with him, drinking the wine he bought!

This makes him very angry.

It's going to go up and take this kid, and the two little brothers are following.

\"Miss Zhuo, I just said I would invite you to drink. Why did you come here for a drink if you didn't?" Xiao Shao went up and said.

The two subordinates went up to the ground to drive away Zhang Feng, but Zhang Feng was still sitting there, Xiao Shao's face sank, it seemed that he could not be kind.

Zhuo Chaoyun said: "Young Master Xiao, I'm just drinking the wine you invited!"

\"No, drink with me!\" Xiao Shao said.

\"It's all the same, it's all the same! \" Xiao Shao said to Zhang Feng coldly: \"Boy, go aside, you can drink anything here!\"


\"Of course, I have covered all the venues here, and all the consumption of the audience tonight is counted as mine!\" Shao Xiao said domineeringly, he wanted to prove that he was very good in front of women.

\"Can you pack it?\" Zhang Feng asked again.

Ha ha!

Shao Xiao sneered. It turned out to be a soft-shelled turtle. That would be the best. He smiled and said: \"Yes!\"

\"Can I pack as much as I want?\" Zhang Feng asked again.


\"Can I pack anything?\"

\"Yes, yes, you get out! Don’t be here!\"

Shao Xiao was very impatient.

Zhang Feng shouted loudly: "Everyone has heard it, Shao Xiao can let me pack, he pays, and everyone testifies!"

The people around laughed helplessly, thinking, Brother Feng is going to cheat people, this Xiao Shaozhen is back, who is that woman? Miss Zhuo's family, now almost counted as the richest woman in Kyoto.

It was ridiculous, and he didn't know yet.

Zhuo Chaoyun saw Zhang Feng's ambiguous meaning and needed to cooperate, so she said: "You are a lot of nonsense, are you worried that Shao Xiao has no money?"

\"Yes, I'll go to one side immediately! \" Zhang Feng said and went to the side.

The position is now let out, Xiao Shao sat down very satisfied, and Zhuo Chaoyun was close at hand, he could smell her charming body fragrance, and he was very excited!

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