Super Special Forces King

Chapter 2110: Have the opportunity to take you! Let's go!

A very expensive sniper, hundreds of thousands.

You can buy your favorite weapon in any place outside as long as you have money. If you can’t, it’s because you don’t have enough money.

And it won't have a tail, so it's very safe.

Early in the morning, Xu Wenhao carried the exquisite box to him: \"You can see if it is suitable, or you can ask for my one, I haven't used it yet!\"

Guo Xinghui opened the box and there was a guy in it. He nodded and said: \"Yes!\"

Then he started to check it, assembled it, and the movements were smooth and flowing in one go. Xu Wenhao was in a mood to see it, and a wave of blood surged up, wishing he wanted to kill the enemy with him now.

The feeling of taking the head of the enemy chief from a kilometer away is really cool.

\"I will go with you again if I have a chance!\" Guo Xinghui said.

\"Good!\" Xu Wenhao said excitedly.

Guo Xinghui carried the box and went out. No one would take a second look when walking outside with this kind of box. Unless he went through the security check or opened it, he would not find it.

A car has already been prepared for Guo Xinghui, and there is a new certificate on the car.

The car is not a luxury car, it is just a simple transportation. The traffic police are too lazy to check anything when they see it, as long as they do not violate the traffic regulations.

Guo Xinghui’s temporary residence has also been prepared. In a house in the old city, it costs one hundred dollars a month. There is a mixture of fish and dragons. It is very suitable for people like Guo Xinghui to stay here, and he does not often stay here often. Time will be outside.

It’s also worth mentioning that Guo Xinghui’s image has been changed. The image is not necessarily changed. It changes almost every day. He can do makeup alone.

At this time Zhang Feng and Alice are going to the beach to play. In order not to be recognized, both Zhang Feng and Alice are wearing sunglasses.

Seeing those beautiful women basking on the beach is simply enjoyable.

Zhang Feng likes this kind of leisure time, let others do other things, they can do it.

\"Alice, why are you not afraid of getting tanned?\" Zhang Feng asked.

At this time, Alice is wearing three points, and her figure is fully revealed. Zhang Feng is not the kind of stingy person. Don't let Alice show that little, as long as she is not naked, and can not be photographed in the face.

Alice said: \"Why should I be afraid of tanning? The more tanning the better, we wish we could tan here every day. The tanned woman is more valued because she has a lot of time and money to maintain Doesn’t that mean she’s very good? And the sun is good for your body, as long as you don’t overdo it, just apply a little sunscreen for a few hours a day! I also like to come here to sunbathe!\"

\"Yes, get more exposure, I like to come here too! \" Zhang Feng looked at the beauty over there and turned it over.

\"Hey!\" Alice smiled without saying a word, she also understands a man's heart.

She has confidence in herself. It's okay for men to look at other women. Even if they don't show them, they will watch them secretly outside. It's better to show them openly.


Zhang Feng's cell phone rang, it was Guo Xinghui.

\"Brother Feng, I'm going to do it. How big is the scene?\" Guo Xinghui asked.

Zhang Feng said: "Just turn Barlow into a polished boss, make him scared, make him sleepless, make him collapse!"

\"Good!\" Guo Xinghui responded.

Alice didn’t hear what Zhang Feng said. She knew Zhang Feng’s plan to send that person to trouble Barlow. Alice didn’t have any sympathy or permission. He had already looked away. The wicked still need to be ruthless. , Zhang Feng is a ruthless person, if he follows that routine, he will never catch Barlow.

As long as I'm not old, I can't do anything wrong. As for the method, Alice has already seen.

He publicly announced his crime when he was caught.

The sun is shining, the sea breeze is cool, and the beauty is dazzling.

Zhang Feng didn't smoke at this time, if he smoked, it would be a terrible sight.

\"The waves are coming!\" Alice exclaimed.

This beach is also a world-famous surfing mecca, and many people have rushed to it with boards.

Zhang Feng said: \"Will you?\"

\"Of course it will!\" Alice got excited:\"Look at me!\"

Speaking of Alice, she went over there to borrow someone else's board and rushed up. When the waves rushed up again, she went into the sea, and as the waves rushed, she was very happy.

\"Haha!\" Zhang Feng smiled.

I didn't expect that Alice still has a lot of athletic cells.

Soon the next wave came up. The wave was very high and fierce. Zhang Feng couldn't help but feel a little worried, and Alice was ready to go up. She was taken to the highest point by the sea.

And this wave hasn’t receded yet, another higher wave came on the other side. There were many dolphins surfing in the sea. Someone had already discovered that a higher wave was coming in the sea, and they all retreated. , And Alice is having fun, no matter how much.

Zhang Feng secretly said that it was not good, so she hurried up and plunged into the sea.

Soon Zhang Feng came under the Alice board in the turbulent waves, and then pulled her into the water.

Alice was so frightened that she thought it was a big shark. She didn’t expect to see Zhang Feng’s underwater. She kissed her in surprise, and it was the first time she was romantically underwater. With the board tied, the waves hit them both.

At this moment, Zhang Feng grabbed the board, held Alice in his arms and jumped onto the board.

Alice screamed again, how did he do this trick? Amazing!

In Zhang Feng's arms, Alice's heart is full of love!

Then follow the waves impact, and then retreat along the waves, ready to meet the upcoming highest waves.

\"Hurry down, come down...\" Someone yelled loudly on the shore, waving at both of them.

They were also surprised that the man jumped on the board from the sea with a woman just now.

But Zhang Feng ignored them and greeted that wave.

Huhu, Sasa...

The waves made a loud noise, a dozen meters high waves rushed to the shore, and all the people lying on the beach ran away. They all saw some people surfing, and they were still using a board together. It was crazy. Are you looking for death?

\"Ahhh...\" Alice yelled, she was not scared at all, because Zhang Feng was holding herself tightly.

She felt like a super warship in the sea facing the wind and waves, bravely destroying the enemy.

Zhang Feng took advantage of the power of the waves to quickly speed on the surface of the sea, and when he was rolled up by the waves, he went into the rolled waves, passing through the endless sea cave and reaching out to reach the sea.

There are fish in the sea.

Alice is as happy as a fish, her mind has reached a state of excitement.

What is it like once a person reaches this state? Can only be unspeakable!

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