Super Special Forces King

Chapter 2044: Re-promotion of Emiko's identity, you love me

As for Emiko, Hu Xinting also specifically asked Chen Wanru. Chen Wanru said: "After her last owner Qiu Shanli was killed by Zhang Feng, her remaining subordinates did not have any activities! I did not find them in the Shimabara organization's insider. I want to find out what Emiko is doing!\"

\"That's good, Hui Meizi's identity can't be found yet!\" Chen Wanru said.

\"It seems to be very secretive!\"

\"In fact, it can be seen from one point that Emiko’s identity is not simple. Everyone in Shimabara and even their president deliberately hides Emiko’s clone to protect her!\"

\"After Zhang Feng wakes up, ask him again, let Zhang Feng solve it by himself!\"


\"My troublemaker has locked the target and can be arrested tomorrow!\"

\"Will it be too urgent? They have support from outsiders!\"

\"The capture mission is carried out in secret, smoke bombs will be released before the capture, even if they know what, if they dare to intervene, capture them too, let the world see their faces!\"

\"Yes, cut the mess quickly!\"

\"Sister Wanru, Master’s project is very difficult, do you have any idea?\"

\"No, this time I asked Zhang Feng to test it. There was a problem. It is said to be a success, but Zhang Feng’s body has a problem. It can be seen that the machine has many shortcomings, except that Zhang Feng brought it back from Zone 52. Apart from the blueprint of the technical data, the others are all independently developed by us. For example, this time Professor Xing’s project is to allow the machine to enter Zhang Feng’s body and then the machine is linked with Zhang Feng’s nervous system to achieve the purpose of the human body controlling the machine~ ~~\"

These Chen Wanru are still qualified to know.

\"There is no way to complete Zhang Feng's physique, it is very difficult!\"

\"Yes, it needs a lot of funds, and I can't allocate much from it. Most of it depends on Zhai Qiang, embarrassing him!\"

\"In this case, I can give him a few green lights in many ways. It is a very useful method in extraordinary times!\"

\"Yes, all the business intelligence in my intelligence network will tell him that his business is doing very quickly!\"

\"I mean to turn on a few more green lights!\"

\"Will it attract the attention of others?\"

\"Don't worry, I will be around here, I will report to the superior!\"

\"That's good, I will have my heart with you!\"

\"Go ahead and do it!\"


At four o'clock in the morning, Xiao Lao came, and he came to give Zhang Feng a needle. The time of four o'clock in the morning is when the human body is most active. In Xiao Lao's opinion, it is the best time to use needles.

Everyone placed high hopes on Xiao Lao and was very respectful.

Old Xiao smiled at them and entered the operating room.

The operating room was very quiet. A free nurse was sitting here and guarding. After Xiao Lao came in, she went out.

Zhang Feng lay there under the shadowless lamp, his eyes closed, and his body was cold, very strange.

After Xiao Lao got his pulse, he was greatly relieved, and then started to use the needle.

It took three hours to use the needle, and Xiao Lao didn't come out until dawn.

Standing outside was full of people, watching the eagerness of everyone, Xiao Lao said: "He will wake up in three hours!"

Smiles appeared on everyone's faces.

The old beggar went up and took Xiao Lao's hand and said: "Xiao Lao, you have worked hard!"

\"It’s okay, I’m just doing my best, he’s dying, and it’s my honour to be able to use me!\" Xiao Lao Gao Fengliang.

The old beggar kept nodding his head, and the juniors were afraid to ask no more questions. Xiao Lao was already very tired and couldn't go up and ask this question, because he had already said it, three hours later!

The leaders of the hospital also came. After hearing what Xiao Lao said, he was greatly relieved. If Zhang Feng can't get up in their hospital, the trouble will be great, and at the same time, he will lose a great hero. Uneasy, they can't afford this responsibility.

Even if the above does not blame it, Mr. Gu Su is angry, and Miss Chen and they can't afford it.

Now the three-hour waiting is also difficult for Yun Qian and the others. It takes a long time for each minute.

Two hours later, Xiao Lao came to see him again. When I entered the operating room, I saw Zhang Feng sitting there. In the morning, Xiao Lao asked the nurse to go out. There must be no other people here so as not to disturb him.

Seeing Zhang Feng sitting up like this, Xiao Lao was shocked. Not only did he wake up early, but also sat up cross-legged. How could he not be surprised?

But Xiao Lao didn't intend to disturb him, so he turned and left.

\"Old Xiao!\" Zhang Feng opened his eyes.

Elder Xiao walked over and said: "You don't need to talk much, since you can meditate, this can speed up your wound healing, let's talk about the others later!"

\"Good!\" Zhang Feng said: \"Will I not occupy the operating room?\"

\"No, there are three operating rooms in the hospital. Now there are no patients to be operated on, so you can sit here with peace of mind!\" Xiao Lao said.

\"Yes!\" Zhang Feng calmly closed his eyes.

Elder Xiao went out and said to the people outside: "He has already woke up early, he is okay, you can't be here anymore, you have to go downstairs and wait, stand alone in the corridor, no one can come over, no disturb!\"

\"Yes!\" There were smiles on everyone's faces.

Zhang Feng escaped another disaster!

At this time, Zhang Feng in the operating room was very weak. He wanted to use meditation to repair himself.

Especially brain damage.

This will be a long process.


Tang Zhongjing was very happy when he received the news that Zhang Feng had woke up, and his hanging heart was finally let go.

The morale of the special team was high these two days, and they were influenced by Zhang Feng.

However, Chang Xiaoran was not easy. She didn't know where Zhang Feng had gone. She seemed to have disappeared. After coming out of their house, Chang Xiaoran fell in love.

I couldn't sleep for these two days and nights, thinking of Zhang Feng and his family.

This afternoon, Chang Xiaoran came to Tang Zhongjing and said, "Uncle Tang, are there many women in Zhang Feng?"

\"I don't know this!\" Tang Zhongjing said haha.

Where is Chang Xiaoran so easy to send, she asked again: "Uncle Tang, tell me, you want to introduce me to him, you have to be responsible, otherwise I will never end with you!"

\"Xiao Ran~~~\" Tang Zhongjing was slumped and threatened.

\"Uncle Tang, if you don't say anything, don't say anything, see what I don't do, and see how you clean up then!" Chang Xiaoran said.

Tang Zhongjing said: "Don't, hehe, Xiao Ran, didn't you go to his house the day before yesterday? Did you see some very beautiful girls? There is a child?"

\"Yes, I just want to know that those girls are his women?\"

Tang Zhongjing said: "How to put it this way, let's put it this way, they are all Zhang Feng's girlfriends, they are free in love, you love me, you can't tell them~~~\"

\"Really? Can they really do this?\"

Chang Xiaoran found it incredible and incomprehensible!

She saw it the day before yesterday. They live in peace and have a good relationship. They share a man.

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