Super Special Forces King

Chapter 2053: Just handle the case, follow the procedure

Chang Xiaoran is indeed murderous. She hates these people and harms the village. If it is not herself but a girl who is unable to politicize them, then this girl has suffered?

And the indifference of the people around her, she felt that she had a long way to go.

\"Don't, don't come...\" A few people endured the pain and crawled away, blood was bleeding under them.

Chang Xiaoran's selfless look scared them to feel that their lives had come to an end.

\"What bad things have you done, what have you done without your conscience, let’s talk now!\"

Such a thought flashed through Chang Xiaoran's mind.

\"I, I...\" A little **** hesitated to say.

Chang Xiaoran stepped forward and raised his foot to step on his hand. Due to excessive force, the high heels pierced his palm.

\"Ah...\" The **** screamed, his body trembling, and his palm donating blood like a pillar, Zhang Feng couldn't bear it.

The others were so scared, they said quickly.

\"I, I hit someone yesterday and grabbed a woman's bag the day before yesterday...\"

\"I stole something...\"

\"I gambled...\"


They said it one by one, and Chang Xiaoran's face became even more angry, really wanting to trample these worms to death.

\"Stop, stop...\"

At this moment, a co-policeman came over and finally came. In fact, someone called the police just now, and the time to come is not slow, but it ends too quickly.

\"Stop, stop...\"

The two police officers came over and saw the scene become tense. A very beautiful girl was standing in a pool of blood. Seven or eight men were seriously injured lying on the ground. Several men were lying motionless and unclear.

This is a big case. One of the police officers called an ambulance, and the other police officer took out his baton and said angrily at Chang Xiaoran: "Don't move!"

This woman is a dangerous person,

Chang Xiaoran said calmly: "You just happened to be here. These people beat me and were injured by me, and they did a lot of illegal things. You arrested them. Those few were just unconscious, two of them This is a pretense! And they have not confessed to the crime they committed just now!\"

The police officer was stunned, this is a heroine?

But it still needs to be investigated. Before that, it is necessary to ensure that these injuries are alive.

\"You don’t believe me, many people around can testify, and there are many cameras nearby!\"

As soon as Chang Xiaoran's voice fell, a man stood up to testify: \"I can testify, I recorded the video!\"

\"I can also testify that this girl is defending herself!\"

\"I know these people, they often gang up and steal around!\"

At this time, many people jumped out to testify, and the two police assistants breathed a sigh of relief.

\"Well, please record your statement in the meeting with me, it will not delay you much time!\" the police assistant said politely.

Chang Xiaoran glanced at Zhang Feng, this matter still requires him to nod, Zhang Feng nodded.

\"Yes!\" Chang Xiaoran said.

\"Thank you!\"The police officer said:\"Do you have a car?\"

Chang Xiaoran said: \"Yes!\"

\"You can come with us in a while!\"

\"it is good!\"

The assistant police said to those who testified: "You guys, please come back with us and make a statement!"

\"No problem, officer!\"

\"That should be right!\"

\"Little things!\"

When this man said, he looked at Chang Xiaoran.

\"Thank you!\"

At this moment, the ambulance and two police cars came. The police took over here, and Zhang Feng and Chang Xiaoran followed the police.

The assistant police had some accident when they saw Chang Xiaoran getting on a dilapidated van that was on the verge of scrapping. It stands to reason that it should be a very good car.

In the game, everything became clear. Chang Xiaoran was innocent, and because of this, he solved several cases. It can be said to be meritorious, and Chang Xiaoran also said his identity.

As for those who have been injured, their families have been notified.

It came to an end soon, and Chang Xiaoran continued shopping.

\"The Liang Dayu was released just now, but suffered a slight injury!\"

Zhang Feng said outside.

Chang Xiaoran was silent. She couldn't take care of local affairs. It would be very troublesome if she had to take care of it. She believed that the police in the bureau would solve him.

\"Really?\" Chang Xiaoran just responded.

Zhang Feng said: \"But I had Liang Dayu's case on the desk of the deputy bureau just now. It should be a long line to catch a big fish!\"

Just now when Chang Xiaoran revealed his identity, he was invited to the office to drink tea and enthusiastically entertain him. The military and police are a family.

\"Let me just say, it should not be cheaper for him!\" Chang Xiaoran smiled, she was very happy: \"Where are we going now?\"

\"Go through the program first!\" Zhang Feng said.

\"What program?\"

Chang Xiaoran thought Zhang Feng was talking about what was in the game just now.

\"Shopping, eating, and then finding a place to sleep at night!\" Zhang Feng said: \"We must come step by step!\"

Chang Xiaoran's face turned ruddy: "Are you so experienced?"

\"Yes, there have been many times, if you don’t understand, I will teach you!\"


So the two of them went shopping. At this moment, there were more and more pedestrians on the street in the evening, and the food court stalls were about to open.

They walked to the Zhongshan Road Food Street and ate those little things. Chang Xiaoran was very happy. She had never eaten these. Before, she thought these were not tasty at all, or they were eaten by little girls. Now she has changed. Become a little girl.

Chang Xiaoran's high looks and figure made the men on this street look at him.

The food here is very high. There is a resentful heart in a nearby hospital, Liang Dayu.

He was lying on the hospital bed and calling.

\"Brother Huzi, yes, it’s me, Xiaoyu, I was scammed by someone 500,000 and I was injured by a very beautiful woman. No, she has no background, just looks pretty, Huzi , I think you will like it, you can help me find the place back ah oh oh oh...\"

\"Okay, why cry, don't worry, your business is my business, which hospital are you in now?\"

\"Zhaoyang District People's Hospital...\"

After hanging up the phone, the woman with heavy makeup standing by the hospital bed said: "Daewoo, are you letting Brother Huzi go out?"

"That's for sure, I followed him, and paid a lot of protection fees every year. This place is covered by him, Lily, you must make him happy if you go to accompany Huzi at night!" Liang Dayu said.

The girl with heavy makeup is called Lily, and she is unhappy after hearing what Liang Dayu said: \"Let me go with those people again...\"

The clothes looked reluctant.

Liang Dayu was not angry, did not mention the half-million skirts, and smiled: "Lily, now only you can help me, I will definitely thank you!"

\"Okay!\" Lily agreed, it's not the first time this kind of thing happened anyway.

He doesn't have any problems with Liang Dayu, but what does Lily have? Who is not to accompany? It's all like that.

The good thing about accompany Huzi is quite a lot. There should be a lot of money to receive, and no one will dare to bully himself in the future.

\"You are so nice!\" Liang Dayu smiled.

Lily lay on his chest very well-behaved.

Half an hour later, a man named Huzi came, with a few younger brothers and a fruit basket.

Brother Hu Zi was born five big and three thick, strong body, a role that brother can play, his real name is Cheng Hu, with a tiger-like face, he is cruel, and he is called Brother Hu Zi in the road.

It is very good to mix in this area, with hundreds of younger brothers under his hand, and hundreds of people can come by blowing whistles.

He has a lot of industries here, and he is a successful person in the eyes of many people.

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