Super Special Forces King

Chapter 2292: brutal reality

Tyrannosaurus Li Jian and they both woke up. Zhang Feng just came from them half an hour ago. They had no family members, because their wives and daughters didn’t know where they were going. They just knew that they were in the army and they often sent money back. , The information is given to the family for half a year or sometimes more than half a year.

It's really embarrassing for them to live apart from her husband and father for a long time.

If it is glorious one day, they will be the last to know the news.


There is no way, there is no turning back after embarking on this path.

Yes and yes, but that is the eternal way. If you are lucky enough to survive, you won't have to be on the front line when you retire.

Will there be that day?

The captain of Huangquan Team is Yan Wang, but the real captain is Zhang Feng. They listen to Zhang Feng.

Zhang Feng knows this. Now Zhang Feng's only effort is to let them live until retirement. Can it be achieved? Zhang Feng himself didn't know.

Who knows the future?

In the face of unexpected events, how much strength can we have to deal with? Zhang Feng didn't know when he fell.

"Are you hungry?"

Yun Qian's voice came from behind.

Zhang Feng turned to look, and behind Yun Qian was a big guy.

"Fortunately..." Zhang Feng said.

Just thinking about things, Zhang Feng felt a little bit and his tone changed.

Yun Qian took out two breads to him: "Eat some first!" The other hand was milk, both hot.

"Huh!" Zhang Feng said while eating, "Your injury!"

"It's okay, just a little bit, it's already bandaged!" Yun Qian said, "I met a young man today, but fortunately, Xiao Ran arrived in time!"

Zhang Feng nodded and ate the bread, they were afraid to speak, but Haohao came to talk.

"Dad, I was wrong today!" Haohao came over to admit his mistake.

Zhang Feng asked: "What's wrong?"

"I didn't protect my mother well, I hurt her!" Hao Hao said.

"Go and accept the punishment tonight." Zhang Feng said.

"Yes, Dad!"

Haohao didn't have any complaints or reasons, because this thing couldn't have any reason, it happened when it happened.

Excuses will be addictive, will invade people's minds, and degenerate.

"Think about what you have to do next time to avoid similar things happening, and think about it!" Zhang Feng said.

"Yes, Dad!"

Such a high requirement can only be made by Zhang Feng. He usually has corresponding punishment for doing wrong things, such as squatting, push-ups and pull-ups.

Not being able to eat is very serious.

Not only physical punishment, but also mental punishment.

"I will become stronger!" Hao Hao continued.

"Dad believes in you!"

Zhang Feng touched his head and gave him half of the bread.

Most of the time their diet is very simple, they are healthy and nutritious. This is a comprehensive control, unless Zhang Feng is in the wild, she can't control, and the conditions are limited.

"Feng, that guy was almost killed by me today, if it wasn't for Sister Yun Qian to stop me, huh..."

Sharapova came up.

"Your sister Yun Qian is right, killing such a trash and you still get in a lot of trouble, there is no need!" Zhang Feng said.

"Oh, I didn't kill him because of this. He probably will be in the hospital for a year!"

Sharapova was right. Liang Kaiming had to stay in the hospital for more than a year and suffered multiple fractures.

"Xiao Ran, I performed well today!" Zhang Feng said to Chang Xiaoran.

Chang Xiaoran was very happy. Like a little girl, she said with great air: "Little things!"

It is the happiest to get Zhang Feng's approval.

"Who are there?" Zhang Feng asked.

Yun Qian wanted to speak, but didn't say it. Zhang Feng noticed her expression and smiled: "Don't worry, I won't kill anyone!"

"That's okay!" Yun Qian was relieved. He said that if he doesn't kill, he doesn't kill. As long as he doesn't die, he can say anything. Yun Qian doesn't want Zhang Feng to be arrogant, he will fall into the hands of others in the future.

From now on, Zhang Feng will have a long way to go, and maybe his opponent who will be hidden in the dark will use this as an argument.

Zhuo Chaoyun said: "For me, the store manager of a company under the Liang family's group company, its boss Liang Fuli, his nephew Liang Kaiming, the boss of a small company Cai Dazhong, and a knife..."

"Well, I will see them tomorrow!" Zhang Feng said.

"Do you want me to help? Hey..." Zhuo Chaoyun smiled.

Zhang Feng said: "It doesn't need to be so complicated, I'll just call the knife in a while!"

"It's a very good way!"

Zhang Feng called the knife after eating.

The knife over there said flatteredly: "Feng, Brother Feng..."

In fact, after coming out of the store, Knife kept thinking about how Feng Brother would deal with him. Before he had time to take the initiative to admit his mistake, Feng Feng called.

Why didn't you go to see Brother Feng with your injuries today? That's stupid! Brother Feng will be angry.

"Tomorrow, I will go to your KTV, and all the people in'Interesting Women' will be there today. If there is one less person, you can do it yourself!"

"Yes, Brother Feng!" Dao answered: "But Brother Feng, Liang Kaiming is in the office!"

In fact, Liang Kaiming said he was treated in the hospital, but there were officers watching him.

"Forget it!" Zhang Feng said.

"Yes, Brother Feng!"

It is not very good to let the knife go there to ask for someone. Zhang Feng does not want to have too much contact with them, such as Duan Zhenggang.

Putting the phone away, Zhang Feng said: "Tomorrow we will sing K!"

"Ok, you can go to play... Oye..." Haohao exclaimed excitedly.

This voice provokes a warning from the nurse passing through the corridor.

"Don't make a noise, this is not your home..."

"Oh, I'm sorry, nurse sister, I'm not quarreling anymore!"

Haohao's attitude is very good.

In the eyes of the nurses, no matter who came here, they must be honest.

The nurse is not afraid, she has never seen anyone.

Those who are superb or billionaires or popular actresses on weekdays have to be honest when they come here when they are sick. They have to come here by themselves, or ask a nurse for help.

If you run into a horrible patient, the nurse has many ways to treat him. Try harder when getting the injection.

The nurse smiled at him and went busy. Who would be angry with such a polite and sensible child?

"Go back, I'll be fine here!" Zhang Feng said.

"Good!" Yun Qian said, "I want to go back too!"

They all knew that Zhang Feng was going to guard his comrades here, and he needed to be quiet.

They left with their mandarin ducks and ducks, causing the men in the hospital to be uneasy, especially when they passed the reproductive department building, causing many unnecessary accidents, which increased the workload of the nurses, which was a sin.

Zhang Feng hasn't been to Yunfeng Group since yesterday. He said that there was something, and he had arranged Secretary Jiang to do it. If there are important things, Secretary Jiang can come to the hospital.

Very circumstance, treat very much.


Zhang Feng's mobile phone vibrated. There was a message, and it was sent by the old beggar: Director Xing was transferred to the People's Hospital, in the ICU!

Zhang Feng's heart is tight, is that serious? Isn't it not serious?

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