Super Special Forces King

Chapter 2046: In my heart, stand up!

Chapter 2046 What is in my heart, straighten up!

The two of them came in.

\"I can't die, what do you guys do when you come back, you'll go back soon!\"

Zhang Feng said as soon as they came in.

\"Fengzi, you have no conscience, we will come back to see you for a thousand miles and say such things! \" Zhao Qiang was straightforward.

Zhai Qiang also said: \"Yes!\"

\"Forget it, don't talk about this, you will go back in a while and make money!\" Zhang Feng said.

Zhai Qiang was taken aback, as if he was not short of money.

\"The project that made me almost die is short of money. If this doesn’t work well, others will walk in front of us, and more people will sacrifice because of this. Money can be earned again, but if others walk in front of us , We will be choked everywhere!\" Zhang Feng said.

Zhai Qiang still doesn't fully understand the righteousness of a nation. He doesn't have Zhang Feng's state of mind, but he will listen to Zhang Feng's words, because if Zhang Feng wants to do it, one sentence can get him Zhai Qiang back before liberation.

He might die unexplainably, Zhai Qiang knew this very well.

Zhao Qiang followed Zhang Feng with all his heart, and Zhang Feng could make Zhao Qiang chop him without hesitation.

\"I understand!\" Zhai Qiang said: \"If you need more money, just tell me then!\"

\"No, you are not enough. We want to develop more business. We want to occupy most of the market in a certain industry. We have the final say on the price. There are many scientific research projects in our base that can be applied to the market. Go, and then you will be authorized to operate, earn their money, and get their necks!\"

Speaking of this, Zhai Qiang became excited. Zhang Feng was a little frustrated when he asked for money just now, because it was my hard work to make money.

At this moment, Zhai Qiang feels that his heart is still not big enough. No wonder he couldn't make the company bigger. He couldn't do it if it were not for the business information provided by Zhang Feng and Chen Wanru!

\"Really?\" Zhai Qiang couldn't believe it.

He knows that there are many world-class research results in the 01 base, and he can make a profit by just taking out one.

\"Of course, I can't keep you busy, you are also a hero, but it is only authorized to follow the formal procedures, no matter what, this is the country! Only now I am forced to take out the lack of money! \" Zhang Feng said:\"This I still have to hit the above to see what the above means!\"

\"Okay, I am waiting for your news!\"

\"First come a project, in the medical field!\" Zhang Feng said.

\"Is that Grandma Yun's one?\"

\"Yes, we must increase the price. It is only natural for businessmen to make money and to make foreign money. Our people are about to get medical insurance. We don't spend a lot of money on our own!" Zhang Feng said.

Zhai Qiang became excited: "They all sold a single injection of medicine for more than 10 million. We can buy 20 million, 50 million. Those rich people have money, and they don't care about money in the face of life. of!\"

\"Yes, we talked about the price of money, stuck in technology!\" Zhang Feng said.

Zhai Qiang wanted to do it now.

\"This is not anxious, I want to tell you first!\" Zhang Feng said.

\"I know, I'm not in a hurry, let me see hope? Haha!" Zhai Qiang smiled.

Zhang Feng said: "It's okay if you understand, I will tell the old guy when I turn back, he will send someone to contact you, you can do it specifically!"

\"No problem, then I'll wait!\" Zhai Qiang said: \"Your body is okay?\"

\"A few days’ rest will be fine, no matter what!\"

\"That's good! \" Zhai Qiang said: \"I don't have to worry about your strong body, but one thing, do you plan to stay in China? You have a lot of enemies outside!\"

\"Yes, I'll stay at home. As for those enemies, as long as they don't offend me, let them go, and the Huangquan mercenary group's affairs. I will find time for the second strongest to pull the veteran. Get up! \"Zhang Feng said: \"After your side stabilizes! This is not in a hurry!\"

\"Yes, we still want to be black, otherwise many things will be difficult to handle! \" Zhai Qiang is relieved.

He wanted to talk about this a long time ago. If you want to grow your business, you need a little black power. This world is like this. There is no way. If you don’t get darker, others will black out you. In the world of the law of the jungle, you will die and live. !

At the same time, Zhai Qiang was also sighing. Even if Zhang Feng has been in China for two years, it seems that he doesn’t care about anything. In fact, everything is under his control, even his enemies are under control. .

What does he maintain?

Strong strength! Overwhelming strength!

\"If you have anything you can't do, just say it directly, you can talk to anyone, we need to report to the group!\" Zhang Feng looked at Zhai Qiang's eyes.

\"I know, Fengzi, I don't have to report to the group, I have already decided when I came out with you! \" Zhai Qiang told the truth.

\"You understand it! \" Zhang Feng said: \"You go back with the second strong son, no matter where you are, no matter what you do, we must be tough and must take the initiative, otherwise we will not do it. No better than before! We can stand up straight!\"

Zhang Feng added: \"But eyes can't grow on the top of the head!\"

\"This is a good saying. Before I met you, my eyes were often on the top of my head, and I suffered a lot!\"

\"Understand this, the business will grow bigger and bigger!\" Zhang Feng said: \"Okay, you go back with the second strong son, I'm fine, this time you come back, it's hard work, I'm almost sorry!\ "


Zhai Qiang patted Zhang Feng on the shoulder and said, "What are you talking about? It's still not a brother. Without you, we are not even a fart!"

\"Haha, I'm joking, you can do well without me! \" Zhang Feng laughed.

\"It's different, just say that if I meet you in the club, I'm still a dude now, it's just a waste!\"

Zhai Qiang remembered the scene when he met Zhang Feng at the Red Star Club.

So far, it has proved that Zhai Qiang's choice is correct. This time, his family members looked at him differently when they returned home. They didn't bother to look at themselves before, seeing that they were eating family assets like a moth.

Even his father looked at him with admiration, and this change was a result of his hard work.

\"You were indeed a trash at the time!" Zhang Feng said bluntly: \"And Hua Yao, don’t look at his arrogant appearance, it’s just a trash, so many good resources for nothing!\"

\"Uh uh!\"

Speaking of Hua Yao, and even saying that, Zhai Qiang really didn't know how to say it. At that time, Hua Yao was the first of all the younger brothers in Kyoto. It was an existence that everyone looked up to, but Zhang Feng called it a waste.

It happened that he was right, and Hua Yao, who had been after Zhang Feng, had a completely new look and a personal change.

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