Super Special Forces King

Chapter 2028: Bastard, two super women

Chapter 2028 Bastille things, two best women

Fang Huihao was scolded by his father for a doggie.

\"Asshole thing, who did you mess with me? Are you trying to close our company? Do you want my decades of hard work to be ruined? How did I give birth to you like an egg?\"

\"I don't care who you provoke, you solve it yourself, otherwise I don't have your son!\"

The phone hung up and Fang Huihao was dumbfounded. If he lost his father's financial resources, he would return to the pre-liberation overnight and become nothing. He could not become like this.

And his father did what he said.

So he quickly realized that he got in trouble with someone who shouldn't.

He wants to find Boss Wan, but what should he do if he has already left?

\"Xiaolian, is this your car?\" Xiao Jiayao's voice reminded Fang Huihao.

Yes, you can come through Li Xiaolian, as long as she says a word.

Zhang Feng held a key in his hand and threw it into Yan Wang's hand and said: "How can I go to the movies with my girlfriend without a car? Take it!"

Hell catches the key, and the car buyer understands it. A car to give away is too powerful. It is simply the strongest local tyrant.


Hades smiled, and Li Xiaolian lowered her head shyly and whispered: "Who is your girlfriend!"

\"Don't listen to him, just know nonsense!\"

In this matter, Yama's face is still very thin.

The large box car had opened the door behind it, and a car covered with black cloth slid down from the inside. I didn't know what it was, it looked very advanced.

\"Mr. Long, I delivered your car. Please sign, the car is yours!\" The manager of the car shop is holding a few pieces of paper in his hand.

He didn’t hesitate. It was given to him by Zhang Feng. It was just a trifle. Knowing that this guy is rich, he didn’t have any hesitation or guilt at all when he took things. Besides, he didn’t think the car was so good. The girl just needs to be happy, the other things are not important.

Speaking of cars, he still likes to drive tanks and the feeling of the king of land warfare after all.

\"Jayao, this is not my car!\" Li Xiaolian still responded to her.

\"Let me just say, how could you be so lucky, I think they borrowed this car?\" Xiao Jiayao said.

The black cloth has not been opened yet.

The king of Hades said to Li Xiaolian: "You come and open it, you will sit in the co-pilot from now on, I will take you wherever you want to go!"

\"This~~~\" Li Xiaolian blushed.

Xiao Jiayao went up and took Xiao Lian's hand and said: "Hurry up, let me see what car they rent!"

Then Xiao Jiayao pulled away, a red car supercar, with two \"B\" like angel wings.

\"Wow a luxury car, the market price starts at 6 million. It will cost you a few years of salary to rent a car that is so expensive? Mr. Long? \" Xiao Jiayao didn't forget to step on the Hades.

Hades smiled.

\"Can’t tell, right? Haha, Xiaolian, if you live with this kind of person, you will be suffering in the future. You should find someone honest if you have a swollen face and become fat!\"

Li Xiaolian said: \"Jayao, how can you say such things!\"

\"Am I wrong? If this car is touched and a bit of skin is worn off, he will lose his fortune. Then you will be miserable and have such a person on the stall! \" Xiao Jiayao indicated that Fang Huihao behind is the real The rich man: \"Is it? Huihao? There are several such cars in your garage!\"

At this time, Fang Huihao's face was ugly, he didn't know what to say, because he hadn't bowed his head to beg from anyone since he was a child, and he didn't know how to beg.

But he knew that his temporary girlfriend was going to die.

\"This lady, please don’t slander my customers. This car was bought by Mr. Long in full. It is a brand new car. If you say this again, I will regard it as a slander and slander on our shop. Not a leasing company, please apologize to my customers!" said the car shop manager righteously.

Xiao Jiayao said: "Impossible, they came in that white van, if you see it, just over there!"

Xiao Jiayao pointed to a white van not far away.

\"Yes, yes, that's their car! \" Now Wang Jingjing came out from inside: \"This car can't be theirs, I think it was stolen, huh, they can't even rent it!\"

\"Yes!\" Xiao Jiayao asked:\"Quietly, why are you inside for so long?\"

\"Hmph, it's not those single dogs who wanted my phone number. Someone said they liked my live broadcast very much. They said they would give me gifts at night, so I had to deal with them!\" Wang Jingjing said.

\"So good, now you have met your fans when you come out for dinner, so good, you are an internet celebrity!\"

\"Which internet celebrities are not internet celebrities, just eat it!\"

\"Don't be humble!\"

These two women are the best!

The car shop manager said angrily: "You guys, if you say this again, I will call the police!"

The two women did not speak.

Dudu~~~ Fang Huihao's cell phone rang again, it was his father who called.

\"Asshole thing, who the **** did you provoke? Do you want us to bankrupt our family? Tell me soon? No matter what you use, you can solve it for me~~~ Where are you now?\"

\"Dad, I will solve it myself, I can solve it!\"

\"You better hurry up!\"

When the phone hung up, Fang Huihao's cold sweat broke down. The matter was more serious than he thought, and it was a little time late.

He walked up to Li Xiaolian who was about to enter the luxury car and whispered: "Xiaolian, there is one thing, please help me!"

Li Xiaolian looked at him questioningly.

Now Xiao Jiayao said: "Huihao, what's wrong? What are you asking her for? What can she do for you?"


A slap on her face, Xiao Jiayao was dumbfounded: "Do you dare to hit me?"

\"What's wrong with me hitting you? If it weren’t for you tore off people’s movie tickets, I would simply be out of luck. Why would you be with a **** like you, you have harmed our family, so Boss Wan I am angry and want to invalidate the cooperation that my company has just negotiated, you, you are simply a broom star, I will beat you, I will kill you~~~\"


It's another slap.

\"You, you, Huihao, I played it with you~~~\"

Xiao Jiayao grabbed Huihao's face as soon as she went up, and a few blood gouges appeared on Huihao's face immediately, which broke the picture.

\"You, stinky girl~~~\" Hui Hao furiously kicked her right in the stomach.


Xiao Jiayao screamed and fell, Wang Jingjing was terrified, and Li Xiaolian was also at a loss.

\"Let's go!\" said Hades.

Li Xiaolian followed Hades to the car, Hades pressed the key, and the fan-shaped car door opened.

Just when Li Xiaolian was about to enter, Fang Huihao caught up: "Xiaolian, Xiaolian, please, please help me!"

Li Xiaolian glanced at King Yan. The latter's expression was plain, and Li Xiaolian understood her situation, so she said: "I'm sorry, I can't help, that's the business of boss Wan, you still find someone else, sorry!"

Speaking of Li Xiaolian, she went in.

\"No, no, Xiaolian, Xiaolian~~~\" Fang Huihao almost cried.

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