Super Special Forces King

Chapter 2061: Give another chance, who is that person

At this point, the outcome is clear.

\"Give you another chance!\" Zhang Feng stopped.

Zhang Feng's feet were still standing on the spot, without moving.

Zhong Weiqiang looked at Zhang Feng and knew that he had met a real master, which made him excited and embarrassed. This time everything was lost, and Chang Xiaoran was also lost!

I am excited because I can improve myself when I meet a master.

To be ashamed is to be ashamed, the fame and honor that I have worked hard for so many years was stepped on the ground by this person.

But Zhong Weiqiang refused to accept his fate, he still wanted to try.

So he continued to make moves. A high kick kicked towards Zhang Feng's facade. His own facade was also wide open, without any defense. The real masters also had to protect his facade while attacking.

Seeing Zhong Weiqiang kicked down with a high leg raised in the wind, Zhang Feng's face was cold and handsome, and he kicked Zhong Weiqiang's stomach with his foot up.

Before Zhong Weiqiang's feet fell on Zhang Feng's head, he was kicked in the stomach and flew out five or six meters away and fell heavily to the ground. His nearly 180 kilograms of body was like an empty space in front of Zhang Feng. The carton was kicked off.

The scene is silent!

They dare not exhale!

Zhong Weiqiang arched his body on the ground, supporting him with his hands, but couldn't get up anyway, his stomach hurts fiercely and shows signs of tearing.

Bleeding in the inner abdomen!

He moved a few more times and his breathing became unsatisfactory. A puff of blood surged up, a large puff of blood came out from his throat, and then he fell to the ground all at once.

\"Save people!\" Tang Zhongjing shouted!

If something happens to him, it will be a big trouble, and a good soldier will be lost, but this can't be done!

Everyone reacted, a few people came up to help Zhong Weiqiang.

\"Get out, I'm fine!\" Zhong Weiqiang got up, looking pale at Zhang Feng over there.

He still stood there, as if he had never moved. His foot was too terrifying just now. He just kicked while standing there, and he was kicked into the air. How much strength is needed?

Zhong Weiqiang knows his weight, and also knows how much strength it takes to kick a person like himself so far.

This is not the most important thing. The important thing is that he didn't use any strength or even fast running or bounce, just kicking out so easily would have such strong power.

If he runs a few meters and then jumps up and kicks out, how strong is his foot?

Zhong Weiqiang couldn't imagine who this person was, so powerful and terrifying, he had never heard of such a number one in the army for many years.

And from the look in his eyes, there was a terrifying murderous look!

What is murderous?

Only by killing people and killing people on the side of justice can there be such murderous aura!

Want to have a terrifying murderous intent, can it be said that he has killed many people?

Zhong Weiqiang became more afraid the more he thought about it, what kind of person he had gotten into!

Everyone let go of him, and he walked up to Zhang Feng with difficulty, then bowed deeply and said: \"I lost!\"

\"Then get out!\" Zhang Feng said simply.

The kick of Zhang Feng just now took away his arrogance, letting him know that there are many strong people.

Zhong Weiqiang left. Before leaving, he didn't even look at Chang Xiaoran. From now on, he would never have any thoughts about Chang Xiaoran, and he would mop the floor in this cafeteria for hygiene.

Tang Zhongjing came over and asked Zhong Weiqiang and said: "Wei Qiang, how are you?"

Zhong Weiqiang reluctantly saluted Tang Zhongjing and said: \"Report sir, first, I'm fine!’

\"Wei Qiang, why did you mess with him? Go see the military doctor in a while!\" Tang Zhongjing said.

Zhong Weiqiang asked: "Uncle Tang, who is this person?"

\"Hehe, I can't tell you, but what I can tell you is, don't mess with anyone, understand?\" Tang Zhongjing said.

\"Yes, I understand now!\"

\"Go, go see the military doctor!\" Tang Zhongjing said:\"I have received your transfer order, you can stay here first!\"


Zhong Weiqiang left.

The other people went back to the cafeteria to eat, and they had lost a lot of time just now. Their time was planned every minute.

Tang Zhongjing did not go to Zhang Feng, but walked back to his office.

He has a lot to do, and the training of the special team has improved a lot, which makes him very pleased.

Before Tang Zhongjing didn't understand, he was just running and running, and there was nothing efficient. He didn't expect that in less than ten days, they all had a new life.

Their endurance and endurance have been greatly improved, and they have improved several grades at once. This has stimulated their potential!

\"Master, they are making rapid progress now...\"

Tang Zhongjing has called his boss now. This task is known to all the leaders of the military area. How many eyes are on here.

This is a good news to the teacher.

\"Very good, Zhang Feng!\" said the commander.

Tang Zhongjing said: "He is emotionally stable and he trained very seriously and responsibly!"

\"That's good, we have to speed it up! \" The commander said: \ "If you can, you can promote it to the whole army and do an experiment with you first!

\"Yes, commander!\"

\"Zhong Wei emphasized to you, you can handle it yourself!\"



Zhong Weiqiang came to the military doctor's office by himself. Just now he thought that Chang Xiaoran would be very worried about him and would send herself to see the military doctor, but he did not expect that she would not look at herself, and regardless of her life or death, she was still very happy.

When clock Weiqiang's heart died.

It turned out to have always been wishful thinking!

\"Such a serious injury? Who hit you?\"

The military doctor is an old military doctor.

Zhong Weiqiang did not speak.

\"You young people, don’t pay attention to fighting. You have to cherish your own body. Your body is the capital of the revolution. You have to understand this truth!\"

\"You are going to lie here for a week, you can't train anymore, you lie down and don't move!\"

Speaking of the military doctor, go get medicine, acupuncture and so on.

\"No, doctor, I have to go to the cafeteria to mop the floor, and I won't train for the time being!\" Zhong Weiqiang said.

\"Mopping the floor?\" The military doctor didn't understand, isn't there a special soldier in the cafeteria to do it?

Such as recruits to raise pigs.

\"I lost the test!\" Zhong Weiqiang didn't want to say more.

The military doctor asked curiously: "Who are you trying to compete with?"

\"A person named Zhang Feng!\" Zhong Weiqiang said.

The military doctor was startled and smiled: "You should be glad that you are still alive!"

\"Doctor, do you know him?\" Zhong Weiqiang asked curiously.

The military doctor smiled and said: "Ha ha, don't know!"

\"Then you said this again?\"

\"I don't know, but I know! Haha!\"

Zhong Weiqiang didn't ask any more. People who were old in the army were all powerful people, Zhong Weiqiang knew.

\"You can learn from him, he is a good soldier!\" said the military doctor.

Zhong Weiqiang's heart trembled, yes, learn from him.

\"Doctor, thank you!\"

\"Haha!\" The doctor smiled.

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