Super Special Forces King

Chapter 2146: Whether right or wrong, Dasheng brother

Chapter 2146 the elder brother

More than a dozen security guards gathered around. They regarded Emiko as a bad person and only listened to the boss.

Is there such a beautiful villain? No!

But whether this woman is beautiful or not has nothing to do with them. The boss's money has something to do with them.

In reality, people want to be realistic, because they want to live, or live better.

\"Girl, don't resist, follow us!\" said one of them.

Yun Qian said angrily: "What are you doing? Don't you tell right from wrong?"

\"Huh, tell? It was she who hit our boss just now!\" the man said.

Emiko said softly: "Yunqian, let's go!"

She was very calm. In her eyes, these people were like sand and rocks outside.

Naturally, Yun Qian wouldn't be afraid or worried, so he could deal with it on her own, not to mention Emiko, there would be no problem with dozens more, Yun Qian knew her skill.

\"Can't go!\" The man cried from behind, coming up to grab Emiko's back.

Emiko's figure moved, and the dead man was beaten into the air for some reason. Other security guards also rushed up. They had batons in their hands, and they all greeted Emiko.

\"Himiko godmother hits them, hits them...\" Hao Hao is also very excited, he likes this kind of scene the most, dancing and dancing.

Yun Qian nearby looked helplessly, worried in her heart, thinking about what to do in the future.

He can now bully his little brother in the second grade of elementary school. Although he is not as tall as others, he has a lot of energy and has a good way of making punches and kicks. Normally, after practicing martial arts, somersaults are a piece of cake. Wear gloves. It's the little boxer.

At this time, seeing his Emiko godmother defeated those people, how could he not be excited, and he was still learning Emiko's movements by the side. This is actual combat!

When Yun Qian thought about this, Emiko had already solved them, four of them ran away, and the rest were lying on the ground.

Everyone exclaimed that this beautiful girl is so powerful that even a dozen strong men are not her opponents.

Feng Chao over there has been stunned, this beauty is too strong, is his favorite, at this time he is not afraid, but excited.

What makes him so arrogant?

\"Haha, hit me, people who hit me want to leave, it's not that easy, you guys wait...\" Feng Chao started calling.

\"Hey, Brother Dasheng? Yes, it's me, Feng Chao, I have someone hit the place, yes yes, bring more people, my security has been beaten by her, no, she is a woman, yes, Very capable and beautiful! Well, I'll wait for you and hold her!\"

The last two sentences are very meaningful and beautiful!

After the phone call, Feng Chao said in a huff: "Hmph, I see how you run, this time you are dead, dare to hit the ground with me, I'm tired of life!"

\"Himiko, let’s just ignore him and go shopping!\" Yun Qian said:\"Zhang Feng will be back soon!\"

\"it is good!\"

Feng Chao stood guard at the door, and those security guards who had been beaten and disabled were standing behind him. He resisted not swearing, and said to them: "Today, everyone has a bonus of two thousand yuan. You don't need to do the following things, just guard. Just here!\"

\"Thank you Mr. Feng!\" The security guards were happy, and they suffered a small half-month salary. It was too worthwhile, and it didn’t hurt anymore. The beauty was very weird when hitting people. At first it hurt and died. It doesn't hurt after a few minutes of life and death.

This supermarket is very large, with three floors above and below several thousand square meters, and the total area is more than 10,000 square meters. This is the largest supermarket in this area within a radius of 10 kilometers. Er Feng Chao is the young owner of the supermarket. He usually has all the money he can move. It is based on billions, and he is naturally reasonable.

It’s an astronomical figure that this supermarket makes money every day, and it has horizontal capital.

Any woman who looks like can be taken, of course, except for the daughters of some big people in the compound, such as the granddaughter of the uncle who sweeps the street.

He knew almost all the beauties in this compound, and they had all met them. He usually wanted to flatter him. He had never seen the beauty just now.

The key is that Yun Qian and Hui Meizi are too low-key. They rarely come into contact with the left and right houses. Some are just that Haohao beats the neighbor’s child to Yun Qian and apologizes or makes Haohao innocent and everything can be solved perfectly. It won't be a big deal.

Every time Yun Qian comes to the supermarket, he buys a lot of things, enough to eat for a week. Feng Chao doesn't visit the supermarket often, so naturally he has never seen Yun Qian, a beautiful woman.

The kindergarten where Huimeizi worked before was on the other side of the compound, not close to the supermarket.

Feng Chao lost so much today, not only to get the venue back, but also to get the beauty.

Ten minutes later, a group of more than a dozen people came to the entrance of the supermarket. They were aggressive and let the children look at the crying brawny. Many of the men were printed with some ferocious animals, or demons and monsters, showing their identity. The trend of avoiding strangers!

The first one is a bit rubbish. He is less than 1.7 meters tall and an elderly man who is still on the top, but he has the strongest momentum.

It's the local snake in this area, Dasheng brother!

\"Brother Dasheng, you are finally here!\" Feng Chao quickly came out to greet him.

For this kind of local snake, Feng Chao can control it, first, he gave them enough face; but he gave them enough money.

"President Feng, what's the idea? Dare to come here to make trouble, I'm tired of life!" Dasheng had a cigarette in his mouth and a few words on his face: I'm a big bad guy!

Feng Chao said: "It's in there, isn't it your product if you are tired of it? They smashed it!"

When I saw that the two shelves were all down, a lot of things were scattered on the ground. Several staff members were cleaning up, and there was a lot of loss. Dasheng was angry.

\"Grandma's I will not let them go!\"

Brother Dasheng also sells things in the supermarket. This is his main income. It is very stable. This stall is free.

\"Go, take me there!\"

Feng Chao shouted: \"Lead the way!\"

A security guard said: "They are on the second floor!"

The two groups went menacingly. The scene was very big. Many guests avoided it. But more people followed up to watch the fun. These people knew that no matter how they were beaten up, they would not affect themselves and they could still watch. Interesting scenes, fun, good mood, interesting life, why not just watch it? And such scenes are rare.

At this time, the Yun Qian trio had already selected a large cart full of things, and Hao Hao was pushing it, and he was not as tall as a shopping cart.

Hao Hao was supposed to push the empty car, but he said he wanted to push the full car. He said that this kind of rough work should be done by men.

Yun Qian could not laugh or cry.

Emiko is still pushing a shopping cart in her hand. They want to buy two carts, estimated to cost two thousand dollars.

\"They are over there!\"

A group of people appeared at the end of the shelf.

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