Super Special Forces King

Chapter 2065: It’s Emiko’s business from abroad.

At this time, Zhang Feng saw that there was nothing unusual around him. Zhang Feng was thankful that those people did not emerge, otherwise Zhang Feng would uproot them all at once.

Hui Meizi took Haohao and walked home unhurriedly. It was almost a kilometer away from home. In fact, there was a small electric donkey for Hui Meizi to commute to and from get off work, but she didn't use it, and said that walking more is good for her health.

Walking on the street, Hui Miko has become a scenic line of this alley, but it is a pity that she is holding her baby.

Zhang Feng drove away, and after Hui Meizi arrived home, Zhang Feng stayed a hundred meters away from the door.

Looking at everyone passing by her door, Chen Wanru did not send anyone to assist Zhang Feng, but instead let her alone solve this.

In fact, Zhang Feng was very puzzled, because why did they come during the day? If there is something wrong, it should not be done during the day but at night or when the order is placed.

The target is so big at the gate, there are guards and cameras, and there are cameras everywhere in this large courtyard.

Now Chen Wanru is looking for the person in the surveillance video. There is no news after this long time, so I can only wait.

Zhang Feng sat in the car and smoked, waiting for the fish to take the bait.

But Zhang Feng waited for a long time, and when it got dark, he didn't find any suspicious people, which was really strange.

Could it be that they knew they were back? I, Zhang Feng, came back, but I also went out. If they had a plan, they should know that Zhang Feng would come back many days once they went out, or they were alert.

Hold on!

Patience is required for such things, and Zhang Feng has patience.

Ling Ling!

The phone rang was from Chen Wanru.

"Zhang Feng, there are no suspicious people today, right?" Chen Wanru asked.

"No, I want them to show up soon!"

"I checked more than a dozen people here, and only found one from abroad, which is currently being investigated!" Chen Wanru said.

"Overseas?" Zhang Feng was surprised.

Think about it, almost all of my enemies are from abroad. I have been mixing overseas a few years ago, and I have no enemies after two years.

It is estimated that this person came.

"The people from South Asia have already targeted, and he is still in Kyoto!" Chen Wanru said, "Should I get him up and ask!"

In fact, Chen Wanru dealt with this kind of thing very sophisticatedly before, and would never ask Zhang Feng at all. She could decide on her own, and it was the same if she asked.

It was Chen Wanru who found an excuse to talk to Zhang Feng.

No matter how powerful this woman is, she is a little woman in front of her more powerful man.

"Don't, just watch him, he is just a little guy!" Zhang Feng said, "I guess he will come again tomorrow, I'll just wait!"

"Well, I'll leave this to you!" Chen Wanru said: "I will send you this person's information in a while!"

"Good!" Chen Wanru said: "Just let the people below stare at you, you don't have to work so hard!"

"Well, I'll go back to sleep at night!" Zhang Feng said, "I'll call Chaoyun again in a while!"

"She is waiting for your call!"


"You're so embarrassed to laugh. It's not easy for people. A girl in charge of such a big group, how many things every day, I guess she won't feel tired at all after a phone call!"

Zhang Feng paused for a few seconds before saying: "Yeah!"

Chen Wanru said in a deep voice: "Zhang Feng, Chaoyun actually needs you the most! She has worked so hard!"

"I know, it's my fault!"

"No, Zhang Feng, you can’t think so. Since we have followed you, we have to face such a thing, but she is a very hard and large group. Every day we negotiate with those old fried dough sticks. It is difficult for me. Do it!"

"I know what to do!"

"In fact, Yun Qian wants to tell you this too, but she doesn't know how to speak, so let me speak!"

Zhang Feng said: "If anything happens in the future, just say it!"

"That's natural!" Chen Wanru hung up.

Zhang Feng was sitting in the car smoking, thinking about what the senior sister said just now, it was indeed correct, and he had really ignored her a lot in the past few years.

And after a few years of development from a small studio, she has become a large group company with a market value of hundreds of billions. During this period, Chen Wanru's help is indispensable, but most of it is her own.

She is a girl in her early twenties. How much energy does it take to support such a large group? Not to mention that she started from scratch.

And usually she pretends to be casual and relaxed.

Suddenly, Zhang Feng suddenly felt ridiculous.

It turns out that I was so heartless, a selfish guy, why can I get their favor and love.

I had spent two days with her some time ago, and it was a little bit to make up for it. At that time, she was happy like a child.

She didn't want much, so she could accompany her occasionally, which Zhang Feng failed to do in the past few years.

The old beggar still asks her for money from time to time.

It's not easy.

Zhang Feng blamed himself.

One cigarette had been burnt, Zhang Feng lighted another cigarette and continued smoking.

At night, Zhang Feng went back to sleep. With Zhang Feng here, who would dare to come?


Tonight is Yun Qian's most peaceful sleep.

Haohao was sleeping in his room, and he didn't know his father had returned.

"How about you go to Emiko's room?" Yun Qian whispered to Zhang Feng.

It is inconvenient for the cloud to be shallow these days.

"What are you going to do in her room, go to sleep!" Zhang Feng said.

Yun Qian said, "My instinct, Emiko is a good girl, and I can't treat her badly!"

"I haven't done anything to sorry her!"

"Then I ask you, why are you bringing her back?"

This turned Zhang Feng's question down. Zhang Feng didn't even know about it. He had thought about this question, and couldn't think of anything for a while. He said he was betting with the old man, and then he took Emiko.

Are you going to drive her away? Zhang Feng couldn't do this kind of thing.

Let's do it now!

"She is our guest!" Zhang Feng can only say so.

"Are there any long-term residents?" Yun Qian didn't give Zhang Feng any face.

Zhang Feng has nothing to say.

"If you don't speak, I will treat it as if what you said just now!" Yun Qian said, "I'll take care of this, what do you think?" Yun Qian said softly.

This is soft and strong, Zhang Feng couldn't refute it, otherwise he would invite others out.

"Okay, then you can handle it!" Zhang Feng responded.

Yun Qian smiled and went into the quilt...


The temperature was slightly cool late at night.

In a house a few hundred meters away from the military compound, several people were talking in the room.

"I have been targeted. I haven't seen that person in the past few days. Would you like to have an operation on his family?"

"I want to talk to Mr. Song about this matter!"


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