Super Special Forces King

Chapter 2173: Four eyes escaped, Dasheng also escaped

Before Li Dasheng left halfway there, he received a call from another subordinate. It was his driver Guo Hao.

Said he is now at the police station.

As soon as I heard this, Li Dasheng didn’t work and immediately cursed: "What's the matter, why did you go to the police station, didn't you go to stare at the person?"

\"Boss, woo, we, we...\" Guo Hao started crying aggrievedly.

\"Why are you crying? What a waste, let me say, what's the matter?\" Li Dasheng was furious, his nerves have been strained for the past two days, always feeling that something will happen, he is now afraid of receiving calls from his men. Because almost every call is not a good thing.

Guo Hao said: "Boss, we can't stop the people looking around, they beat Wei Junlin!" Guo Hao said.

Li Dasheng said: \"I know about this, he has already told me that Wei Junlin has been beaten and cannot appear in court!\"

\"No no, boss, four eyes lied to you, they were beaten by Wei Junlin’s bodyguards, I was also beaten when I went up, and now I was arrested at the police station, the man is Lei Ge, they have all confessed, and now the police Catching Four Eyes, he has escaped!\"


Li Dasheng was stunned, he would definitely confess if he was caught by all four eyes.

\"Who took the case?\" Li Dasheng tried to calm himself down.

\"It's Captain Duan!\"

\"It's him, it's over!\"

\"Boss, you run quickly...I, I...Boss, I'm sorry for you...\"


A busy tone came from Li Dasheng's cell phone, and the other party hung up.

It seemed to him that the telegraph showed that a chill suddenly appeared all over his body. This was the landline of the police station!

How can Guo Hao use the landline of the police station? It must have been given to him by the surname Duan. Thinking of this, Li Dasheng immediately turned off his cell phone, thought about it and said: \"Hurry up, go to the bank!\"

At the police station at this time, Guo Hao, who was beaten with a bruised face, was locked in the interrogation room.

\"Locate this mobile number for me now!\" Duan Brigade said to the people below.


Then Duan Brigade entered the interrogation room and said coldly to Guo Hao: "Guo Hao, Li Dasheng can't run away. You didn't follow my words just now. You have gotten more guilty, obstructing official duties, not cooperating, and waiting. Go to jail!\"

\"Woo, don’t, Duan team, Li Dasheng treats me very well, I am nothing without him, I don’t want to go to jail...\"

Guo Hao's inner line of defense is gone.

\"Huh, loyalty? It was he who hurt you, he has run away now, no matter how you live or die, you don’t even look like a human being with him, if you don’t do bad things with him, you won’t come in Up!\"

\"Woo, I still have an old mother at home, my father is sick and no one takes care of him, Duan Da, I don’t want to go to jail!\"

\"is it?\"

\"Yes, yes!\"

\"Then you can make up for it!\"

\"Yes Yes!\"

The Duan team came out and said to the opponents: \"Give him a confession, and pound everything he knows!\"

\"Yes, Captain!\"

The five men were locked up in it before they had time for interrogation. Their identities have been verified. The fugitive from the Northwest Territories is a criminal gang with one person killed, robbery and so on.

These don't need to be tried for the time being, and they will be tried again when the people over there come. Anyway, this great work has been done.

But the Duan team was not happy at all. His goal was to catch Feng Dazhao, and now he would cut off Feng Dazhao's wings first.

\"Captain, Li Dasheng appeared in the bank, withdrawing large amounts of cash!\"

The subordinates came to report.

\"Quick, go over immediately, call the bank and hold him!\"


Duan Brigade had already seized the door and got in the car and drove out, followed by a few police officers' cars.

At this moment, Li Dasheng was waiting anxiously in the bank. He was sweating. Now it is cold and sweating. This person is abnormal.

Just now on the way here, Li Dasheng understood that Guo Xuemei was going to sue herself, and several of his subordinates were accused and could not escape. No matter what, all the arrows pointed to him.

When will you not wait at this time? But if he runs away, he doesn’t have money like a bereaved dog. Over the years, he has made money, part of it is in the bank, and most of it is hidden by him, but now it’s unrealistic to go to the place where the money is hidden to withdraw money, he understands Duan The brigade’s style of handling cases will definitely be touched, so first withdraw the money from the bank, otherwise it will be frozen.

What's more, withdraw money nearby is also fast.

But why are the bank staff so slow?

Li Dasheng sat in the VIP room waiting anxiously, and his subordinates also became nervous.

\"Boss, what are we going to do?\"

Li Dasheng said: \"Don't talk to him!\"

The subordinates dare not say anything.

\"Manager, manager, why haven't you come?\" Li Dasheng shouted, ten minutes have passed, and the manager said to prepare cash, why didn't he come?

The bank’s beautiful customer service came in with a smile, and said in a sweet voice: "Mr. Li, please wait a moment, because you want to withdraw a large amount of cash without making an appointment in advance. Our manager is transferring cash from another branch. , You drink tea first, and I will get you money soon!\"

Li Dasheng can only endure, and can't make trouble here, because it is useless to make trouble, just wait at ease, just hope that the surname does not come so soon!

The customer service saw that he did not speak, and continued to smile and say: "Sir, you are drinking tea. I have been working in this bank for several years, and I have not seen a rich boss like you. It's really fortunate for Sansheng to know Boss Li! \"

Talking about the customer service, I posted it, such a big money, if you miss it, you will have trouble with the money.

\"You go outside and wait!\" Li Dasheng said to his opponent.

The subordinate was very proactive, and he went out with a smile and closed the door. Before closing the door, he took a look at the woman, but he was so energetic, I don't know when I have this beautiful blessing!

\"What's your name?\" Li Dasheng has no intention to come to this right now, but don't give it up for nothing, and will run away soon, there are not many beautiful women in real uniforms.

\"Hey, my name is customer service, you can also call me customer service number 03!\"

I understand that this woman is a veteran, and the boss doesn't want to remember her name. Calling her job number directly is in line with the minds of these bosses. The uniform must be subdued to the end.

\"Haha, can you invite you to dinner after get off work in a while?\"

\"Yes!\" No. 03 smiled and sat on Li Dasheng's lap.

But Li Dasheng's hands were dishonest, and he went straight.

Of course, it can't be done here, and there is always no problem with flirting.

Ten minutes later the door of the VIP room opened, the manager came in, followed by a few policemen, and the Duan brigade that Li Dasheng had recognized.

Li Dasheng hurriedly pushed No. 03 away, angrily said: \"Smelly woman...\"

\"I, I don't know, I don't know...\" Huarong was so scared that No. 03 was scared, the manager had a bad face, and felt green and green.

Li Dasheng tried to run in a panic, but was kicked over by Duan Brigade, and two police officers went up and held him up.

\"Li Dasheng, I suspect that you instructed someone to be involved in a kidnapping case, and there was a traffic incident involving a drunk driving accident three years ago. Come with me!\"

\"No, no, Team Duan, I was wronged...\"

Li Dasheng struggled.

\"Hmph, take away!\"

Li Dasheng was dragged away like a dead dog.

On the 03th, looking at the manager nervously, the latter said: "This afternoon you go to the finance department to check out and leave...\"

\"No, no, you can't be so ruthless...\"


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