Super Special Forces King

Chapter 2005: Insufficient balance, Miss Chen

Chapter 2005 Insufficient Balance, Miss Chen

Xiao Shao thought to himself, it seems that this matter can only be hard.

"What do you mean? We are all adults, don't you understand? I like you!" Xiao Shao said coldly.

\"Sorry, I'm leaving, don't stop me!\" Zhuo Chaoyun said angrily.

The bodyguard still did not move.

\"Miss Zhuo, I like you, come with me!\" Xiao Shao said in harmony.

He is not afraid here, he has booked the venue today, and everyone will be on his side.

At this moment, a waiter with a wink came over, because Shao Xiao was leaving and he needed to pay the bill here.

\"Shao Shao, hello, look at the order!\" The waiter holds a thick small ticket in his hand. These are all the orders that have been consumed so far tonight.

Xiao Shao didn't even look at it and took out a card to him and said: "Go and swipe, don't get me in the way!"

\"Yes!\" The waiter respectfully went, really regardless of this.

Xiao Shao is floating, it feels good to be rich. Now everyone is looking at him, but their gazes seem to be very wrong. Maybe they are eye-catching. They took away the most beautiful girl here, which man’s. Will you feel better?

At this moment, Zhuo Chaoyun didn't rush to leave either, and had a good grasp of the time.

When Shao Xiao was about to speak to Zhuo Chaoyun again, the waiter came back and said: "Shao Xiao, your balance is insufficient, please change your card!"

Xiao Shao's expression became very angry, and he raised his hand and hit the waiter's face angrily: "What did you say? Dare to say that my card balance is insufficient? How much money is in your card?"

\"Pop!\" There was a crisp sound.

The spectators thought that the club security would be dispatched immediately, but there was no response. This was a good show.

\"Just say it to scare you to death!\" The bodyguard at the back came such a sentence.

The good show is finally coming. Except for Xiao Shao's people, everyone thought that there would be such a scene. They watched it with interest, and they did not take out their phones to film them in a tacit understanding.

"You have a lot of money in your card, but it's not enough!" The waiter said, covering his face.

Shao Xiao took out his mobile phone to see that there were indeed more than two million, so how could it be not enough? Are they all cows? Can eat and drink so much!

\"How much?\" Xiao Shao asked.

The waiter took the list, the top is the sum, a long string of numbers, Xiao Shao looked at it for a while before seeing it clearly

\"What? More than ten million?\" Xiao Shao was surprised.

Xiao is a big young man. From a young age to a big money, his money is just a number. A visit to a bar costs more than 10 million yuan. He can't accept it, and the family will kill him!

The waiter said: "It's 18.3 million. Just now, our boss said that he would cut off the tail for Xiao Shao's face, 18 million!"

At this point, everyone took a sigh of relief. The people who come here are celebrities from Kyoto, who are not short of money, and the family’s business is big, millions and ten million, and they often pass by their hands. , But a meal, oh, is not a meal, just to play once and spend a small 20 million, they can't stand it.

None of the people thought that there would be so many, even if it was Feng Ge, who could not pit so many people, they did not expect that they would still underestimate Feng.

Too ruthless!

Little 20 million, the Xiao family is about to bleed this time, no one in Kyoto dares to rely on Miss Chen's account.

And do you want to eat Bawang meal?

It's just looking for death. All the celebrities in Kyoto will stand by the club, even if they drink his Xiao Shao's wine.

\"What? Eighteen million?\"

Xiao Shao didn't see clearly just now.

\"Shao Shao, take a look again, every list is available, you can let people check the account, and those wines are priced, and they are in line with the market price!" The waiter's words were impeccable.

How can it be easy for someone who can be a waiter here? He has seen more people.

But being beaten just now is really annoying.

Xiao Shao took a serious look. There were indeed so many, he panicked.

And the bodyguard behind him was also dumbfounded.

\"Shao Shao, thank you for your wine!\" Zhuo Chaoyun said:\"If you don’t have money, I just pay for the ones I drank just now!\"

Zhuo Chaoyun said that he took out his card, and the waiter swiped the card, and the speed was very fast.

This made Shao Xiao didn't react, and he didn't react after Zhuo Chaoyun left.

He was thinking about what to do, how to solve it? You can't poke into the house, or you won't have any money in the future.

\"Shao Shao? Shao Shao?\" the waiter asked patiently, with a smile on his face, but with five fingerprints on one face.

Shao Xiao reacted and took out a few cards on his body and said: "Go and swipe them all, swipe as many as you want!"

\"Yes, Shao Xiao, wait a minute!\"

Shao Xiao looked for Zhuo Chaoyun in the crowd, but where there was her shadow, he said to a subordinate behind him: \"Go and follow the woman and see where she lives!\"

\"Yes, Shao Xiao!\"

The two men went out.

Zhang Feng was still outside and wanted to send Zhuo Chaoyun back, but she said tonight you would go with Sister Wanru and I would go home by myself!

How can she go home by herself? Zhang Feng greeted her and the two brothers from the club drove her back.

\"Brother Feng, the kid is following!\"

\"It's okay, if you do, you will destroy them!\"


Two small and weak ones, they can solve them.

Zhang Feng is not in a hurry to take the things away, because these things will soon be in their original places.

Inside the bar.

The waiter came back with the card, and then said: "Shao Xiao, there is only one card with money, a total of 8 million paid, and 10 million, you see~~~\"

\"Don't worry, I didn't bring that much money when I went out! \" Xiao Shao said haha: \"I will pay the remaining 10 million, don't you trust my Xiao family?\"

\"This?\" The waiter can't decide.

\"Of course you can believe it!\"

A clear voice rang from behind the crowd, and they quickly stepped aside, and most of them greeted.


\"Miss Chen!\"

Wait so called.

The Lord appeared, which was also expected by everyone.

Xiao Shao saw a very beautiful and feminine woman walking out of the crowd, with a strong walking aura.

She is the first lady in Kyoto, Chen Wanru, Miss Chen. As for the title "Miss", I don't know where it came from. She supported this club alone, with many invisible backstages and very powerful.

It's a pity that Shao Xiao had never heard of her, and thought she was pretty, but seeing this posture this woman is not easy to provoke, and now that he is in serious trouble, he should not provoke it.

It seems that this club belongs to her.

A fragrant wind came over.

\"We believe in Xiao Shao’s character, but, in my place, I don’t believe in anyone. I only believe in money. How can Xiao Shao make us believe?\"

Chen Wanru's words sounded a bit contradictory, but they were the most logical.

\"I don't bring that much money now! \" Xiao Shao still said this.

At this moment, Shao Xiao was a little dazed, and was slumped.

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