Super Special Forces King

Chapter 2297: Make money and eliminate disaster

Can so many things happen in one day, can you handle it?

he does not know.



"It's okay, haha!"

A few hours later, Liang Kaiming woke up, but the police were still unable to question him and had to wait for him to stabilize.

Liang Fumin wanted to go in, but the police refused.

"Just go in and look at him, say something, promise to disagree and collude, and don't lead him by mistake!"

Liang Fumin made a guarantee.

"Okay, go in, give you two minutes!"

"Thank you, thank you!" Liang Fumin said and went in.

The police officer did not follow up, but they could be heard watching from the door, as long as they didn't make small moves.

"Dad, what are you doing here, my mother? Why isn't she here yet?" Liang Kaiming asked.

Liang Fumin thought for a while and said, "She went shopping!"

"How can I go shopping, call her!"

Liang Fumin said: "She was here just now and you were taking a rest and you felt bored here, so you went out. You didn't bring your mobile phone, and the bag is here!"

"I'm like this, she still has the mind to go shopping, is it my mother?" Liang Kaiming's mood was wrong.

"Yes, when she comes back, I will say she..."

The policeman who was listening outside shook his head helplessly. Is it any wonder that your son beat someone? This is the way of education?

"Dad, I don't want to go to jail, the police are going to arrest me..." Liang Kaiming said and cried: "They all hit me, and my uncle hit me too. My arm hurts..."

Liang Fumin looked up at the police officers outside and said to his son: "This one has to listen to the police, and my father can't do anything about it. Don't you know what you have done?"

"I haven't done anything illegal, why did they arrest me..."

The police officer said outside: "Okay, it's time!"

Liang Fumin said: "Yes!" Then he said to his son, "You take care of your injuries here!"

Then he went out.

Liang Kaiming on the bed behind him called out, "Dad, can you just do something? I don't want to go to jail..."

Liang Fumin ignored him and walked out. At this time, he was a little scared to face his son because he was powerless.


Wei Fangya, who was taken to the police station at this time, was also restless, making a noise in the lobby of the police station, struggling, jumping up and down.

After having been in trouble for more than half an hour, I was tired, quiet, **** and left in the interrogation room.

It had been cold all night, and when the police officers went to see her the next morning, they found that they had peeed on her skirt, which smelled bad.

Whose fault has a rich woman become like this?

She had run out of strength, and after letting go of her, she collapsed on the ground, and the policeman brought her something to eat, water and bread.

She drank the water and saw a few white breads and said: "I don't eat this kind of things that pigs don't eat..."

Then, with a flick of his hand, the meal fell to the ground.

The policeman is not angry, in fact the policeman bought it himself.

"You will eat it!" said the police officer and walked out.

"Let me out, let me out..." Wei Fangya shouted.

Boom... the door of the interrogation room was closed, and it was a little dark inside, barely able to see things.

Wei Fangya curled up in the corner, whispering: "You guys, let me out, let me out..."

Police officers are very experienced in dealing with such people.

Just smooth her edges and corners, and then educate. Only let go if she has a good attitude, otherwise she will still endanger social stability.

Obviously, after one night she still did not calm down.

At ten o'clock in the morning, Wei Fangya was already dizzy with hunger. She drank a little water in the morning. She was so hungry that she went to pick up the bread on the ground and gnawed.

The police officer outside in front of the monitoring display saw a smile and said, "Look, eat!"

"I hate this kind of woman most, thinking that I am a queen..." a female officer said.

"No one likes such a woman!"

"Her husband likes it!"

"Then his life must be very happy!"


Back to last night.

Liang Fuli ran to several banks and withdrew hundreds of thousands from the ATM, and went to the orthopedic hospital.

Before I left, there were not a lot of flower plates, fruit plates, nutritious products and the like, and a few bodyguards barely moved.

The people in the hospital are all paying attention when they see it. Is this a big money?

When he came to the ward, Liang Welfare's attitude was very low and straightforward. He put the money on the table and said, "Brother Knife, it's me who is wrong. I went to the bank just now and I took this point. If it's not enough, talk to me! "

Brother Daozi was very surprised when he saw hundreds of thousands of cash. It seems that this Fatty Liang would be troubled, and most of his anger was gone.

"My finger has been picked up, it depends on God's will whether it can be successfully picked up, boss Liang..." said the knife.

"Yes, it must be possible!"

The knife said: "You and I don't have any deep hatred, but your nephew is too inhuman. He used our brother as a gunman and broke my brother's finger. How can I explain this to my brothers?"

So explain? Money!

Liang Fuli said: "Brother Knife, I know, I know, I can't let my brothers get the knife in vain, speak, I will go to the bank to withdraw money tomorrow!"

"My brothers, in addition to the medical expenses, you give each of them 200,000, and that's it!" said the knife.

The fat on Liang Fuli's face twitched.

There are eight brothers here today, each of which is 200,000, or 1.6 million, which is not considered as medical expenses.

These people, Liang Fuli, knew that it was not so easy for them to get out after they came in. They had to cure all their injuries or illnesses before going out. This was almost a bottomless pit!

Also, this one hundred and six hundred thousand are only for eight brothers, what about his knife?

"No problem, all should be, should be..."

What can Liang Fuli say?

"There is still my level, I want you to have a million, right?" The knife said.

Liang Fuli's face twitched again!

That's three million small, and if you include medical expenses, it's at least five million!

Five million is not a big amount for the current strength of the Liang family, but it is painful!

The key lies in how the Zhuo family and the Zhang family deal with it.

"Good!" Liang Fuli said.

"Okay, you get the money tomorrow, and you have to meet someone tomorrow!"

The knife said impatiently, is he not satisfied enough? Before coming to this ward, Liang Fuli went to the doctor to find out. He said that he could be picked up. The operation was already performed in the afternoon. The operation was very successful. Now the medical treatment is so advanced. It's very simple.

"Brother Knife, there is one thing you can do for me!"

"Say it!"

"What attitude do the Zhuo family and Zhang family have toward me? How can I resolve it?"

"Hehe, you are very straightforward, who knows who I will see tomorrow!"

"That's great, do I need to prepare something?"

The knife said: "Everyone is going this morning, including Boss Cai, your wife, etc., understand?"

"Yes, I know!" Liang Fuli thought for a while and said, "My nephew is still in the hospital, and there are police officers watching..."

"He? Then I don't know, I have already brought it, you can figure it out!"

"Okay, thank you Brother Dao..."

"What else?"

The knife looked impatient, he didn't like the Liang family, and he made himself miserable.

"No, no more!"

"That's not going to go!"

"Yes Yes……"

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