Super Special Forces King

Chapter 2013: Convinced and tied up

After half an hour, the soldiers returned.

\"Report, observation is over!\" said one of the soldiers.

It must be the captain elected among them.

They were very surprised to see Zhang Feng drinking here, and they weren't serious at all.

\"Very well, let me see your stamina today, and give you five minutes to prepare, drink water that should be watered, and run around our base without weight, until you can’t run!\" Zhang Feng Say.


The soldiers responded, but still hesitated, Zhang Feng could see such subtle performance at a glance.

\"Not convinced? Very good!\" Zhang Feng drank the wine in the glass, then went out and stood in front of them.

Zhang Feng said: "Now defeat me, you can pass the training, you go together, I don't need my hands, whoever touches my shirt, I will give him the supreme glory, I will also take you into the Huangquan team, Don’t believe it? You ask your head if I can peninsula!\"

Everyone was puzzled. These words shocked them very much. What is the origin of this instructor? I am not afraid of my tongue flashing when I speak.

Tang Zhongjing said calmly: "He can do it, and he can do it in one sentence!"

Everyone was shocked and nervous, they probably guessed what the instructor came from!

They were so excited when they thought of this, their previous doubts were wiped out.

\"Okay, now you attack! \" Zhang Feng said: \"Show all their fighting martial arts! Let me see your combat effectiveness!\"

They looked at each other, Captain No. 1 stepped up to Zhang Feng, and the others surrounded Zhang Feng.

And Tang Zhongjing also watched with interest. He hasn't seen Zhang Feng make a shot, how good is it?

These 17 people are the strongest presence in his army, and they have been unbeaten in previous military competitions.

Can Zhang Feng be able to hold them together?

And Zhang Feng not only let go of his hands, but also said a very annoying standard. Even if he touched his shirt, he won.

really interesting.

The captain took a look at them. This time they had to cooperate well with the offensive and could not fight on their own.

\"Look at the punch!\" The captain was the first to attack, and a domineering straight punch came.

In the next second, the two men behind Zhang Feng attacked. This was a strategy. The captain attracted Zhang Feng's attention. The real attack was behind.

Zhang Feng ignored the three attacking men and went to beat others. He jumped on the spot and beat the two fighters on the right to the ground with a sweep of his legs.

The captain and the back attack were immediately resolved. Zhang Feng continued to attack, solving a fighter with one move. They changed from being active to passive.

Not to mention being able to move Zhang Feng, they can hardly even protect themselves.

In less than two minutes, they lost their fighting power, and they held their stomachs and endured painfully, some of them could not stand up.

\"If it is an enemy in actual combat, you have already received your lunch a minute ago. Let's take a half-hour break! \" Zhang Feng dropped a word and went back to the shed to drink.

Zhang Feng did not use much success against them.

And Zhang Feng, who greeted them with his feet, was well-measured. It was not the key point. It would not damage their internal organs, but only caused them to have severe pain, which would be relieved in about half an hour.

Everyone was convinced.

Tang Zhongjing was also convinced, holding up his wine glass and said: "Come on, Zhang Feng, I will toast you a glass!"

\"Uncle Tang, I should respect you!\" Zhang Feng picked up the cup by himself.

Tang Zhongjing shook his head and said, "No, Zhang Feng, this is my respect for our regiment and the whole army! It is our army's honor and our country's honor to have a soldier like you in our army!"

Zhang Feng paused and said: \"OK!\"

\"Uncle Tang, you can't wear so many top hats for me, I'm under pressure! \" Zhang Feng held up the cup and drank.

With bitter wine in his mouth and alcohol, Zhang Feng's thoughts are a little trance, because since he decided to stay in China and not run outside, Zhang Feng feels that his pressure has gradually increased. Although he can control it, his heart has been repaired. , But Zhang Feng couldn't find the Kuoda and unbridled pride before.

It seems that there is a force in the sky that is binding oneself.

How can we maintain that state of mind? Zhang Feng quickly found the answer.

Direction, where is your direction? It's here!

This was the biggest purpose of the old beggar who asked him to go to Wuji to observe and cultivate his mind, so that he would not lose his way.

\"What's the matter?\" Seeing Zhang Feng a little bit taken aback, Tang Zhongjing asked curiously: \"Is there really pressure?\"

Zhang Feng sat down and said: \"Some tied hands and feet, the problem is not big, I can overcome it by myself!\"

Tang Zhongjing was taken aback. What else could tie your hands and feet?

He didn't understand, and Zhang Feng didn't know what to say.

\"Uncle Tang, I respect you!\"

Tang Zhongjing held up the wine glass and drank it, then said: "Get out of the car!"

\"Walk!\" Zhang Feng said.

Drinking and fighting here, the soldiers outside almost reacted. They felt that their bodies were very strange. Why did the pain disappear in just ten minutes?

The captain said: "This is how the instructor's feet are measured, do you understand? Why don't we hit our head? Our abdomen, neck, heart, etc.?"

\"How good is the instructor?\"

\"He is not great!\" A comrade in arms said deeply.

\"what is that?\"

\"That's an evildoer!\" said the deep comrade.

Everyone thought deeply.

\"Okay, are you almost done?\" said the captain.

\"about there!\"

Everyone stood up, arrogant and proud.

\"Start, this time you want to play out all of your family background, if anyone hides it for me, let the instructor underestimate us, don't blame me, you're welcome!\" the captain said stiffly.

\"Yes!\" Everyone responded.


The captain took it away and ran in front, running slowly, the speed was no different from that of a human being. At this speed, they would run for an hour, and then gradually accelerate after an hour.

They ran out of the base and ran outside the entire barracks.

This kind of running with a pot is the most normal in the army, but some people have already recognized them, and they are the comrades chosen by the mysterious officer.

Now they want to run, and they don't bear weight, they don't understand.

However, they soon understood that the sun was scorching above their heads, and they ran from morning to afternoon, and many of them were watching.

Watching silently, no one handed water, because they were taking the postgraduate entrance examination, and they were already tired.

The captain wears a bracelet on his wrist, which is a record of speed and distance.

At three o'clock in the afternoon, someone fainted from heat stroke, and someone immediately went up for treatment.

After he woke up, he insisted on running, but they had no choice but to let it go.

Until the evening, they were still running, and this shocked the leaders of the military district.

In the dark, Zhang Feng stood there, and when they climbed over, they looked up and saw Zhang Feng.

Zhang Feng said: \"Okay, go back and rest!\"

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