Super Special Forces King

Chapter 2253: no impression!

A bunch of people come and leave quickly.

The blood on the ground is more conspicuous, Zhuo Chaoyun went to the bathroom nearby to take water to wash it away. Fortunately, there was no one around, otherwise they would not be immune to trouble.

"These people are really annoying!" Zhuo Chaoyun cursed angrily: "If it wasn't for your help just now, that gangster would sneak attack behind me."

Zhang Feng said: "Before I was often attacked by people from behind. Later, I gradually instinctively paid attention to the dangers in the surrounding area, and from then on I had a dangerous instinct."

"Then why are you still alive?" Zhuo Chaoyun asked curiously.

After being attacked so many times without death, some people died after being attacked once.

Zhang Feng looked at Zhuo Chaoyun and said, "I have always been curious about why I survived many surprise attacks. Only since I met me did I know why!"

"What is it?" Zhuo Chaoyun became more curious, this matter is still related to herself?

Zhang Feng took her hand and looked at her eyes and said affectionately: "I didn't die because of you. I want to live to see you!"

Zhuo Chaoyun was stunned. It was another love story. When Zhuo Chaoyun was so moved that he was about to plunge into his arms, Zhang Feng went on to say: "Otherwise you are someone else's, I don't allow it. Something like this happened."

"Hit..." Zhuo Chaoyun covered her nose and smiled and beat Zhang Feng in the chest and said, "Domineering!"

"Is not it?"

"Yes, yes, I live to meet you!"

"Let's go, my hero!" Zhuo Chaoyun pushed him into the park full of flowers.

Zhuo Chaoyun took out her phone to take a photo, smiling happily, Huamei, she is even more beautiful.

She hasn't been so happy for a long time, has she? Thinking of a company as big as Yunfeng Group, how could it be founded by such a girl? It's unbelievable. Small people have great power, and they are a small universe.

She can't work so hard anymore, she should live happily.

"What are you looking at? Come and take pictures, the flowers here are so beautiful!" Zhuo Chaoyun smiled happily.

Every girl loves beauty and wants to make herself as beautiful as a flower.

Zhang Feng smiled and pushed the wheelchair over.

At this moment, a car came from the parking lot, and several people got off and on the car. One of them, Zhang Feng, knew him, his old squad leader, Gan Dapao. The other three were all women.

These three women are all rich in make-up, and they don’t need fabrics. Now the weather is a bit cold. In Zhang Feng’s opinion, they don’t seem to be so beautiful. They have a lot of things on their faces. Women in their forties need Young men like Gan Da Pao.

He looks really small, his body is still in shape, and he is white and inviting, especially middle-aged women who have money and nowhere to spend.

Gan Da Pao helped them carry bags, and all kinds of things, anyway, he also helped them take pictures.

This is the best example of licking a dog, and Zhang Feng couldn't help despising him.

But seeing him treat three women like this, it shows that these three women are not simply worth his lick.

"Cannon, cannon..." Zhang Feng shouted.

Gan Dapao looked over and saw Zhang Feng sitting in a wheelchair by himself, and a girl with a very beautiful song not far away. He just looked at Zhang Feng and didn’t look at it again, pretending to not hear it. .

After the party that night, the situation of his company was not good. The owner of the hotel said that he had provoked a big man. Now his company is on the verge of bankruptcy. Every day, his company laughs with great anxiety. These three women are big customers and take care of the company. It can last for a while.

And now that his project with Guan Xiaogang has come to an end, and there is no money, Guan Xiaogang has almost turned his head against him.

Now it's the final stage.

As far as the current situation is concerned, where would he be willing to pay attention to Zhang Feng, otherwise Zhang Feng would ask him for money again, or seeing him in such a miserable situation, wouldn't he be embarrassed?

"Mr. Gan, come, come, how beautiful the flowers are here!"

"You are quicker, we may be a shareholder if we are happy today!"

"Okay, okay, I'm coming right away!"

Gan Dapao trot up. As for Zhang Feng over there, he has nothing to do with him, and that beautiful girl is not close to him now, and when he becomes rich, he will be predestined.

No money, no fate.

Ha ha!

Zhang Feng smiled helplessly. Gan Dapao is such a person. Seeing the trend, he will never make a big deal.

Let's love it, Zhang Feng's desire to pull him is gone now.

Zhuo Chaoyun was playing there by herself, dancing among the flowers, Zhang Feng looked from a distance, it was really beautiful, if she wore a long skirt, it would be even more beautiful.

And Gan Da Pao also peeked from time to time, how could there be such a beautiful girl in this world? It's a pity that it is the girl of the rich.

The three middle-aged women came over, and one of them said: "Mr. Gan, it seems that he called you just now!"

Zhang Feng didn't speak, and Gan Dapao didn't look at Zhang Feng. He said, "Is that right? Maybe, maybe I have seen me on a wine table before. I have no impression!"

"Then you don't know him?" the woman asked.

Gan Dapao really wants to strangle her at this time. Does knowing him have anything to do with you? Why ask?

"No impression!" Gan Dapao dared not look at Zhang Feng.

"Then I don't know each other. I thought you knew this kind of person. Just now, he kept staring at us. Meijing, the skirt you wear is so short. I think he is my favorite. He was just looking at you!"

The woman with a skirt shorter than Zhang Feng's boxer shorts snorted coldly: "Huh, stinky rascal..."

In fact, she was very happy in her heart. Although she was stared at by such a person, she was still very happy. She was dressed like this to show others to attract attention.

A woman is such a weird animal. She knows that it will attract attention when she is dressed like this, and when others look at her, she scolds people and hooligans.

Who is the hooligan who fell to the ground?

There are many similar things, and this world is so strange.

Zhang Feng said: "I didn't look at your skirt!"

"Huh, I didn't even watch it yet. Now you just watched it. Why don't you think I am wearing a skirt? Huh, you don’t have a girlfriend when you grow up? You are so sloppy and crippled, why are you? If you can come to this kind of place, you should watch your little movie at home, huh..."

"It's just a failed man, let's go, don't talk to this kind of person, it dirty my eyes!"

"Yes, Meijing, let's go!"

Zhang Feng looked at Gan Dapao, but he still didn't dare to look at Zhang Feng, and he was guilty.

"Mr. Gan, it's nice to meet you!" Zhang Feng said.

"do we know each other?"

"How can Gan always be a big man recognize me, this handicapped person, it's just that I've seen President Gan before, a role model for successful people like President Gan, my memory is very fresh!" Zhang Feng said.

Gan Dapao said: "Then you work hard!"


"Mr. Gan, what do you want to say to this kind of trash? He won't succeed in his life, look at him like this!" Meijing said, "Cici, look at that girl's skin is good!"

"Huh, what's good, it's all vixen, your husband's secretary has such good skin, look at you now, huh..."

The woman named Cici was very angry, as if she was born with a grudge against a girl with good skin.

"Yeah, humph, vixen, so shameless, I dance, who should I dance to..."

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