Super Special Forces King

Chapter 2310: Is an expert!

"Brother Feng is not angry, you are very lucky..." said the knife.

Everyone is relieved.

"Be better in a while, or you will be killed!" The knife angered.

"Yes, yes, definitely!" Boss Cai said repeatedly.


At the gate of the hospital, Knife and them waited anxiously, and a brand new Santana stopped there.

It is already half past nine, and Zhang Feng has not yet appeared.

"Will Brother Feng stop coming?" Boss Cai was very worried.

"No, Brother Feng said he would come, that must be!" Daozi said.

A taxi stopped at the gate now.

The knife ran up and shouted: "Sister-in-law, you are here..."

Yun Qian glanced at the knife and didn't say anything. He went to the back of the car and took out the wheelchair. The knife wanted to help but Yun Qian refused.

They came up too, and said respectfully: "Hello sister-in-law!"

Yun Qian did not speak either.

Their hearts became cold all of a sudden, and they became more and more nervous. It seemed very bad.

"Come down!" Yun Qian opened the rear door.

Zhang Feng came out, stood slightly, Yun Qian helped him into the wheelchair.

"Brother Feng!" The knife cried respectfully.

Zhang Feng said: "Well, something?"

"Something"? Knife was very puzzled, could it be said that Brother Feng didn't care about such a big thing? Or do you forget?

Or very angry.

"Uh, it's such a brother Feng. I have done everything that happened yesterday. Wow, I have taken care of people who are not open to eyes. The car has also been repaired for you. Take a look!"

Knife's brain reacted quickly.

"This is not my car!" Zhang Feng took a look and said, "My car was smashed by you!"

It seems to be angry.

The knife was frightened at once, wouldn't it be good if you didn't bring it? And Liang Fuli was also terrified.

It turns out that this person is Brother Feng. They don't doubt Brother Feng's ability at all. They are scared to death with knives. Can they make mistakes?

And that girl, really beautiful!

And now Brother Feng seems to be very angry, what should I do?

"Brother Feng, it's all our fault, we were wrong, give us a chance...really wrong..."

The knife was about to cry, and if it didn't work, he really didn't know what to do.

"Brother Feng, it's our fault..." Liang Fuli also came over, and now he can only apologize like that.

Tian Bin said: "It is my employees who are not long-eyed and ran into you. Now I have fired them, and there will be no such thing in the future!"

"Who are you?" Zhang Feng asked.

"I'm Tian Bin, the owner of Yongye Club!" Tian Bin said.

They are much older than Zhang Feng, and it is embarrassing for them to be so low-pitched.

"Hmm!" Zhang Feng responded.

It doesn't seem to be angry.

Zhang Feng went on to say: "Okay, pay attention in the future. Do your business well. If you have a knife, he will do it for you. If the business is crooked, the knife can do you too!"

Several people were surprised. What's going on?

"Also, if your business needs to cooperate with Yunfeng Group, you can go to Secretary Jiang and say it was me!" Zhang Feng said.

Just now when Zhang Feng saw them appearing here, he had the idea to support them. In Kyoto, he still needs to cultivate his own strength. They are not bad in nature and can beat and beat.

"Ah..." Boss Cai was not calm.

Liang Fuli also looked dazed.

They are all human beings, and you can hear what Zhang Feng said. This is to train them, Yunfeng Group? That's the capital crocodile, a huge business empire, if they can cooperate with it, their wealth will suddenly soar.

"Brother Xie Feng!" said the knife, his face relaxed.

"Yes, yes, thank you, Brother Feng..."

"We will definitely work hard..."

They have all expressed their opinions, don't they want to die if they don't express their opinions at this time?

Zhang Feng went over to check the car, carefully went in and tried it, and then said, "Where was the car repaired?"

The knife said: "It's in a small alley!"

"End!" Zhang Feng said in a deep voice.

The knife said: "I'm an old man with very good skills. I fixed it in one night. When I asked him how much money he wanted, he asked him whether he should tell him who owns the car, or 600,000 yuan, and finally asked him. Six hundred thousand."

"Take me there!" Zhang Feng called Yun Qian over: "Yun Qian, you go too."

Yun Qian got into the car in doubt.

"What's wrong?" Yun Qian asked.

Zhang Feng, who was sitting in the passenger seat, said in a deep voice, "You know that my dad drove this car before. My dad kept it there when he was not in Kyoto. I didn't drive for long. The car was a bit faulty, but This car has returned to its original appearance!"

"The original look?" Yun Qian still didn't understand.

Zhang Feng said: "My dad has a habit of driving and put the cigarette lighter on the left. This is something he made specially for people. He said it is so convenient. He smokes with his left hand on one side, but the cigarette lighter is on the bottom. It's also covered, you can touch it with your hand, and it's broken, but now it's better."

"Yes, this car is very strange. The throttle is on the left and the brake is on the right. In normal cars, the throttle is on the right. It took me a long time to get used to it!" Yun Qian said.

Zhang Feng said: "There are mirrors!"

"Yes, the mirror is semicircular, so you can see a wider direction..." Yun Qian said.

Zhang Feng said: "The mirror has been replaced with a new one!"

"I see, the repairer knows this car very well!" Yun Qian said.

Zhang Feng smiled and nodded, Dao Zi and others had already walked forward, and Yun Qian drove up.

To be honest, Zhang Feng was a little excited, because he was very curious about his father, especially his mother.

Ever since he saw his father, he has always wanted to ask about his mother, where and whether he is still alive.

But Zhang Dashan didn't mention it, and Zhang Feng didn't dare to ask. No one asked, as if everyone had a tacit understanding about this matter, they just ignored it.

Zhang Feng didn't dare to mention it, but it doesn't mean that Zhang Feng didn't want to know, but wanted very much.

"I think this person should know his uncle, and he is very familiar with it!" Yun Qian said.

Zhang Feng nodded.

It is because of this Zhang Feng that he has to rush to see him.

After half an hour, Zhang Feng arrived here, and the gate was closed. It should have been opened at this time. It was ten o'clock in the morning.

"Master, master..." Knife cried over there.

Zhang Feng noticed the brand of the auto repair shop, Omori Auto Repair!

"Master, master..."

After calling for ten minutes, there was still no response.

"It may be said that the master is too tired and didn't sleep all night last night!" Liang Fuli said.

Boss Cai said: "Yes, we can come back tonight!"

The knife looked at Zhang Feng, waiting for Zhang Feng to speak.

"He has already left, let's go in and take a look!" Zhang Feng said in a deep voice.

It really is, Zhang Feng is looking forward to it!

The knife made the little brother come up and open the door, which opened in less than a minute.

The spacious maintenance garage is full of gasoline smell. Pushed car parts are stacked nearby, and tools are everywhere.

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