Super Special Forces King

Chapter 2331: This person must not be let go!

When Han Shaoqiang left the police station to the hospital last night, his cousin Han Shaohua had already come out of the operating room. The wooden strips on his thighs had been taken out and bandaged, but he had fallen asleep before the anesthesia.

Many people from the Han family came, including Han Shaohua's parents, Han Jinglin and Yao Huifeng.

There is a very young woman beside Han Jinglin, who is in her fifties, a beautiful and fashionable woman in her thirties, with a face that seems to have come down from the production line.

Her name is Yang Xinxin, Han Jinglin's wife. She is playing with her mobile phone and has nothing to do with her posture. Yao Huifeng is an ex-wife.


Yao Huifeng cried. Which mother doesn't care for her son.

"Okay, don't cry, what's the use of crying!" Han Jinglin said impatiently.

Yao Huifeng said angrily: "Han Jinglin, you returned my son. Seeing you bring him back like this. If you can't bring him, he will give it back to me. I will take it. I will take care of your son as a fox all day. Is it?"

After more than five years of divorce, Yao Huifeng has gained a lot of assets, and it is not too bad, so there is no big dispute, only they often quarrel about the child.

"What are you talking about, he is an adult, do you still want you to bring it? This time he was beaten, and I was also very angry. What use is it for you to scold Xinxin now? Does it have anything to do with her?"

Han Jinglin maintains this little wife very much.

"That's it, it has nothing to do with me, eldest sister, I won't beat him!" Yang Xinxin said.

Yao Huifeng said angrily: "Huh, there is no place for you to speak!"

In fact, Yao Huifeng has accepted the reality. She is old. This ex-husband looks very young. Now she doesn't blame him as her ex-husband, and she has gained a lot.

"Hey!" Yang Xinxin smiled without anger. She has always regarded herself as a winner. Since her junior year, she has won her righteousness, not only because of her youthful beauty, but also on emotional intelligence and technology.

For the most part, women can talk easily as long as they solve most of the problems of the man's lower body.

In many cases, the dignity of men is mostly manifested in women, followed by external factors, money rights.

Even if those rich men have everything, but they can’t do it with women, then his dignity is incomplete. That’s why they keep looking for women, looking for beautiful women, like these unattainable women, and get After that, they have conquered this woman, but they didn't. The woman was conquered by money, the sad man's money.

For example, this Han Jinglin, who has reached middle age, has been emptied of wine for many years. This Yang Xinxin came because of money. She used to be a model before, but after being raised by Han Jinglin, she slowly took the position. Aeolian gas.

Many successful men like this kind of slightly dusty women, why? Because they can let go, it is very important that they know a skill.

That is to pretend, be able to pretend, be able to act, say that you are great, and pretend to be in place, which greatly makes men spiritually satisfied, and also has self-esteem.

In fact, it is ten seconds or five seconds.

In this respect, Yang Xinxin can be called a queen.

"Huh!" Yao Huifeng snorted coldly. She and this woman are incompatible and ruined her marriage, but she was helpless.

Yao Huifeng said again: "You must not let that person go, Shaoqiang, have you found them all?"

Han Shaoqiang, who has just arrived here, said: "I found it. It is a person named Zhang Feng. He is now the president of Yunfeng Group and has something to do with Zhuo Jia!"

"What? Zhuo Jia? Return to the president of Yunfeng Group? Isn't the president of Yunfeng Group Zhuo Chaoyun? How could he be such a person?"

Yao Huifeng also has a company now, and it is running smoothly and can make money. This is her only family property, so she knows the news in the industry.

"According to industry sources, this Zhang Feng is Zhuo Chaoyun's boyfriend, but he did not pass the Zhuo family as the president. Zhuo Chaoyun has retired. No one knows the real reason for this!" Han Shaoqiang Say.

"Who is this Zhang Feng? Why haven't I heard of it before!"

Han Shaoqiang said: "A few years ago, he appeared in the Red Star Club and crippled the king’s son. At that time, he was closer to Hua Yao. In recent years, Hua Yao is not in Kyoto, so he has no news. This person only appeared in time!"

"Hua Yao, Hua Family, Zhuo Family..."

Han Jinglin murmured, it's not easy to handle this. These two families are among the strongest families in Kyoto. As far as his Han family is concerned, a word can quickly shrink their wealth.

"Could it be that I was afraid that they would not succeed. They beat my son. I must not let him go, Shaoqiang. You stare at him these days, and then find someone to get him. I want to see what he grows. So, dare to beat my son!" Yao Huifeng said viciously.

Han Shaoqiang didn't respond immediately, but looked at his cousin, who nodded and said: "Just do it, our Han family is not so bully, you can leave it to you!"

"Yes, uncle!" Han Shaoqiang said, "There is one more thing!"

"You said!"

Han Shaoqiang said: "Shaohua spent 1.8 million in the restaurant, and his car was still impounded there!"

"1.8 million? Which restaurant? Is it a black shop?" Yao Huifeng said angrily: "This restaurant wants to expose him. A meal costs 1.8 million? How could it be possible!"

Yang Xinxin, who has never cared about this, was also surprised, 1.8 million? All I eat is gold and I can't eat so much.

Han Shaoqiang said: "It's not a black shop, but Shaohua invited a lot of irrelevant people to dinner, more than two hundred people, it is a western restaurant, the dishes are very expensive, there are wines and so on, so that's why they want so many. "

"Why invite them to dinner?" Han Jinglin asked, "Does he have so much money!"

Han Shaoqiang said: "It is understood that they are people who have never been in contact with Shaohua before. I don't know why Shaohua invited them to dinner. Only when he wakes up and asks him!"

1.8 million is not a small amount even for the Han family. If it is used in other places, such as investing or buying a car, there is no problem at all, it can be taken out.

But spending 1.8 million to invite more than two hundred irrelevant people to dinner is a problem. It's still a big problem. Why do we invite them? Was it forced or was there another reason? Han Jinglin wanted to know this, and what Han Shaoqiang said was not enough.

How would this account appear on the family's bill? Han Jinglin is not alone in the Han family. The family's accounts have always been strict.

What do you say about this small hole?

"Han Jinglin, can't you pay this money?"

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