Super Special Forces King

Chapter 2985: Where did I cheat?

Chapter 2985 where did I cheat?

"Say!" Louis is in a good mood now, even if his arm is still painful, but he has seen hope.

He was thinking that maybe what happened tonight was not a bad thing, so that Dai'er could see his own strength more, and he would agree to be engaged to himself.

As long as you get married with Dai Er, the power of the Louis family can get here. Although this hotel belongs to their Louis family, this is just a small investment.

Zhang Feng said: "Just now this gentleman said that if he can't beat me, then he will let iron beat him. I think this gentleman likes men!"

"You..." The man was stunned, how did he know?

Louis smiled and said, "Well, just what you want!"

"Boss, this kid is too arrogant, let me solve him!" The man was very angry.

Louis said: "Robert, if you win him, I will give him an extra 20,000 euros, which is 30,000 euros, but if you can't win him, just do as he says! If you disagree, then you can leave now. ."

"Haha, Boss Louis, just watch how I solve him, I want to squash him!" Robert said excitedly.

This is to give him money.

"Good!" Louis smiled.

Robert said to Zhang Feng: "I will let you know how good I am!"

Zhang Feng is uncomfortable. This big guy has a hobby of masculine style, which really makes people wonder how to say.

"Dai'er, I want a tissue!" Zhang Feng said.

"Oh..." Dale brought a piece of paper to the dining table over there.

Zhang Feng used this to put it on the palm of his hand. Without touching Robert's hand, Robert was very angry and said angrily: "I will squash you!"

Zhang Feng said: "Come on!"


Dai'er blushed, she could really say.

"Haha!" Zhang Feng smiled: "It's time to start!"

The referee said: "Two, are you ready?"

Robert nodded.



Robert smashed the back of his hand to the tabletop, and he was stunned. What's the matter?

"You, you cheated!" Robert angered.

"Have you?" Zhang Feng asked: "Where did I cheat!"

"I'm not ready yet!" Robert said.

"Haha..." Zhang Feng smiled: "Mr. Referee just said it."

The referee said: "Mr. Zhang won this round!"

"Huh..." Robert looked unconvinced: "Come on!"

He put his hand up to hold Zhang Feng's hand, and Zhang Feng said, "Are you ready?"

The referee also said: "Mr. Robert, are you ready?"

Robert took a few deep breaths, loosened his shoulders, concentrated all his strength on his arms, and said, "Ready."



As soon as the referee's voice fell, the back of Robert's hand hit the tabletop. He was stunned again. What was going on, obviously he was already working hard?

"Mr. Zhang won this round!" the referee said.

"I, this..." Robert hadn't reacted yet.

Yeah...Dale is very happy.

Louis, who was opposite, said nothing, he was very angry, what happened to Robert!

"I, I'm not convinced..." Robert said.

"Then one more game!" Zhang Feng said: "You won two games in three games!"

Actually it is not necessary.

Robert let go and said: "Boy, you are the one who is looking for death by yourself, you are dead!"

Zhang Feng said: "If you win this round, then I will be considered as losing!"


Every show operation made Dai'er worry. Is this for others?

Zhang Feng said: "It's okay, Mr. Robert is not convinced, otherwise I won't see Tie Lian for a while!"

Robert is ready again.

"Two gentlemen, are you ready? Mr. Robert!" The referee also specially reminded him.

Robert said: "Ready!"

This time he had already used his strength before it even started, otherwise he would be surprised.

"Start!" the referee called.

This time Robert was not smashed, but stood still.

The face of Louis on the opposite side relaxed a lot. In the first two games, Robert must have underestimated the enemy. Now there is still a chance.

"Mr. Robert, I'm going to work hard!"

Zhang Feng said such annoying words again, because at this moment Robert had already been exerting force, but the opponent's hand just didn't move. The key was that he was still saying that he was not exerting force.

Isn't this mad?

At this moment, Zhang Feng slowly pressed Robert's hand, Robert's face flushed, and the muscles on his huge arm seemed to explode. He had already exerted his full strength.

As for Zhang Feng, he still looked relaxed.

Louis stood up nervously, no, impossible!

After pressing over, Zhang Feng did not immediately crush to death.

"Then I will win, wait a minute, I will see Tie Lu you, I have not seen you, I believe Mr. Louis will open everyone's eyes, hehe..."


Speaking, the back of Robert's hand slammed into the table top, and the table top made of steel plate made a hole.

"Ah..." Robert was crying, and two bones in his palm were broken.

Louis over there was pale.

Now Zhang Feng calmly took out his cell phone and said, "Let’s take a two-minute break and watch the show, Mr. Louis, don’t you think?"

"Mr. Zhang wins!"

The referee was talking now.

Louis had already asked his subordinates to arrest Robert in pain. Robert wanted to resist the beating and he was honest. He shouted in pain: "Mr. Louis, no, don't..."

Louis said: "Everyone heard it just now. You agreed. I'm sorry Mr. Robert. I will send you to the hospital for the best treatment!"

Saying that Louis waved his hand.

Several subordinates took off his pants on the spot, and a man didn't know where he got the galvanized steel pipe.

"Hold on, hold on, ouch..." Zhang Feng took his cell phone and walked up.

Louis closed his eyes, pretending to be calm.

The girls at the scene did not dare to open their eyes to see, and covered their eyes with their hands, but their hands were still finger-stitched, and they could see clearly, and they were frightened.

Sure enough, there is a good show tonight!

Zhang Feng took the phone and patted, but Dai'er at the back was really afraid to look, covering her eyes.


However, the following Robert's screams still entered Dai Er's ears, causing her heart to tremble.

Zhang Feng said loudly: "It's okay, it's okay, just two clicks...or you'll die."

Clang... The steel pipe was thrown to the ground, and there was blood on one end of the steel pipe.

At this time, Robert was already in pain, half alive, and the two men dragged out very hard.

The scene is extremely quiet.


Zhang Feng repeatedly played the video on the phone. The phone's voice was very loud. He deliberately adjusted the loudest voice.

"Feng, I don't want to hear this voice!" Dai'er couldn't stand it.

Zhang Feng smiled: "Hey, yeah, Dai'er is kind-hearted, hey, it's cheaper for him... I'll send it to Zhai Qiang and give him joy..."


Dai'er suddenly discovered that Zhang Feng was not an ordinary bad guy. No wonder Zhuo Chaoyun kept calling him the big bad guy, and it was really bad.

"It's okay, Zhai Qiang likes to watch it!" Zhang Feng said, "If you don't show him this good thing, he will be very angry when you see him one day."

"Oh, then, then you can send it to him!" Dai'er didn't think so much. Zhang Feng was talking about the town.

Didn’t expect that the gentleman and gentleman of Kyoto also likes this? Deliberate thought.

If Zhai Qiang was here, Zhang Feng would not be spared.

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