Super Special Forces King

Chapter 2318: President Zhang's concern

She didn't realize that there was something wrong with what she said. There was indeed nothing wrong with Zhang Feng's work here, and Zhang Feng didn't care.

But the little suit laughed: "Go to work? He is not a doctor, right? That's the security, but here is the security room! Mengqin, how come you have such a classmate, wouldn't you want to borrow money?"

"Han Shaohua, what are you talking about, this is my classmate! Be respectful!"

Li Mengqin did not dare to offend Zhang Feng.

"Any classmate who learns differently is Goubi. If you look at him like this, you still pay attention to him... Let's go, I'll take you to a French meal later..." Han Shaohua took Li Mengqin away.

"My mother is still in the ward, and now I can't find a good doctor, where can I still think about eating!" Li Mengqi said.

Han Shaohua said: "If you are here, can he find a good doctor for you? I can't do it, can he?"

"If needed, I can help!"

Based on what she said just now, Zhang Feng felt that he could try and save one's life better than building a seventh-level Buddha.

"Haha, can you? Just kidding, who do you know me? That Doctor Yun is not everyone can see. Last time someone said that it would cost 10 million to invite Dr. Yun, and they would never kill him!" Han Shaohua Laughing loudly.

Li Mengqin thought, Zhang Feng might have the energy to meet Dr. Yun, because he is the president of Yunfeng Group.

But some people say that the real president is the Zhuo family, and he is just a fake.

Li Mengqin didn't know whether it was true or false.

Deep down in her heart, she felt that Zhang Feng couldn't have achieved such an achievement. He didn't know what was going on.

Han Shaohua smiled again: "Hey, learn from other people to pick up girls? Old classmate? Are you a rabbit and eat grass on the edge of the nest? No, it's not grass on the edge of the nest, how do you say..."

"Forget it, Zhang Feng, thank you!"

Zhang Feng stopped talking.

"Get into your class well, a trash..."

Li Mengqin took him away.

"Why are you classmates with such a person, it's really shameful!"

"It's a middle school classmate!"

"It's a shame not to associate with such people in the future!"

The two said as they walked out.

"Look at it, let me just say, this kind of woman..." Cheng Baojiang came over.

Zhang Feng said: "Perhaps she was forced to be helpless!"

"Everyone is forced to be helpless, even me, do you think I want to work here? That person thinks we are ashamed!"

"Don't bother him!"

"Oh, just your mentality!"

Zhang Feng smiled and looked down at the book.

After waiting for more than 20 minutes, Secretary Jiang came and brought the documents to Zhang Feng for signing.

Zhang Feng did not look at the file but at Secretary Jiang. She lost a lot during this period.

"Look, you can sign if there is no problem!"

Secretary Jiang just walked over and saw their President Zhang sitting there reading like an old man. Who knows that he is the president of Yunfeng Group?

Even if someone said he was, he wouldn't believe him if he was killed.

"Secretary Jiang, don't work too hard, I still rely on you, but I can't get tired!" Zhang Feng said.

Secretary Jiang said: "Thank you, President Zhang, for your concern, I am not tired!"

She also managed to squeeze a smile.

A girl with a strong heart, too hard.

"Well, I will give you a vacation tomorrow!" Zhang Feng said.

"No, no, President Zhang, now is a critical period, where can I have time for holidays!" Secretary Jiang shook his head repeatedly, feeling very warm.

Zhang Feng said: "This is an order. You will come here after you bring this file back to the company. I will take you to play in the evening!"

"President Zhang, this..."

"Just do it, you don't have to think about anything today and tomorrow, and leave the rest aside!" Zhang Feng said.

"But, President Zhang, there are so many things..."

"Do you listen to me or not?"

Zhang Feng was angry.

"Yes, President Zhang!"

"That's right!"

Zhang Feng signed with a pen and gave the document to her.

"Come in the evening, can you drive?" Zhang Feng said.

Secretary Jiang nodded.

"Okay, you just drive the company car!" Zhang Feng said, "You don't need to drive the Chaoyun car!"


Secretary Jiang is gone.

Zhang Feng is rare and quiet. Fortunately, Cheng Baojiang was not here just now, otherwise I don’t know what to think of Zhang Feng, President Zhang? Is there a problem here?

I sent a message to Yun Qian, saying that he was taking Secretary Jiang to play with Red Star, let her go home by herself, and promised not to drink or smoke.

Naturally, Yun Qian did not reply to the message. After Secretary Jiang arrived, he received her message, so he responded, um!

Secretary Jiang also changed clothes, which are also very ordinary clothes. A white skirt is very old and not very new. However, she is very beautiful at first, and her clothes are more fresh and beautiful, but her face is slightly visible. Tired.

Like the girl next door!

"Can I do this?"

Seeing Zhang Feng looking at himself like this, Secretary Jiang became nervous.

"This..." Zhang Feng didn't know what to say.

Secretary Jiang was embarrassed: "This, this is my best dress..."

"It's okay!" Zhang Feng said, "It's beautiful!"

Secretary Jiang lowered his head and dared not speak.

Does Zhang Feng think she is Jiang's mother's biological daughter right now? It's not like it at all.

"what happened again?"

"Haha, it's okay!" Zhang Feng smiled: "Let's go!"

Secretary Jiang drove a Daben business car, which was still very high-end.

"President Zhang, where are we going?"

"Go to dinner first, it's almost time!" Zhang Feng said: "Just call me Zhang Feng, not the president..."

"Yes, Mr. Zhang, Zhang Feng!" Secretary Jiang changed his words, still very awkward: "Where shall we eat?"

"You decide that, I can do it!"

"This, how does this work!"

Do you want the boss to follow you? How does that work?

"Just do it, don't be so cautious!" Zhang Feng said, "Aren't we friends?"

This is a taboo. The relationship between the boss and his subordinates is abnormal.

How is it normal?

The subordinate relationship should not be overstepped, otherwise there will be problems, especially if the man is the boss.

But Zhang Feng seems to have passed it?

Will something go wrong?


Secretary Jiang drove there. She was a little absent-minded, wondering why the president asked herself to go, why did she care about herself so much? I took care of my own housework. Is it just to make myself work better for him?

He doesn't have to be like this at all, he will work well no matter what, she needs this job very much.

If so, why should he treat himself so well?

Secretary Jiang is very confused, but what can she do?

If the president really wants to do that, she really can't do anything, she can only respond, why?

She has no choice!

Artificial knife...

"What's wrong?" Zhang Feng asked.

It was dangerous, and she was still a female driver. Zhang Feng didn't want to get hurt, nor did she want her to get hurt.

"Oh, it's okay, I just feel a little homesick!" Secretary Jiang said.

"where is your home?"

"I have no home!"

"How come? Everyone has a home, how can there be no home!"

"It was true. My parents listened to my brother's words and sold the old fields and the same old home to Kyoto. As a result, my brother lost all the money..."

When talking about sad things, Secretary Jiang's face was very bad.

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