Super Special Forces King

Chapter 2247: Arbitrary?

Zhang Feng said this idea at the company's morning meeting, and everyone present was whispering, but no one dared to stand up and object.

Because in their opinion, this is not profitable. That piece of land is a hot potato, which can easily turn into a bad brand, which will bring down the group. Because the initial investment is too large, it can easily reach tens of billions or even hundreds. Billion.

It is best to oppose it without speaking.

Seeing their attitude, Zhang Feng had thought of it a long time ago, so he said: "Since everyone has no opinion, then it's a deal."

They met face to face, head down silent.

"Do you have anything to add?" Zhang Feng asked again.

They still didn't speak. Secretary Jiang stood by and watched a very secretive scene. Isn't it possible that no one has spoken up on such a big thing?

Did they agree with the president's opinion?

Even if you agree, shouldn't you say a few words? I made a few more comments or something, but now I don't say a word.

Is this silent opposition?

Are the CEOs all isolated?

Secretary Jiang is very unhappy. She believes in the ability of the president. Why don't these people get the hang of it?

Let's see how the president will deal with them.

"Well, since everyone has no opinion or said a word, this matter is settled like this!" Zhang Feng said: "However, I first declare that if anyone is dragging down on this project, he will not do his own thing. Work, or deliberately drag your feet, then don’t blame me!"

"Also, if you don't want the poor share of the store in your hands, I will take it all and give it to you at the highest stock price now!"

Secretary Jiang was shocked. He didn't expect the president to make such a move, but it was really cruel.

Now the group's injuries are on the rise, and the future is promising. At this time, it was a stupid decision to sell the shares.

No one was stupid.

At this moment, someone finally couldn't hold back, stood up and pointed at Zhang Feng and said, "Zhang Feng, I don’t care where you come from. Yunfeng Group was founded by President Zhuo. I don’t allow you to harm the group like this. I have no objection to the land in the old city, but you have to be convinced. Give me a reason. What about your plan?"

"Haha, Mr. Zheng, don't you know that the shot was shot?" Zhang Feng changed the subject directly and turned to him personally.

President Zheng, Zheng Nanxin, he holds 7% of the shares of the group, which is also very high among the people.

"Huh, come if you have a seed!"

Zhang Feng said: "I propose to let President Zheng be responsible for this project. Do you have any comments?"

Zheng Nanxin was taken aback for a moment, but he didn't expect that he would really hit the head.

"What? Zheng always dare not?" Zhang Feng asked.

"Is there anything I dare not, the big deal is that everyone will be done together!"

Zheng Nanxin has given up.

"The meeting is over!" Zhang Feng turned and left.

When going out, Zhang Feng said to Secretary Jiang: "Let Mr. Zheng come to my office in half an hour!"


Zhang Feng returned to the office to prepare his own remarks. He wanted to convince Zheng Nanxin.

After a while, Zheng Nanxin came, not looking directly at Zhang Feng.

"Zheng, please sit down!" Zhang Feng said.

Zheng Nanxin sat down and saw the other side, not Zhang Feng.

"Mr. Zheng, I am almost ten years old, can I call Mr. Zheng as Brother Zheng from now on?" Zhang Feng asked.

"Don't come to this set!" Zheng Nanxin said angrily: "Just say, I still have a lot to do, not as leisurely as you!"

Zhang Feng said: "Brother Zheng is not in a hurry. If I expected it to be good, Brother Zheng was involved in real estate before. Chao Yun founded Yunfeng Group and invited Brother Zheng to join. Yunfeng Group can have a relationship with Brother Zheng today. Hard work is inseparable."

Zheng Nanxin didn't speak, obviously his momentum was not so strong anymore.

"Just now I knew that Brother Zheng could speak, I believe Brother Zheng, and others can't believe it!"

Zheng Nanxin said: "What's the use of saying this?"

"It's okay, Brother Zheng, you haven't understood me yet. As for where I came from, Brother Zheng will know in the future. Now I'm going to talk about the project in the old city."

Zheng Nanxin finally looked at Zhang Feng, and suddenly felt that this young man had a different feeling. He seemed to be unfathomable in ordinary times, and always felt that something was wrong with this kid.

"The old town will be built into a villa area, a different villa area, based on the original building, and transform it into a villa area with the style of the Republic of China!"

Zheng Nanxin has come to be interested. This idea is very good. Reform on the original basis? Few people live in the old town now. The rows of houses there are indeed very distinctive, but how should they be renovated? So old, many houses can't even live in.

How can such a place be transformed into a villa area?

Zheng Nanxin is very curious. He has a feeling that Zhang Feng will not aim for no reason. To be precise, Zheng Nanxin believes in Zhuo Chaoyun.

In the past few days, Zhuo Chaoyun has not come to the company, and Zhang Feng has the full authority to take charge. Even the projects that determine the fate of the group are not asked. Is this the idea of ​​Zhuo Chaoyun?

Anyway, this cannot be changed.

"Brother Zheng, what do you think those rich people pursue besides rights and health?" Zhang Feng asked.

The villa is sold to the rich.

Zheng Nanxin thought for a while and said: "Respect, get respect from others, and get spiritual satisfaction. I can't think of the rest."

"Hehe, Brother Zheng is right. We will provide whatever they need, spiritual satisfaction, low-key luxury, tall, everything satisfies them, Brother Zheng, you said that this area lived a hundred years ago Who are these?" Zhang Feng asked again.

Zheng Nanxin looked at Zhang Feng with a sharp gaze, he understood, and it made sense!

"President Zhang, are you thinking?" Zheng Nanxin should use his honorific title.

Zhang Feng said: "Brother Zheng should still call me Zhang Feng. Yes, I just want this. I will renovate on the original basis to create a tasteful and unique villa!"

"But they are not so foolish, and many rich people are very superstitious. After all, the old houses are a bit dirty!" Zheng Nanxin said.

"This is a trivial matter. Since they are superstitious, we can do a ritual. The key is to look at the surrounding facilities and services!" Zhang Feng said: "Our focus is not on the renovation of the house, but on the surrounding facilities and services. They feel that they have gained honor by living here, and this honor is low-key and luxurious, true honor!"

"True honor?" Zheng Nanxin still didn't understand.

Zhang Feng said: "Brother Zheng can think about what treatment those high-ranking officials and nobles enjoyed when they lived here? That is true dignity. The dignity is not reflected in the house, but the owner. Whether the house is noble depends on whether the house is noble. Who is living in, but how can we make a nouveau riche like a nouveau riche reflect true dignity? It depends on our supporting and service work, whether we are doing well!"

Zheng Nanxin was a little confused, he didn't understand, it seemed that he couldn't keep up with Zhang Feng's festival.

"In short, we want to restore the way it was back then!"

Zhang Feng looked at Zheng Nanxin, and he knew that he had found the right person.

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