Super Special Forces King

Chapter 2078: Is a devil moved by a bowl of noodles?

This is really torture!

After the smoke passed, the red devil ants came up again, crawling and biting again and again, but they did not penetrate in, but bit on the surface.

\"Look, this kind of ants are very smart. They do not penetrate into your flesh but just bite on the surface. They just want to make the prey painful and release some acid. They like this acid and the prey most. The meat is mixed together, just like seasoning. I don’t know what this acidic substance is. They have the skills that make the prey the most painful. They are experts!\"

The more you say this, the more painful Zhu Shanmao!

\"If they are lucky enough to meet a prey like you, they will leave a part of the prey after it is killed and eaten, and then put the ant eggs in, leaving this part of the meat for the little ants to eat!\"


Zhu Shanmao screamed.

\"Stop talking, stop talking...\"

Zhang Feng smiled and said: \"The time for the prey to release acidic substances, until the prey is slowly tortured to death, they will not wear them into the meat to eat, I think, Mr. Zhu, they like you the most, they usually taste luxurious and luxurious. I'm used to life, those with fine skin and tender flesh are the best in the blood!\"

\"These red devil ants are also very spiritual, if you don’t believe me, let me show you!\"

As Zhang Feng said, he stretched out his hand into the iron cage inside, and immediately a large group of Red Demon Ants climbed onto Zhang Feng's hand, but they quickly left without a bite!

\"Ahhh...\" Zhu Shanmao screamed in pain, looking at Zhang Feng as if bleeding.

He hated Zhang Feng!

Zhang Feng smiled and said: "Hehe, enjoy it slowly, I have time!"

\"You, you, Zhang Feng, you must die...ah...\"

Zhang Feng ignored him and went to the kitchen to find something to eat. He couldn't eat well all the way.

\"Hey, the refrigerator is full of good things!\"

He said to Emiko and Guo Xinghui: "Go to the bodyguards outside, you can eat noodles when you come back!"

\"Yes, boss!\" Guo Xinghui went out in response.

And Emiko went out with small steps.

Zhang Feng began to work in the kitchen. He hasn't cooked for a long time. There are some dried noodles from China. It seems that Zhu Shanmao likes this bite.

The kitchen is also Chinese.

\"Ah...\" Zhu Shanmao's screams were endless.

There was no sound outside, and the bodyguards that Zhu Shanmao had hired with a lot of money were like wooden people in front of them.

Five minutes later, the two returned. Emiko took a cloth on the table and wiped the blood from the knife, looking relaxed and skillful.

Just like this, Zhang Feng knew that Emiko was a top killer!

Guo Xinghui was very calm. He didn't see his weapon and didn't know what he used. Zhang Feng didn't ask.

\"Sure, come and eat noodles!\" Zhang Feng brought out a bowl bigger than his face from the kitchen.

There are already two large bowls on the table, steaming hot, and they are full of vegetables, meat and noodles.

\"I haven't cooked for a long time, try it!\" Zhang Feng holds chopsticks in his hand:\"Come, come!\"

The two were a little bit astonished. You must know that they are Zhang Feng's subordinates. This is a very high treatment.

\"Come on, if you eat it, I can eat it!\" Zhang Feng put his chopsticks on the bowl, sat down and ate it by himself.

Very loud.

\"Thank you!\" Emiko sat down and ate slowly with chopsticks, very elegant.

Guo Xinghui also sat down to eat.

Zhang Feng said: \"Eating hard, noodles must have a movement that feels better, the louder the better, it just sucks! Like me...huh...huh...\"


Emiko sucked out the voice, still feeling very much, she was very happy, Zhang Feng was able to treat her like this, she was very beautiful in her heart.

As for Guo Xinghui, he stopped eating while eating.

Something is wrong!

\"What's wrong?\" Zhang Feng asked.

Guo Xinghui lowered his head to look at the face in the bowl, his hair covered his face, but Zhang Feng could see water dripping from his face, and he didn't know whether it was tears or snot.

\"Why, why are you so good to me?\" Guo Xinghui's voice swallowed.

Zhang Feng was taken aback, and Guo Xinghui, who had caused Interpol's headaches, had such a weak side.

\"We will be brothers in the future, if you don't dislike it!\" Zhang Feng said.

Where can someone with such a state of mind go bad? To be bad, it is better to say that his former boss is bad.

Guo Xinghui didn't speak any more. This aspect made him feel at home, a feeling he had never had before. With a home in his heart, he also has a bottom and a harbor.

He ate the noodles vigorously, and he was the loudest voice, and it was over in a few seconds.


Zhu Shanmao was still screaming.

After they all finished eating, Zhang Feng smoked a cigarette and passed by.

\"Mr. Zhu, how?\" Zhang Feng smiled.

\"Kill me, kill me!\" Zhu Shanmao was struggling in the iron cage, trying to crush the red devil ants to death, but the red devil ants are very smart and will not be crushed by him.

\"Give it money, what use is it for you to ask for it?\" Zhang Feng said.

\"You, you, those are my life in exchange, don't think about it!\"

Zhang Feng smiled and said: \"Haha, what an iron cock, you can now use money for your life, this is fair! These days, you always have to pay it back when you come out, now it’s time for you to pay it back!\ "

\"No, no...I'm not reconciled!\"

Zhang Feng spewed a large cloud of white smoke again, and the red demon ant temporarily retreated, crawling away from him, to harm the pets.

\"Well, I am always so soft-hearted, Mr. Zhu, don't you think so!\"

Zhu Shanmao got some time to breathe, his whole body trembled, and his appearance was very scary.

Are you softhearted? Haha, there is nothing more vicious than this. Let Zhu Shanmao experience the feeling of not being bitten, and be bitten again the next moment, which will torture him and destroy his will.

\"Wolf should give you a lot of money. Give me all of these. Then I will go to Wolfe to ask for money. Alas, don’t you know, I’m too poor and I’m very short of money. It's you here to make alms!" Zhang Feng said as he spouted a cloud of white smoke on his body, the Red Devil Ant did not come up, and dozens of Red Devil Ants were there watching.

Zhang Feng stretched out his hand and a red magic ant crawled onto his finger.

\"They are very hungry, just wait for you to die and eat. Didn’t you find out? Those pets are dying, they have not eaten, just wait for you!\" Zhang Feng said:\"Alas, me too No way, just give it, no limbs, you are still alive somehow?\"

\"You, Zhang Feng, you are a devil!\" Zhu Shanmao collapsed.

Zhang Feng said: \"Really? I always think I am an angel, saying that the savior is coming, then I will be a demon this time!\"

Zhang Feng stood up and was leaving.

\"I give, I give...\" Zhu Shanmao cried bitterly.

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