Super Special Forces King

Chapter 2227: Offend someone who shouldn't be offended

At less than seven o’clock in the morning, Banhua Li Mengqin got up early. Although the interview time was at 9:30 and it took less than half an hour to drive to the headquarters of Yunfeng Group, she still got up early in order to do a good job. Preparation.

She likes to sleep beauty sleep, rarely wake up so early, she firmly believes that sleep is the most important thing, so she is very capable.

In order to be able to get up a little earlier last night, she cruelly set a few alarm clocks, and finally got up after a long struggle.

It usually takes her one and a half hours from getting up to going out, but today it is estimated to take two hours. She still has a sense of time.

At present, she can't afford to hire an assistant, and she hasn't signed any company, so she has to do everything herself.

Last night she cleverly blocked Gan Dabao outside the door of the apartment. She knew Gan Dabao's mind since high school, but Gan Dabao was not her food, and it has never been, even if he is now a small boss.

However, he couldn't refuse Gan Dabao like that, to give him a little bit of hope. Li Mengqin needs Gan Dabao's help at this not-so-popular stage to give him hope, such as letting him send himself back yesterday and other benefits.

She hopes that her future husband will be a wealthy family, a wealthy family in Kyoto, so she is working hard to make herself a celebrity so that she can get in touch with those wealthy masters in Kyoto.

Gan Dabao is half a spare tire at best.

Of course, Li Mengqin still has many spare tires. In the future, if there is a little achievement, hype, make headlines and let more people know her, then her popularity will soar, and she will become a big star.

After he was well dressed, he went out. When he got downstairs, he saw Gan Dabao standing in front of the door of a luxury car or two, looking at him with a smile in his hand with flowers in his hand.

"Squad leader, why are you here? What is this for?"

Although she doesn't like Gan Dabao, she is still very happy now.

"I'll take you there!" Gan Dabao happily delivered flowers.

Li Mengqin nodded shyly and caught the flower. Gan Dabao hurriedly went over and opened the car door to let Banhua go up. He was so beautiful in his heart. After more than three hours, he finally paid off.



Guan Xiaogang drank two cups of coffee with a lot of sugar. He likes coffee, but he doesn't like to drink bitter coffee, so he needs to add a lot of sugar.

But even so, this time he felt that his coffee was still bitter!

"Waiter, give me another bag of sugar!" Guan Xiaogang called.

The waiter brought it, and Guan Xiaogang poured it into the cup and stirred it in one sip.

"Can you tell me? What's the matter?"

Monitor Gan Dabao said.

"The boss said that I have offended someone who shouldn't be offended!" Guan Xiaogang said.

"He said the same thing yesterday, who did you offend? It's the end of apologizing, it's like the end of the world."

"If I knew who I had offended, I wouldn't have coffee here with you!"

"That's right, you, don't anyone know that you have offended yourself?" Gan Dabao thought it was funny: "Hehe, your brain is very good, how can you make such a low-level mistake?"

"I'm also thinking about it, you know mine, I'm a smiley face to everyone, otherwise how can I hang in the hotel?" Guan Xiaogang said, "The problem is that I can't think of it. I have thought about all the contacts I have been in these days. There are none of them! The only one who has had a feast with me is Zhang Feng. Could it be that he, in other words, I have offended him, but he failed?"

"Haha, it's impossible, Zhang Feng? Forget it, he can make Sheng Zhisheng fight so hard and lose so much?"

"That's right, I was puzzled. Sheng Zhisheng has always been very optimistic about me. I really have seen a ghost. I really don't know that I have offended that great god."

"Think about it again, maybe it was a long time ago!"

Guan Xiaogang said: "I have never had such a big grudge with anyone, you know this!"

"That's true!"

"I really can't figure it out."

"Then what do you do now? You have been on the blacklist, and major companies will not want you for the time being, unless you start from the bottom, which is difficult!"

"I do not know either!"

"I suggest you sell your villa and stocks immediately, and you can make a profit, otherwise it will be very troublesome, and I can't help you. You know my situation!"

Guan Xiaogang was silent. He worked hard for nearly ten years before he bought a villa in Kyoto with a loan of more than 20 million yuan. Of course, it was a loan. If he sells it now, he can make a fortune, but the villa can continue to increase in value in the future. A price makes him really unwilling to make a move at this time.

"How much money can you move now?"

"More than two million yuan, the mortgage will be repaid at the end of this month, barely able to support two months!"

"No, you can't support it for a moment. Your stock is locked up. It's almost dead money. The bank will find out about your situation soon. Then your villa will become meat on the cutting board!"

"What can you do?"

"There is a way, it depends on whether you can do it!"


Gan Dabao thought for a while and said, "You know that our company is currently working on a project, and there is a shortage of funds. I have been looking for investors, you can try! It is also a matter of having a turnaround and always working for others!"

"Hehe, brother, how can I invest money now? And just two million is not enough!"

"Your villa, use the villa area as a mortgage, and I will guarantee it, and then loan out 30 million is completely fine!"


"Is there a better way?" Gan Dabao felt a little frustrated when he said this. Of course, Guan Xiaogang, who was in chaos at this time, couldn't find it.

Guan Xiaogang is hesitating. He is not a brainless person. If the project fails, he will really be over. If you don't listen to him, then you can still stay on the sidelines, maybe you can find a good job by then?

But no one is sure about the future.

Who would hire a blacklist to be a company executive? Gan Dabao would never do this, so what if his ability is outstanding?

Not to mention Guan Xiaogang, who has no foundation.

"If the project fails, then I will play it too. I can't start the project at all now. Now I can retire with my whole body, but I want to fight for it. I am also hesitating. If your money comes in , Then I am not afraid of anything, and I have to do it anyway!"

Gan Dabao looked at his old classmate and hoped that he nodded.

Guan Xiaogang is not good at doing business. If he is a senior manager, he is still reluctant. If the money comes in, Gan Dabao will control the money. What does he know? Ha ha!

See if he wants to be taken advantage of, help me in death! Gan Dabao thought.

At this time, Guan Xiaogang is fighting between heaven and man, do you want to fight? Use his hard work in the past ten years to fight with his old monitor?

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