Super Special Forces King

Chapter 2308: Pierce the sky

The master has a lot of honest parts here, and any car can be repaired.

Several people were transferred from Boss He to help, and then the work started.

Together, they witnessed what is a master, these people work faster under the command of the master.

The knife sitting on the large sofa is still very worried, whether it can be completed before dawn, if not, it will be delayed by up to three hours, and it must be fixed at eight or nine in the morning.

His finger was aching, and he didn't get a good rest today. Will the wound worsen?

He can't take care of that much now. The spirit is tense for the past two days, and he is really scared walking around in the ghost gate.

What is it down to?

He thought for a while. If Liang Kaiming called himself yesterday, he wouldn't come, and he wouldn't have what happened today, and his fingers would not end up like that.

I did some small actions by myself. Brother Feng didn't listen to all of his words, but he wanted to mix, how to mix without money, there are so many brothers down there waiting for him to raise, it is really difficult.

The lesson this time is very profound. If there is another one, I won't forgive myself, let alone whether Brother Feng will forgive myself.

But how can we control this degree?

Someone asked him to support him if he didn't go, his knife brother would have no meaning, otherwise, who would give him face in the future? Who is afraid of him?

It's really difficult!

Thinking of this, the knife has a headache.

"You stare, I will sleep for a while!" said the knife.

"Yes, Brother Dao!" said the little brother.

It's going on like a raging fire inside. Where can Liang Fuli and others dare to rest? They were thinking, in fact, if this is the case, it is not very serious. The key is how to operate it. The knife is not an unreasonable person and can communicate.

I hope the car can be repaired, and I hope Brother Feng can forgive them tomorrow, and it doesn't matter how much money they pay.

"Boss Cai, you have to prepare more money!" Liang Fuli said softly.

A few of them were sitting on the other side and smoking cigarettes. This incident brought them together.

Cai Dazhong said: "Why do I pay more?"

"If it wasn't for your woman's bad words, who ran into Miss Zhuo's family and Zhang Feng's wife, how could there be such a thing?" Liang Fuli said.

"The surname is Liang, you can't say it like that. Whose nephew molested the eldest lady? He asked someone to fight, how to calculate this?"

Liang Fuli suffered a loss and did not speak.

Cai Dazhong said again: "We were able to solve the problem tonight, where will there be current things?"

This is obviously talking about Tian Bin.

"Blam me?"

"Don't blame you? The staff in your club sees people as low-key. No matter how low-key Feng is, he will say that there is something inside, saying that someone he knows inside, and your security is not allowed to enter. , I also heard Ma Zhikun’s trash talk that he smashed Brother Feng’s car, you said, how is this going to be done?"

Tian Bin felt like there were flies in his throat, and he was sick and uncomfortable.

"I want to say that each of us has a responsibility. Now is not the time to shirk. You have to think about how to solve it, so that the knife is not angry, and Brother Feng is satisfied, what do you think?"

Liang Fuli, a fat man, has a big picture. He is also the richest. He has spent millions of dollars without saying anything.

"Mr Liang is right!"

"But how do you do it? There is always a discussion, right?"

"From now on, we will share all expenditures equally!" Liang Fuli said.

The two were silent.

The most unwilling person is Tian Bin. He is lying with a gun. Although his employees are unfavorable, this matter has nothing to do with him. If he shouldn't be irresponsible, it won't work. The knife can let him go. And Liang Fuli.

Regardless of how Liang Fuli talks very well, this man eats people without spitting out bones. Sometimes he is more ruthless than Brother Knife. Sometimes the businessman's face is even more disgusting than a local snake.

Tian Bin had no choice but to say that he was out of luck. He could have made a good fortune tonight, but as a result, he was facing a dead end.

If you don't handle it well, you will return to the pre-liberation overnight. Can you compete with the Zhuo family?

"I agree!" Tian Bin said.

Tian Bin agreed, what else can Boss Cai say.

"it is good!"

It was easy to reach an agreement, and they smiled at each other.


At this time, Zhang Feng and Yun Qian were sitting on the balcony and talking. They did not go to the hospital to accompany them tonight. Their injuries have almost stabilized. Only the students are left. There are nurses and Qi Lingling inside, and Zhang Feng is also there. He couldn't do anything, so he came back to sleep, and his foot injury was still not healed.

Now I can barely stand up, but it's not agile enough, I can't walk, let alone run.

This recovery speed is already very fast.

"Does the injury on the hand still hurt?" Zhang Feng asked.

"It doesn't hurt anymore, that is, it just scratches a bit of the skin, and there should be no scars left!" Yun Qian said.

Zhang Feng nodded, the anger still in his heart.

"I will be careful next time, and I won't worry you anymore!" Yun Qian said, "When that person stabbed over, I originally wanted to block it, but found that his hand was very long, so I quickly dodge and dodge. I was scratched to the arm before it was too late, and the clothes were torn!"

Thinking of the scene yesterday morning, Yun Qianxin had lingering fears. She had learned a lot of experience in the last few battles and was able to analyze it.

"I don't allow you to do any harm!" Zhang Feng said coldly.

Yun Qian lay in Zhang Feng's arms and said, "You can't do stupid things, and it's not a big deal!"

"Make them remember, otherwise you will still get hurt next time, and Chao Yun and the others!" Zhang Feng said, "There can be no such situation."

"But you can't follow it step by step!" Yun Qian said: "I will start to arrange an hour or two for exercise tomorrow, or even more time, so that I can protect myself!"

"This is a must, it is a long-term strategy!" Zhang Feng said: "There are too many capable people in this area of ​​Kyoto. We should be good at ourselves. We will not provoke others, but we will not let others bully. If we are really bad by anyone. People are bullied, and even if I pierce the sky, it won’t make him feel better!"

Yun Qian didn't refute, there was little sweetness in his heart, and he broke the sky with a big tone!

What can a man say if he wants to break the sky for you?

Looking at the stars in the sky, Yun Qianyouyou said, "I don't know how Xinting is doing!"

Mentioning this Zhang Feng feels very uncomfortable. If it is not so useless by herself, how can Xinting go?

Seeing Zhang Feng not speaking, Yun Qian said: "You don't have to have any psychological burden, and she doesn't want to see you like this. She doesn't need anything. As long as we are all in peace, do you understand?"

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