Super Special Forces King

Chapter 2063: Chang Xiaoran who has changed, don’t be responsible

Chang Xiaoran was very puzzled.

After finishing the meal and sitting down, he said: "Zhong Weiqiang seems to have changed himself!"

Zhang Feng ate his meal without speaking.

\"This kind of work, he would not be able to kill him before, but now he is doing it seriously, it is strange! \" Chang Xiaoran said: \ "Even if he loses, he is not convinced. !\"

\"He has another plot!\" Zhang Feng said.

\"What can he do?\"

\"Hehe, you have to ask him about this!\" Zhang Feng said:\"Yes, I will go back to Kyoto tomorrow!\"

Chang Xiaoran looked at him unexpectedly: \"What are you doing back to Kyoto?\"

\"I miss my woman!\" Zhang Feng said honestly.


Chang Xiaoran is spoiled.

\"Really?\" Chang Xiaoran looked at him seriously.

Zhang Feng said: "Of course it is true!"

Chang Xiaoran sat down and approached Zhang Feng and whispered: "What is that, I can help you!"

\"Chaos!\" Zhang Feng said seriously.

\"Hey!\" When Chang Xiaoran said this, he didn't have any psychological pressure. He just said whatever he thought of, and they would also occasionally say something nasty.

Chang Xiaoran smiled again: \"Don't you know what the principle of proximity is called?\"

There is no such thing as a brother and sister, it is Chang Xiaoran's cover.

\"Do you want me to be the kind of man who doesn't recognize people when he lifts his pants?\" Zhang Feng asked her.

Chang Xiaoran said: "That's not enough, you are not that kind of person, but I don't need you to be responsible, even if I help you a little bit!"


Zhang Feng looked at her helplessly. Did she lead herself to damage? She was very serious before, but how did she become like this now?

\"Thank you, no more!\" Zhang Feng will not be fooled.

Chang Xiaoran didn't regard Zhang Feng as his elder brother at all in his heart, just a title.

\"Anyway, it’s free, and you don’t need to be responsible for it. I’m very happy. What’s wrong with this kind of thing?

Chang Xiaoran not only sold himself, but also posted a lot.

If Zhong Weiqiang knew about this, he would definitely doubt his life. Why?

\"Do you think about men so?" Zhang Feng asked her in a low voice.

Chang Xiaoran said: "If I don't want to, I will do you a small favor. Can I get involved in such complicated things? No!"

If Chang Xiaoran's thoughts are her true thoughts, then her brain has a problem.

\"Forget it, I won't tell you this! \" Zhang Feng doesn't want to talk about this anymore, otherwise she might say something else, ah, the ghost knows what she thinks.

She was not like this before, could it be that those were all pretends, this is her true face?

\"Are you thinking, women still care about that level?\" Chang Xiaoran said again.

Zhang Feng did not respond.

\"I don't care, but it's not a good man, just Zhong Weiqiang, this is not good, you are good!\" Chang Xiaoran said more and more.

Zhang Feng was speechless.

\"Isn't it? My daughter will have such an experience, naturally, she will be with the person she likes, and since then, she will only be with the person she likes!\"

\"Have you ever experienced it, how do you know?\"

\"Have you never seen a pig run without eating pork?\"

\"I'm stuffed!\"

Zhang Feng stood up and left, put the dishes in the large bucket at the door, and someone would wash them in the back.

\"Brother, hello, bro, wait for me!\" Chang Xiaoran chased it out.

Zhong Weiqiang in the back corner looked at this scene, feeling sour.

Why? She ignored why I pursued her desperately, but Zhang Feng didn't pursue her, she still posted it.

Could it be that you love him, he doesn't love you or something?

Let's work hard.

Zhong Weiqiang thought.


Early the next morning, Zhang Feng took a look at the training base and drove home in a broken van.

They entered the ice store by themselves, and everyone didn't take anything, so they went in in their usual clothes. There were guards outside who were responsible for three meals a day.

The ice store has a bathroom, and the temperature of the bathroom is consistent with the outside temperature.

This will give them a possibility of being lazy, but who will be lazy when they reach this point, as Zhang Feng said, they are already dead.

They were fine as soon as they entered, but they felt very cool and comfortable.

But it will drop by 2 degrees every day, and after 30 days the temperature will drop below minus 20 degrees.

In terms of diet, they will be provided with sufficient fat, protein and other nutrients, as well as cold water.

Zhang Feng left the barracks while Chang Xiaoran was training.

She didn't know exactly when Zhang Feng would leave, but when she came to wait at noon, she was told that she had already left in the morning.

He stomped his feet with anger.

\"Next time you come back, you must make you look good!\"

When I went back to training, my anger rose again. These female soldiers really couldn't figure out the temper of the instructor. What happened? Many comrades were punished.

But no one dared to have half a complaint.

During lunch, Zhong Weiqiang was curious to see that Zhang Feng did not come to dinner with Chang Xiaoran.

At night, Zhang Feng didn't come, and he saw that Chang Xiaoran's expression was wrong. Zhong Weiqiang was secretly delighted. Maybe they had a fight. Maybe it was his chance to get in.

No, it's not enough, I'm not strong enough, and I'll be finished when they react.

Let's take a look first.


When Zhang Feng returned home, he saw that only Yun Qian was there, and he immediately pulled her into the room in accordance with Zhang Feng's intention. After taking a shower, he went to work.

Afterwards, Yun Qian said: \"Our house is a little uneasy these days. I heard the guard say that when a stranger passed by the door of the house, he would look in intentionally or unconsciously.\"

Zhang Feng trembled and said: \"Does Wanru know about this?\"

\"She doesn't know yet, she hasn't come back for many days!\" Yun Qian said.

Zhang Feng said: \"You tell Wanru, let her stare at every stranger who passes by us, this is not easy!\"

Yun lightly nodded.

\"Hehe, if those people are asking for trouble, I will eliminate them as soon as possible. I have given them a chance!\" Zhang Feng said in a deep voice.

Yun Qian said: "You have to be careful! I'm worried about Haohao and Emiko!"

\"Emiko's reaching out to deal with ordinary people is no problem, even if it is against Silgarva, I can barely deal with it. I am worried about multiple people!\" Zhang Feng said.

\"Then we have to find a way!\" Yun Qian became worried.

Zhang Feng said: "Everything is business as usual, I will observe it secretly these days!"

\"That would be the best, how many days do you have on vacation?\" Yun Qian asked.

Zhang Feng said: \"There are always ten days and a half months!\"

\"That's great!\" Yun Qian turned over.

Zhang Feng smiled and said: \"I will be at home in the future!\"

\"No, Zhang Feng, do whatever you want, do whatever task you have. You train people in the army. If there is a girl to take care of you, I will rest assured!\" Yun Qian said.

What does it mean? Zhang Feng could hear it.

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