Super Special Forces King

Chapter 2135: Weasel to the rooster

Richard called Barlow overnight, but he couldn't greet him on the phone, and he had to drive to Barlow's villa in person.

Richard arrived here in less than half an hour. At this time, Barlow's villa was already very quiet, only some of the outside lights were on and there were security guards at the door.

When the security saw Richard coming, he called Barlow immediately.

Barlow naturally let him in.

\"Barlow, I am relieved to see that you are fine!\"

As soon as Richard went in and saw Barlow sitting on the sofa, he was very worried and said that there was a small bodyguard standing behind Barlow, which should be the one, and he couldn't see it very clearly in the surveillance today.

How can a person who is inconspicuous at all have such skill?

"I'm sorry, Mr. Richard, I'm fine!" Barlow said.

Richard said: "It's fine if it's okay, you can't be okay, so big companies are counting on you, the boss is very worried and sent me to see you!"

\"It really worries his old man. I will be very careful in the future. I will not let those gangsters succeed. Fortunately, there is Xijia protection this time, or I will kill them!\"

Barlow did not forget to praise Silgarva.

\"Well, very good, I should give Xiga a reward, and I will give him this!" Richard said, took out a check and said: \"This is one hundred thousand dollars!\"

Barlow said: "No, Mr. Richard, he is my bodyguard, I will reward him!"

\"Alright, then I won't affect your rest!\" Richard did not change his face.

\"I send Mr. Richard!\"

Richard smiled and the two went out.

After coming out of the villa, Richard thought deeply in the car. This Barlow has changed. He is not simple, and the bodyguard seems to have a problem. He can detect Barlow's respect for him.

Richard knows Barlow's temperament very well. He can't be respectful to a bodyguard. He is not respectful to anyone. Before, he was respectful to Wolf, but not later.

Although he had spoken with Barlow in a polite manner, there was no sense of respect and respect in the words, but he was respectful to the bodyguard.

Richard is very skeptical about this, how does he want to tell Wolfe, or just say his own thoughts and opinions?

It's just instinct. Will Wolf believe it?

But now Richard doesn't have much thoughts about Barlow, there are more important things waiting for him to do.

The police have handled a lot of cases recently, and most of them are unsolved cases before. Not only were they turned up to continue the investigation, but the police were very fast, and the cases were cleared within a few seconds. There was evidence, and those who had already been convicted. Also turned over.

There are many cases involving people under Richard, and he will never forget those things he did.

He vaguely felt that there was someone behind it.

But in the past few days, he had asked people to go down for investigation and still had no clue, so he had to continue the investigation.

There have been too many things in the past month, and Richard suddenly felt that he was overwhelmed and lacking. He felt exhausted and his face was not very good.

On the other hand, Wolfe now has very few things to care about. The most important thing every day is how to make his body better.

The body is first!

Richard worries too much.


Regarding the shooting incident in the city center, Zhang Feng knew what was going on without asking, nor did he ask if there was anything wrong with Barlow. He believed that Sylgava would handle it.

The last thing Zhang Feng has to do is to meet Barlow in a few days and ask him to do something.

For a few days, Zhang Feng will be playing in the city. It is not boring to be accompanied by Emiko. He is as ordinary as possible, very low-key.

But Emiko is so beautiful, no matter what she wears, she will be called the focus of attention, but she cleverly avoids those who want to take pictures of her, so others only take pictures of her side or back, or with her palms. So cleverly he blocked his face.

\"Feng, are we going to eat something?\" Emiko asked.

They have been gone for a long time.

Zhang Feng said: "That's OK, just eat something!"

I went to a street stall to buy something, and then the two of them ate by the side of the road. For breakfast, they liked to squat on the side of the road to eat, eating while watching the passing cars and people.

Seeing that she was so innocent, Emiko stood silently beside her.

Zhang Feng continued to walk after eating.

\"I will take you to a place!\" Zhang Feng said.

\"Good!\" Hui Meizi will always be such a word, no matter what Zhang Feng asks, she will respond.

Having a good time, Xu Wenhao is very busy over there.

It’s strange to think about where to make money every day in China, no one is as cool as Zhang Feng.

Ten days later, Zhang Feng and Hui Meizi visited almost every corner of the city, especially those scenic spots such as civilized monuments.

\"Barlow, Wolfe is going to an event tomorrow, and he will invite you to attend, then you will kill him on stage!\"

In the evening, Zhang Feng made such a call to Barlow, but he scared Barlow to death. For half a month, Barlow has been living a stable life, dealing with company affairs every day and doing nothing else. He found this Life is also very good, my complexion has become much better, and there is no need to worry about safety.

He fell in love with such a peaceful life.

But now this life was broken, and he returned to his reality.

\"If you kill him, he will kill you too, and I will kill you too, everyone will kill you, and the police will not let you go!\"

Zhang Feng said again: \"After killing him, you immediately surrendered to the police, and then factored in Wolf's evidence, and all the cases against you can be pushed to Wolf's body, and not only are you not guilty but still With merit, I can guarantee that you will not go to jail, but you will stay in it for at most ten and a half days!\"

\"This is your way of atonement, if you want to live, do as I said!\"

After Zhang Feng finished speaking, Barlow said calmly: \"Yes, sir!\"

After so many things, Barlow's mood is different from before, he has no choice, oh, he does, he can choose to die!

Barlow didn't want to die.

\"Very good, you can do it yourself! \" Zhang Feng said: \ "But I can give you a suggestion for you to refer to. At tomorrow's event, you have a conflict with Wolfe, and then kill he!\"

\"Yes, sir, this is a good suggestion, I will think about it!\" Barlow said.

\"Your life will be reborn from tomorrow!\"

\"Yes, sir!\"

Barlow answered, the phone had already hung up, and Barlow sat on his sofa thinking.

Will you get a new life?

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