Super Special Forces King

Chapter 2275: Mr. Song is crazy

Song Fangxin was so angry that he pointed at Zhang Feng and cursed: "Zhang Feng, I don't care what your background is. No one in the company dares to say about you. For me, tell you that I am not that easy to provoke. Be careful!"

"Are you threatening me?" Zhang Feng disapproved.

Song Fangxin said: "So what, Zhang Feng, you know, you take back the previous documents. I am still the general manager of the North District. Those who accuse me are all false, otherwise..."

"Otherwise?" Zhang Feng asked with interest.

I think Song Fangxin is very interesting. Is his mind completely broken?

"No, you will regret coming to this world!" Song Fangxin said.

Zhang Feng said: "Are you going to kill me?"

"I didn't say that, Zhang Feng, I urge you to cherish your current achievements, otherwise there will be nothing!" Song Fangxin said, "Compared with Zhuo Chaoyun's trust, it was through a lot of hard work and luck. Don't waste it! If you can't get through with me, you can't get through with yourself!"

"Anything else? After all, I'll listen!" Zhang Feng took out his phone to play.

Song Fangxin said angrily: "Zhang Feng, is this your attitude toward an employee? What do you think of your current company? That little **** is your junior? What a good girl Secretary Jiang is ruined by you It’s really sad, you’re something of a human face and a beast...I’m talking to you, and you’re still playing on your phone...I let you play..."

Said Song Fangxin angrily went up to seize Zhang Feng's phone.

Just then there was a sweet drink from outside: "Stop..."

Following her voice, several security guards rushed in, and at the fastest speed they pressed Song Fangxin who was lying on the large desk.

Naturally Secretary Jiang called, she has been waiting for the opportunity.

"Let go of me, let me go, even if I dare to catch me, do you know who I am? Believe it or not, just let you go and let me go..." Song Fangxin shouted.

He almost caught Zhang Feng just now, just a little bit, even if he was not bad at all, he couldn't catch Zhang Feng.

"You still don't let me go, you should catch him, he is a fake, so bold, are your eyes blind? Why don't you catch him and let him do whatever he wants, you you, you let me go... …"

Song Fangxin was struggling, but his strength was not small, and the two strong security guards could barely hold him down.

"Take all his words and actions just now as confession and evidence. I was personally attacked by verbal and behavioral violence. I was shocked and very serious; and your Secretary Jiang was beaten by him..."

Zhang Fengyouyou said.

"Yes, President Zhang!"

With this, Song Fangxin can be locked in for at least half a year, and he will also face a huge amount of compensation for mental losses.

"Let the people from the Legal Department come and try to do it as long as possible!" Zhang Feng said.


Song Fangxin was struggling and roaring: "Zhang Feng, you have to die, you will be punished..."

"Don't take it away?" Zhang Feng said coldly to several security guards.

Several security guards hurried away. Lu Zhiqiang personally pressed him. Lu Zhiqiang was very guilty. He didn't know how Song Fangxin came in just now. He didn't look at the gate.

Now President Zhang is angry, so I haven't seen President Zhang angry in months. The incident is serious.

"President Zhang, I..." Lu Zhiqiang's expression ability is very limited, and now he doesn't know how to say it.

Zhang Feng said: "It's okay. Go ahead and hand it to the police. At the same time, give all the evidence to the Legal Department. Today, the Legal Department does not need to do other things, just do this!"

"Yes!" Secretary Jiang replied in a deep voice, and took a peek at Lu Zhiqiang, who looked ugly.

President Zhang is angry, all because of you Lu Zhiqiang!

"Zhang Feng, I won't let you go if I become a ghost... I refuse to accept, refuse to accept..."

Song Fangxin roared and was taken away.

Zhang Feng said: "Hehe, I am not afraid of you while you are alive, and I am even more not afraid of you becoming a ghost, Song Fangxin, don't you think you have any problems?"

Lu Zhiqiang stopped, President Zhang wants to give some remarks.

"Bah, what can I have a problem with, you ruined everything about me, it's you, you are going to ruin Zhuo Chaoyun's group, you beast, beast..."

Song Fangxin seemed crazy like a mad dog, biting whatever he caught.

"Forget it, take it away!" Zhang Feng waved.

The office was quiet, and Zhang Feng's heart was quiet. Song Fangxin reminded him a lot. The company was founded by Zhuo Chaoyun, and it is temporarily in Zhang Feng's hands. In this short period of time, Zhang Feng Let the group develop rapidly, otherwise it will fail.

Zhang Feng doesn't want to have any regrets. Whether in the army, in the war, or in any confrontation, it is the same as the market.

The shopping mall is a war without gunpowder. Zhuo Chaoyun has been fighting ahead for several years and has won a lot of victories. Zhang Feng doesn't want to do nothing at this time, that is not Zhang Feng's.

At present, the group cannot only lay eggs in the old town, but also lay more eggs in different bamboo baskets.


Zhang Feng thought of doing business!

I want to have what others have, and I want to have what others don’t, and even more so that the skills that get stuck in the neck.

Zhang Feng thought about these things and went outside to smoke.

Half an hour later, Secretary Jiang came with Lu Zhiqiang. When the two of them saw Zhang Feng smoking outside, his expressions were solemn, and Lu Zhiqiang's heart was at a low point.

Today's matter was originally due to his inability to manage his subordinates, and the security guard on duty let Song Fangxin in.

Secretary Jiang stood there without speaking, and was afraid to come over, neither of them dared to cheer.

"Why are you standing there? Don't say anything?" Zhang Feng said.

Secretary Jiang said: "President Zhang, Minister Lu has something to say!"

"Let's talk about it, don't have to chirp like that..." Zhang Feng didn't raise his head, which put a lot of pressure on the two of them, especially Lu Zhiqiang, who seemed to be out of breath under Lu Zhiqiang.

"Zhang, Mr. Zhang, President Zhang...I, today is my fault, I..." Lu Zhiqiang was nervous and unhappy.

Secretary Jiang stood by and dared not interrupt.

"Sit down and talk, what happened to you today?" Zhang Feng said.

How dare Lu Zhiqiang sit down: "I didn't manage Song Fangxin to come in. It was my responsibility for the brother on duty to let him in...I let President Zhang down..."

Lu Zhiqiang was pulled up by Zhang Feng with one hand. Naturally, he had high hopes. Today's incident is indeed due to his negligence in management or a long-standing problem.

"This is indeed your responsibility, but the problem is not big. The big one is if any gangsters rush in in the future to threaten everyone’s lives, or if our competitors use arbitrary methods to steal us. This question is big!"

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