Super Special Forces King

Chapter 2245: who's that person?

Brother Dawan limped over: "Brother, you say, you say!"

"If Mr. Murong is making trouble here, let your family collect your body!"

Zhang Feng looked at him coldly.

"Yes, no one will come here to make trouble in the future, I promise!" Brother Dawan was frightened. He didn't doubt Zhang Feng's words at all, because it would be too easy for someone with such strength to kill him.

A word on the road can catch him. Where else can he hide?

"get out!"

"Yes Yes……"

Brother Dawan crawled out.

After they left, Zhang Feng said to Yun Qian, "Does it hurt?"

"It's okay, it doesn't hurt anymore!" Yun Qian said.

She was slapped in the face by Lili, and now she was still a little red. It was the first time she was beaten.

"Next time let you solve them by yourself!" Zhang Feng said.

"Good!" Yun Qian responded.

She knew that this was Zhang Feng's way of loving her, to prevent her from being in danger, it would be okay to get a little hurt, and to let her learn to protect herself.

This is the best way to love.

Presumably, Yun Qian had gained a lot of experience this first time, and she would be able to cope a little more when there was another fight next time.

In the hall, Mr. Murong was drinking tea there. He didn't care about everything outside just now, and it didn't affect him at all. It seemed to be aloof.

"Old Mr. Murong, you are shocked, no one will come here to make trouble in the future!" Zhang Feng said.

"It's okay!" Old Mr. Murong said calmly: "Come on, girl!"

Yun Qian came over.

"Zhang Feng’s injury is recovering well. His body’s immunity is very strong. Coupled with your acupuncture, he can stand up just like ordinary people in one month. This month is also the most critical. It needs to be very accurate, and it depends on his physical state. I'll talk to you in detail later!"

Yun Qian nodded and said, "Okay!"

So the three people gathered around the tea table and talked while Xiao Fan was making tea.

At the same time, Lili and Fang Kai, who were injured, went to the hospital. When they came out of the inside just now, Brother Dawan beat Fang Kai again and demanded a lot of medical expenses, which can be said to be miserable.

They had nowhere to sprinkle this bad anger on the nurses in the hospital. They scolded the nurse and beat the nurse. Several people rioted in the ward.

As a result, a hard-spirited doctor was provoked and asked the security to drive them away.

Lili was still not convinced, and smashed the glass of the hospital's toll booth with something. A large glass was broken, which seriously affected the order of the hospital, and was taken away by the police.

It is estimated that they will stay there for a few days.

Brother Dawan also went to the hospital, but it wasn't this hospital, he received the treatment in peace.

"Who is so cruel, hit you like this!" The nurse was not afraid of him. In the nurse's eyes, he was not afraid of any fierce people, and she had to come to her if she was injured.

Brother Dawan said: "I fell by myself!"

The nurse said: "Then what about them? How did their foreheads hurt? They were all hit by a hard object in the same part? It's really accurate!"

"We also fell on our own!" Several of the men said.

The nurse said: "Hmph, don't think I don't know, you guys are fighting, right? You can't beat others, you're abused by others?"

"Little girl, what are you talking about? Dare to laugh at us, believe it or not, I threw you downstairs?" Dawan was angry, and a little nurse dared to say to himself?

I didn't expect that the little nurse was not only not afraid, but with a cold snort, the needle in his hand plunged into his arm.


"Ahhh... lightly..."

"What's it called? If it annoys me, you guys don't have a good fruit to eat. Let me sit down! Do you want to be cured? A big man is afraid of getting a needle. No wonder he can't fight others..."

The little nurse is a violent temper, and Dawan brothers and others are bluffed and dare not speak again.

After giving Dawan the injection, the nurse went to see other people's injuries.

"You wound, if this person can break your forehead with a little bit of strength, you should thank him for being merciful! Otherwise, what I see now is your cold body!"

What the nurse said scared them one by one.

What kind of person they met today!

After the nurse went out, the boys talked.

"Brother Dawan, who is that person?"

Brother Dawan said: "Where do I know? If I know, how can I mess with him?"

"When did such a powerful person appear in Kyoto, Brother Dawan, did you say he was on the road?"

Brother Dawan said: "It shouldn't be. If it's on the road, just his aggressive posture. We beat his woman like this and we are already dead! It's easy for him to kill us!"

Several of his men were frightened after they were chilling.

"Then why didn't he shoot early? We surrounded his woman at the time, and that Lili beat her!"

"Yes, I also feel puzzled, isn't he afraid that we will hurt her?" the younger brother asked.

Brother Dawan said: "Of course I'm afraid. Didn't you find the skill of that beauty? You think you beat me like this!"

"Yeah, I'm so scared, I didn't expect the fighting power to be so strong when I looked soft and weak!"

"I will see these two detours in the future, if you still want to live!"

"Yes, Brother Dawan!"

"But, Brother Dawan, that Fang Kai, and his horse!"

Brother Dawan thought for a while and said: "He will pay for all of our medical expenses, as well as other expenses!"

"Brother Dawan, what are other expenses?" a younger brother asked.

"When will your mind get better? Of course he will give me as much as I want!"

"Oh, yes, that's it, haha!" The little brother smiled.

"Wait, I will go to him to settle the account."

After a while, several people came to the ward.

"Brother Dawan, who beat you like this, I will take people over and destroy them!"

The person who came in said immediately, the voice was loud, and a few brothers followed.

"Knife, we are planted today, don't mention it!" Dawan brother didn't want to mention this again.

The person who came was the knife, Jiang Tao, who belonged to Brother Dawan, but he had long been on his own, and his strength was not as strong as Brother Dawan. There were a few boys under him.

"How can I not mention it, I'm going to see which one dared to beat Dawan brother!" said the knife.

"Forget it, don't talk about it anymore, we don't have any injuries, knives, let your people be honest these days!"

"That's it, let's do it!" The knife was very unpleasant. He felt that the old man was so bold and scared that he was beaten like this without mentioning it. Is he afraid of being beaten?

After sitting for a while, the knife said: "Let the things go, let's go!"

Several of his men were carrying fruit baskets in their hands.

"Knife, don't forget what I said!" Brother Dawan said again.

"I see!" The knife walked out.

"Brother Dawan, I still have work to do, you guys take care of my injuries, and I will see you again tomorrow!" Said the knife and went out.

In the ward.

"Brother Dawan, why don't you tell Brother Knife to let him avenge us?" A younger brother asked: "So we can use that person's hand to weaken him, and it is estimated that we can crush him!"

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