Super Special Forces King

Chapter 2030: Boring gourd, you decide!

Li Xiaolian took a bath beautifully, and this big bathtub with massage function couldn't be more luxurious.

However, Li Xiaolian simply took a wash, and when she came out she saw that the man on the sofa was already asleep.

Li Xiaolian lay on the bed. She suffered from insomnia that night. Everything in her mind was what happened today. And this man named Long Ao, he is very mysterious, is he a rich person? Even if the car and this room are not his, can someone else give it to him for nothing?

He also needs to have the strength, otherwise, is it just to lie to himself? Li Xiaolian thinks that she doesn't have that great charm and can't sell these prices.

Li Xiaolian didn't know why he was treated this way, did he like him? Li Xiaolian didn't believe it.

Will he climb up later? What would happen to me if I climbed up? Rebellion or obedience?

Naturally, we must resist, because that is the last line of defense.

Soon it dawned, and the man on the sofa came over. Li Xiaolian felt a little disappointed. Isn't she not pretty enough? Yes, not pretty enough, Li Xiaolian is very self-aware.

When the king woke up, Li Xiaolian saw him move, and immediately pretended to sleep, moved very lightly to wash the bathroom, and then went out.

\"Did he leave like this?\" Li Xiaolian wondered.

In less than twenty minutes, the king came back and brought back breakfast. As soon as he came in, he said softly: "Get up, the buns won't taste good when they get cold for a while!"

Li Xiaolian opened her eyes and said awkwardly: "How do you know that I am not asleep?"

\"This can’t tell you, you didn’t sleep anyway!\" He added a sentence:\"You didn’t sleep all night!\"

\"So you pretended to sleep?\"

\"No, but I know you didn't sleep all night!\" Yan Wang said: \"Are you afraid?\"

Li Xiaolian nodded.

\"If it was me, I would also be afraid. If that man has a ghost in his heart, you, a weak woman, can’t resist!\" Hell said:\" But don’t worry, I won’t be the case if you don’t want to Motivated you, and we just met now! I am not the kind of man that beautiful women like, I have to look right.\"

\"I, I~~~you, don't you like me?\" Li Xiaolian asked, because Yan Wang was very straightforward, she was also straightforward.

\"We just met, we can't talk about it, we like you, you are different from girls like Wang Jingjing and Xiao Jiayao, I want to continue to associate with you!" Yan Wang said.

\"I~~~I~~~\" Li Xiaolian can't say anything for a while, is this half a confession?

Yan Wang said: "Of course, you can also reject me, but I will prove it to you!"

Li Xiaolian really wanted to say: I went to the movies with you, and slept in the same room together. How could it be possible if I didn't have a good impression?

\"If you don’t speak, I will treat you as the default!\" Yan Wang said:\"Go wash and eat!\"

The next sentence is a command tone.

Li Xiaolian was shocked, thinking that he was a soldier, so she went to wash her up.

When he came out, the man ate by himself and kept a portion for her.

\"When are you going to work?\"

\"eight thirty!\"

\"Want to go to work?\"

\"I took a day off yesterday. Although there is nothing in the unit, I still have to go to work!\"

\"Let me ask for leave for you!\"

Speaking of Hades, he took out his mobile phone to make a call. Li Xiaolian was too late to respond. He had already called.

\"Longao, don't~~~\"

\"It's okay!\" Yan Wang is very efficient in doing things. He called Zhang Feng and asked him to do it.

Zhang Shengeng is very well-measured. With Zhang Feng's handling, no one will dare to bully Li Xiaolian in the work unit. There will be more opportunities.

this is the truth.

After a while, Li Xiaolian received a call from her boss, saying that he was given half a month’s paid vacation. Li Xiaolian’s mouth widened. Such a magical thing can be done with just one call from him. It seems that this guy is very strong. .

Do you have any reason to refuse? If you let it go, you won't see it again.

\"Of course, you can also go back to work, and then I will go back to the army!\" Hell said.

Hearing what he said, Li Xiaolian felt a bit resentful, and she needed to take the initiative a little bit. He was like a piece of wood.

\"Such a good vacation opportunity, if you don't cherish it, then I am a fool. I have not vacationed for more than half a year, and I have to work overtime on weekends!\" said Li Xiaolian.

\"That's good!\" Hades smiled.

In this way, he is indeed not good, and this is probably the girl who can understand him.

\"Where do you want to go?\" Hades said again.

Li Xiaolian looked at Hades and said bitterly: "I don't know how to drive. If you drive, you can drive anywhere!"

\"Haha!\" Hades smiled.


At this time, Zhang Feng is training the seventeen people in the training base. It has been more than a week. Their progress is very fast, and there is no pressure to run all day.

The body has adapted to high-intensity training, thanks to their solid foundation.

But Zhang Feng was still not satisfied.

\"Is that this? Are you guys like this? Watching you run around as slow as a bitch, too slow, too slow!\"

\"Tomorrow, we will start to calculate the time. Did you see the timing on the side of the road? Every lap will record the time and speed. You must constantly break through yourself. Every lap is the last moment of your life. Protected people, their lives are being threatened and need you, as long as you are slow for a second, their lives will be less protected~~~\"

\"Remember, you are a special group, you are already accepting death, your next moment is death, don’t let you have too many regrets the moment you die!\"

\"One week, I want all the data, I want to see your breakthrough, that's it, Captain No. 1, you are directly responsible to me!\"

Captain One stood up and shouted: \"Yes!\"

This is a team that is more secret than the death squad, as Zhang Feng said, they are dead.

Zhang Feng doesn't remember any of the names of these people, only their code names. They have been cut off from the past, or have nothing to do with the past.

\"Let's start tomorrow!\" Zhang Feng dropped a word and left.

It is simply the strongest shopkeeper, how can there be such an instructor?

Even Tang Zhongjing, who came to watch, had opinions in his heart, but he couldn't say it.

This is how Zhang Feng trains soldiers, and he has already told him before, no matter how Zhang Feng trains, no one can say a word.

\"It's okay, these bastards!\"

Tang Zhongjing smiled when Zhang Feng walked over.

\"It's okay, they are making rapid progress!\"

\"That's good, that's good, you can be sure, that must be good!" Tang Zhongjing was very happy, his face was bright.

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