Super Special Forces King

Chapter 2973: brazen!

Chapter 2973 Shameless!

Many things that have been promised these years have become owed.

Henry just made a joke just now to show how generous he is. He didn't expect that he not only asked for it, but also asked for it every year, and there were so many, it would be difficult for Henry not to be angry.

He had never seen such a person.

"Oh, did you make your prince embarrassed? Or did I ask for too much? Well, you said earlier, I thought you have a lot, don't care about giving me such a charity, since then I don't want it!" Zhang Feng said.

"Haha..." Henry suddenly laughed. He suddenly realized that he couldn't be angry anymore. This person said something like this, it seemed to be his own fault. It was really amazing.

Henry said: "Since Mr. Zhang likes it, I'll give it to you, it doesn't matter."

"Thank you, then!" Zhang Feng said, "Thank you, then, do you send it yourself or let someone else? I will also look for him then."

Henry turned his head and said to a man: "Mr. Marcus, you are responsible for this. At the request of Mr. Zhang, it will be delivered to this address from tomorrow."

"Yes, your prince!" Marcus is obviously a figure like his assistant, very humble.

Zhang Feng said: "Mr. Marcus, I really trouble you!"

Marcus said awkwardly: "This is my job. I will definitely do it well. Please rest assured, Mr. Zhang."

This matter is indeed embarrassing, and only the person involved, Zhang Feng, is not embarrassed.

Henry increasingly found that this Eastern man was not easy. He never missed any opportunity. He said that this fruit was raised by Henry himself. If he said no, he was hitting himself in the face. If he said no To give so much is to slap him in the face of the William family, let others say that his William family can't even give such a little fruit.

What a powerful method!

"Thank you again, Your Prince, my family will also thank you! And they will like it very much," Zhang Feng said.

Zhang Feng is not stingy at all when he asks for something from others.

"Just like it!" Henry said coldly.

Henry didn't know how much he was going to spend to pay for this, one ton for each variety? It seems that there are not many, but the unit price is very expensive and the cost is high. Is this fruit that everyone can afford?

The key word is each breed, can it be understood that the breeds owned by the William family must be given to him?

Marcus thought of this.

But this is not important anymore.

Dai'er looked at Zhang Feng and wanted to laugh.

Oliver has only come down now. It has been more than ten minutes. How can it be so long?

"Oliver, is my mother awake?" Henry stood up.

Oliver said: "Yes, your prince, but he just wants to see Dr. Charles!"

"Okay, please trouble Dr. Charles." Henry didn't think much, he knew his mother didn't like many people.

Especially with so many people going to her room, this kind of thing is not allowed.

Dr. Charles nodded and followed Oliver up.


"Doctor Charles, can you tell me that the fountain of life can make me feel better?"

In Mrs. William's room, the very tired Mrs. William asked.

Dr. Charles had also seen him before, and he was very familiar with Mrs. William's disease.

Richard said: "Hua Xia's medicine is very low-key, and the quantity is small. It has been given to a few people, including your old friend, Wolf. But after taking it, he went out accidentally two months later. The examination is not because of this medicine, the other is Karl’s old king, his body is very similar to yours."

"This drug has not been on the market, nor has it entered international testing agencies, and has not been recognized by those agencies, but it does not affect her weight in the market. At present, many wealthy people all over the world want to get it!"

"For your body's condition, which is mainly caused by the failure of various organs, this medicine can regain vitality and vitality of the organs. Of course, this is just my guess, because I have not witnessed it!"

"But one thing I can be sure of is that there are no side effects!"

"Mrs. William, you have been to China. It is a magical country. Their accumulation in medicine for thousands of years is worthy of recognition. Those who deny her just don’t know her. I visited them a few years ago. In the country’s rural areas, I have seen an old doctor who can cure cerebral palsy with just a silver needle and give a new life to patients who have been paralyzed for more than ten years."

"Mrs. William, I think you can give it a try, because the production of this medicine is not much, even this one. Last year, they heard rumors of discontinuation."

In fact, Charlie has his own purpose for admiring this. He wants to witness it in person, and he may get the medical examination data of Mrs. William after taking the medicine. These are also very important to him.

Mrs. William nodded to Oliver and said, "Oliver, what is the relationship between this Mr. Zhang and Yunfeng Pharmaceutical Company?"

"I'm sorry, ma'am, I didn't find it!"

"Okay, then try!"

Oliver said, "But, where is the Prince..."

"Don't worry about him!" said Mrs. William.


"Should Mr. Zhang come in then?" Oliver said.

"Not urgent!"


Charlie stood up and said, "Mrs. William, take a break first, and then I will check your body personally!"

Mrs. William nodded and closed her eyes to rest.

After they went out, Mrs. William opened her eyes, her old eyes were full of memories, and she murmured: Mr. Gusu, is that your grandson? You are low-key, and your juniors are also so low-key. Could it be that your entire country is so low-key? All people have misunderstood you, maybe they will pay the price for their ignorance...Del, with his support, maybe you can bring the William family back to glory...


Henry invited Zhang Feng again when he was leaving.

"Mr. Zhang, waiting for your visit tonight!"

Zhang Feng said: "Thank you for your invitation. I will definitely go."

Henry nodded and looked at Dai'er again. He suddenly found that Dai'er was strange at this time.

"Dai Er, you have to dress better!" Henry said.

Dai Er bowed slightly and said, "Yes, father."

Henry got into the car and the convoy left the castle.


Delil smiled after Henry left.

"What are you laughing at?" Zhang Feng asked, shouldn't she be nervous?

"How did you do it?" Dai Er asked: "Why don't you fear my father?"

Zhang Feng laughed: "Hehe, what is he afraid of, I won't be afraid when he comes!"

"Ten? I only have one stepfather, not ten!" Dai'er wondered.

"Hehe, just one, I'm not afraid of him, he is not as difficult as you said!" Zhang Feng said.

"You are a hero!" Dai Er said again.

"haha, really?"

"Of course..." Dai'er asked, "What do you want so many fruits for? You can't eat so many, and the appearance will be bad after long-distance transportation. If you want to eat it, come here to eat it. They can come if they have any!"

"Hehe, I will come in the future!" Zhang Feng said, "I asked him for this fruit just to knock him on the head, hum, say I stole it, but I ate it honestly, and even ate his daughter honestly. !!!"

"Ah, are you going to eat me?" Delil exclaimed.

Zhang Feng said: "Yes, it's about to eat you!"

"Yeah... someone is watching..."

When Zhang Feng said, he picked her up and walked back. Oliver over there watched this scene, but couldn't say anything.

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