Super Special Forces King

Chapter 3036: The descendants of the old Zhang family

Chapter 3036 the descendants of the old Zhang family

\"Auntie, this...\"

Yun Qian wanted to say something, but she didn't know how to say it, because Hao Hao already had the wooden sword and her aunt walked up there, it was useless to say anything.

\"Little bastard, who taught you this way?" Murong Qingfeng stepped up and squatted down to look at Haohao.

\"Don't call me bastard!\" Hao Hao said angrily.

Murong Qingfeng asked: "What should you call you?"

\"My name is Zhang Hao!\"

\"Yo, yes! I'll call you Zhang Hao from now on.\"

\"There is no future, today is either my life or your death!\" Haohao said angrily.

\"My God, teach like this, as if you can beat me!\"

\"You must win, make a move!\" Hao Hao put on a posture.

\"The swordsmanship of the Mo family, huh, not bad, it was taught by your godmother Emiko?\"

\"Yes, what are you talking about, let's make a move!\"

\"Well, today I will accompany you little...Zhang Hao to play!\"

Murong Qingfeng took out his long sword, but didn't draw it out, just fought Haohao like this.

\"Ah...\" Haohao screamed and rushed forward, still very fast.

A sword stabbed over, and Murong Qingfeng passed it easily. Maybe she didn't need a long sword, and Hao Hao could not hit her.

After a few moves, Hao Hao became a little anxious, and said angrily: \"Draw the sword!\"

\"Good boy, look at your arrogance, let you know what is awesome...\"

Murong Qingfeng really drew out the sword, threw the scabbard away, and flew out onto the trunk that was deeply submerged in the courtyard. The leaves of the big tree remained motionless, showing how strong her strength is.

Hao Hao had already felt that the opponent's combat effectiveness had exploded, but he was still not afraid, and he attacked again when the opponent hadn't attacked yet.

\"Ah...\" Hao Hao rushed up holding the wooden sword, and Murong Qingfeng lightly waved the long sword in his hand and chopped the wooden sword into two pieces.

Hao Hao was taken aback.

\"Boy, your weapons don't seem to work!\" Murong Qingfeng said.

Yun Qian over there shouted: \"Son, use your godmother Emiko's sword...\"

Speaking of Yun Qian, he threw a long sword that was almost longer than him. Hao Hao was able to catch it steadily, drew the sword out, and learned how to throw the scabbard aside, but just throw it out. A few meters away.

\"It really is a family, haha, interesting...\"

Hao Hao rushed over with his long sword, and Murong Qingfeng stood there to fight.


The two swords collided and made a loud noise. Hao Hao was forced to step back. The long sword was almost shaken off, and his hands were numb.

\"Zhang Hao, you can't beat me!\" Murong Qingfeng said.

Haohao held the long sword tightly, a whistle blew out of his mouth, and at the same time he attacked, Murong Qingfeng wondered.

She understood in the next moment, and smiled: \"Good guy...\"

When Hao Hao rushed up, he didn't know where an arrow came from, and Murong Qingfeng dodged aside.

His body flashed behind Hao Hao and kicked Hao Hao's butt, and Hao Hao almost fell into a shit.

\"Dare to attack me!\"

Murong Qingfeng picked up a stone and threw it over, screaming from the flower bush, a small body came out, holding his hand in pain.

\"Sister Mina...\" Haohao said angrily.

\"Brother Haohao, leave me alone, kill her!\"

Hao Hao continued to hold the sword.

Murong Qingfeng looked at this small universe that was about to explode, and couldn't help sighing: "My dear, if you grow up, you will be fine. If you learn the Mohist swordsmanship at a few years old, the world will not be messed up... Make this world more chaotic, and also learn Murong's swordsmanship...\"

Speaking of Murong Qingfeng, he captured Hao Hao, holding his hands, the long sword had fallen to the ground.

\"Brother Haohao...\"

At this moment Mina rushed over, Murong Qingfeng also caught her backhanded, Mina struggled.

\"Let go of my sister, let go of her...\"

Haohao struggled and howled, but the Yun Qian people over there didn't move, they knew that the aunt's actions were measured.

\"First care about yourself, you can't live anymore, and you still care about others... Call me aunt and grandma, I'll let you go!" Murong Qingfeng said.

Haohao said angrily: "Kill me, if you don't kill me next time I will kill you...\"

\"Yo, ambitious...\" Murong Qingfeng said: \"Called aunt and grandma, I let your sister go!\"

\"Really?\" Haohao asked.

\"of course……\"

\"Good, aunt and grandma!\"

\"Hey...\" Murong Qingfeng smiled happily:\"Hey...\"

\"Now let go of my sister!\"

When Murong Qingfeng let Mina go, Minasaya rushed over and beat her. She was hit on the shoulder by Murong Qingfeng. She fell down, and she stood up again to rush.

\"Do you want your brother to die?\" Murong Qingfeng said angrily.

Mina dare not move: \"Let him go!\"

\"You haven't called aunt and grandma yet!\"

\"Did you let him go after I called?\" Mina asked.

Murong Qingfeng said: \"I haven't said this before, but, if you make me happy, I might let him go!\"

\"Auntie and Grandma!\"

\"Hey...haha...\" Murong Qingfeng smiled happily.

Yun Qian and the others over there were a bit speechless looking at Murong Qingfeng's operation, what else could they say.

\"Now let go of my brother!\" Mina said angrily.

Murong Qingfeng said: "I'm not happy anymore. Look, he learned the swordsmanship of the Mohist family, so he must also learn the swordsmanship of the Murong family's swordsmanship. You can learn the exercises, not much worse than the Mohist school!\"

\"Haohao, as long as you agree to learn Murong's swordsmanship, I will let you go!\"


\"Yo, little clever!\" Murong Qingfeng was taken aback, thinking that Haohao would say that the enemy’s things would not be learned, but he did not expect to immediately agree: \"Of course it is true, I learned the swordsmanship of my Murong family. You will be able to defeat me in the future, huh, isn't it? Defeating the enemy with the enemy's technique is the best thing, isn't it?\"


Hao Hao let out a cold snort after seeing through his mind.

\"Since you want to learn, you will listen to me from now on?\"

\"I will listen to you when it comes to practicing swordsmanship! I will listen to the others if I want to, and I won't listen to the others!\" Hao Hao said.

\"Hehe, okay, good boy, my mind is turning fast enough!\" Murong Qingfeng smiled.

\"Haohao, please call me Master!\"

Yun Qian over there shouted loudly, this is a rare opportunity!

\"Auntie and grandma pinch me, what do you call it!\" Hao Hao said.


Murong Qingfeng was very happy and let him go.

\"Master is here, I will be worshipped by my disciple!\" Haohao said, then he went down.

But Murong Qingfeng suddenly put his toes under Haohao's knees, and Haohao's knees fell on her toes.

\"Don’t, I don’t dare to be your master, otherwise your grandma will be unhappy, I have not qualified yet, and be content with your aunt and grandma, get up!\"

The style of painting changed suddenly.

Haohao didn't know what to do.

\"Haohao, thank you aunt and grandma!\" Yun Qian came over.

Haohao stood up and said: \"Thank you aunt and grandma!\"

\"Hey, this is almost the same!\" Murong Qingfeng responded happily.

It seems that she likes Haohao very much.

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