Super Special Forces King

Chapter 2007: I called my parents and was blackmailed

Chapter 2007 Calling Parents Here, Extorted

A noble lady came in in a hurry, followed by seven or eight people.

The female manager of the bar went up to talk and just said: \"Hello, I am the manager~~~\"

Just saying this, the noble lady cocked her mouth.


\"Smelly bitch, dare to speak in front of me, I am impatient of life, go away! \" The lady yelled, domineeringly, and immediately stopped the audience.

Chen Wanru couldn't help but frowned. She was not afraid of causing trouble, nor was she afraid of this lady, but the influence was not good.

At this moment, Zhang Feng was watching from a distance, smoking a cigarette, it didn't matter what she was hanging up high, Chen Wanru's stern eyes floated over, and Zhang Feng just smiled.

It's a bit unnatural for Chen Wan to deal with the tail.

Xu Wenhao came up and stopped in front of the lady, the lady shouted again: "A good dog does not stand in the way!"

\"This lady, please calm down, or you will break the law!\" Xu Wenhao said.

\"Scare me? Get out!\" The lady angered and bypassed Xu Wenhao directly.

The lady used to hold Xiao Shao's hand and her tone changed: "Son, did they hit you and where did they hurt? I must pay the price!"

Chen Wanru stood there looking at them.

\"They beat our bodyguards, and they cost 18 million. I have given 8 million, but it is not enough. They want to deduct my car. Mom, that car is my favorite car~~~ \"

Shao Xiao was crying and complained in front of his mother like a child. He didn't say why they would want his 18 million.

\"What? You were blackmailed? What kind of black shop is this, closed theirs, closed this shop!\"

The lady was irritated. Someone really bullied his Xiao family. It's unreasonable!

\"Call the police!\" The lady said angrily:\"Put them in jail~~~\"

Talking about the lady, she called. No one stopped him from calling. At this moment, Xiao Shao's IQ was not online.

At this moment, the man from the Xiao family came up. Oh, Shao Xiao is not a man, but a boy.

\"Miss Chen, are you bullying the shop?\"

This is the head of the Xiao family and the chairman of the Xiao Group, Xiao Zhenxing, a fat middle-aged man.

As the chairman of a large group company, he naturally knows the Red Star Club.

But he does not belong to this circle, because this is a circle of young people, and she doesn't know the true identity of Chen Wanru, thinking she is the owner of this club.

So I didn't put a young girl in my eyes.

"It's Chairman Xiao, I don't think you are an impulsive person, or you should understand the situation first!" Chen Wanru came out with a strong aura.

Mother Xiao didn't dare to speak anymore. This little girl had a strong aura, and she was very beautiful and very feminine. It would be best if her son could marry her. Isn't this bar her? Maybe it's a dowry.

At this moment, Xiao Zhenxing calmed down, and after thinking about it, he asked: \"What's the matter?\"

\"Come on!\" Chen Wanru said to the manager.

The female manager still has fingerprints on her face. She calmly said: \"Chairman Xiao, hello, your son will come to us to spend tonight. We are very welcome. Your son is very generous. He has packed tonight's Changzi, look, this is a list!\"

Xiao Zhenxing looked at the thick bill, he was dumbfounded, more than ten million, is this impossible?

\"I think it is wrong? How could it be so many?\" Xiao Zhenxing asked.

The manager said: "Originally there were not so many, it was more than two million, but one of the guests packed away, and after Xiao Shao's repeated approval, he packed in front of Xiao Shao, Xiao Shao agreed, and Agree to pay this fee, we believe Shao Xiao is able to pay! Look, this is the monitoring at that time!\"

The manager had already prepared it in his hands. It was a tablet computer. It was the video of Zhang Feng and Xiao Shao talking and moving things. Xiao Shao was drinking with a very beautiful girl.

\"This~~~\" Xiao Zhenxing was speechless. He understood that this was being tricked.

The manager continued: \"Many of these wines are collectible wines. One of them is Moutai decades ago. The auction price was 8 million a few years ago, and it has exceeded 10 million this year. Other wines are also world famous wines~~~ This guest has not transported the wine away, if you don’t believe it, you can check it!\"

Xiao Zhenxing's face turned dark: \"Take me to see!\"

\"Chairman Xiao, how about we invite an authoritative person to come and see? He is there!\" said the manager.


The manager walked up to a 40-year-old man in the crowd and said respectfully: "Mr. Hu, can you help?"

\"of course can!\"

Mr. Hu agreed on the spot and walked out and smiled at Xiao Zhenxing: "Dong Xiao, we haven't seen each other for a long time, I didn't expect to meet here!"

\"It turned out to be Brother Hu, why did you come to this place?\"

\"Hehe, come to drink and dispel your sorrows. I didn’t expect to encounter this. Is this your noble son? I have never seen it before!\"

\"He just came back from abroad! Son, he just came to meet Uncle Hu!\"

This is a relationship. As long as the wine surnamed Hu shaking his head is fake, then he will not only need to pay the money, he can also seal the club!

He is a key person, because he is the person of the most authoritative auction house in Kyoto, and he is the most authoritative for such things as wine collections.

Hu Pinsheng, as the name suggests, tastes life and all valuable things.

Shao Xiao came over and shouted: "Hello Uncle Hu!"

Hu Pinsheng said politely, "Okay, I'm all that old!"

He didn't even remember what this kid looked like, or he hadn't seen it, it was just a scene.

\"Uncle Hu, please show me a lot!\" Xiao rarely took a shot.

\"Good talk, good talk!\" Hu Pinsheng said:\"Next, I will give you a justice, where is the wine?\"

The manager said: \"Please here!\"

The manager led the way, and everyone followed out, so naturally everyone wanted to watch this kind of good show.

There were two small vans parked more than ten meters to the left of the gate, and a young man with a tortoise was standing there smoking a cigarette, as if he was very impatient.

\"Hey, have you discussed it, can I drive away?\"

This person is officially Zhang Feng.

\"There is a little doubt, sir, wait a minute!\" Jingyou smiled, but it is fine to behave.

\"hurry up!\"

No one paid any attention to Zhang Feng, they all went behind to watch.

At this time, the staff of the club had opened the compartments and carefully took out the wine. The first thing Hu Pinsheng showed was the bottle of Moutai.

Hu Pinsheng looked at Xiao Zhenxing and said: "Dong Xiao, do you look at this, do you feel familiar?"

\"This~~~\" Xiao Zhenxing is trying hard to recall.

After watching for seven or eight seconds, he didn’t speak, Hu Pinsheng reminded: "Four years ago, at my auction site, that bottle of wine was photographed by 8 million people, Xiao Dong!"

\"Is this this?" Xiao Zhenxing's voice changed a little.

Hu Pinsheng nodded and said: \"Exactly, I can guarantee with my auction!\"

Xiao Zhenxing's face turned green after hearing this.

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