Super Special Forces King

Chapter 3043: Time to stop!

Although he had been psychologically prepared before, he still had difficulty accepting these unthinkable things. He would not believe it if he hadn't come in personally.

How can time stop?

Now Professor Fei waited for a few old experts to come up.

\"Everyone go slowly, don't touch anything around, pay attention to your feet! \"Professor Fei said: \"Tell the people behind, there is also the logistics support team.\"

Everyone was silent and looked grim.

Professor Fei held a compass in his hand, but the compass needle kept moving, which meant that the magnetic field was chaotic.

A place where the magnetic field has been chaotic has existed for thousands of years or even thousands of years. What kind of creatures will it give birth to? No one can tell.

\"Why is there such a road in this place, there is no weeds on the road, just some mud! And the ground is dry, so foggy, the ground should be wet!" An expert said.

Another said: \"Maybe the following is empty!\"

\"Is the tomb below?\"

\"No! The tomb is on the hidden mountain!\"

\"I can't think of how there would be such a place!\"

\"No one can think of it!\"

\"Don't talk!\"

Several people stopped talking, and Zhang Feng suddenly felt excitement on all of this old man's faces, indicating that the more inconceivable, the more interesting they were.

These people are the masters of the industry. They have dug a lot of tombs, and their eyes are very poisonous, but they get blind when they get here. They can't explain everything here, so how can they not be excited.

\"Caldera, how about Erha in front?\" Hades asked.

Caldera who was walking in the front said: "Very stable!"

Zhang Feng whispered: "Erha, don't be so far, so that we can see you, it's too dangerous!"

Erha stopped in front to wait for everyone. Zhang Feng went up and touched its head as a sign of encouragement. Erha stretched out his tongue and licked Zhang Feng’s hand. Zhang Feng didn’t notice anything unusual about Erha. No strange species will appear.

\"Wait a minute if you encounter something else, don't rush forward, withdraw immediately, go!\" Zhang Feng gently patted its body.

Erha trot up, slowed down a dozen meters in front, and continued to keep a distance from the back. The visibility of the smog was 20 to 30 meters. The surroundings were quiet, and only everyone's footsteps were heard.

It has been more than a long time, and no abnormality has been found in the people behind. Although there is no signal here, the stopwatch of digital products is normal. These things are very stable and will not be affected by any environment. Even in outer space, it can Normal operation, of course, this thing is also very expensive.

There are many similar instruments, all prepared from Abudu and various information.

At this moment they came to a wide area, and Hades decided to rest here.

Hundreds of people were resting here, eating dry food. Zhang Feng sat there and didn’t smoke. He was eating and looked around. The surrounding area was surrounded by big trees with invisible tops. It is estimated that they are all thousand-year-old trees. In the gloomy breath, it seemed that something might jump out of it at any time.

\"True evil!\" Li Jian couldn't help but came.

The student said: "We haven't seen a person's bones along the way. It stands to reason that the previous expedition was where the bones went!"

Li Jian said: "Perhaps they were attacked by unknown monsters in front of them, and then dragged into the cave by the monsters. Naturally, we can't see the bones here. Didn't Abu say there are many monsters?"

\"Only in the cemetery, not on the road!\" said the student.


\"How can it be the same? If it is here, we can still live?\" said the student.

\"What is the difference between dying now and dying before?\"

\"Of course, I can live a few more hours or a day!\"

\"Okay!\" Li Jian was speechless.

Li Jian spread the negative words that made everyone feel uncomfortable. This place was already very depressing, but when he said that, everyone was even more depressed.

But no one talked about him.

\"Professor Fei, what do you think of this place?\" Zhang Feng asked.

\"Haha, I haven't seen it either, I haven't seen it in any literature, it's incredible! \" Professor Fei said: \"Any skills and experience we have learned here are useless!\"

The last sentence that Professor Fei said is the truth, so they are useless.

Zhang Feng said: \"In fact, it is not necessarily. Didn't you recognize the epitaph? What text is that?\"

\"In fact, we did not recognize this text, but the experts in the previous expedition explained it. Except for Xiao Lao, it is a pity that Xiao Lao cannot come!" Professor Fei said.

Zhang Feng asked again: \"Then why can Xiao Lao recognize it, is it also from the expedition's notes?\"

\"I don’t know this anymore. Xiao Lao Bo is the best in history, both at home and abroad. Didn’t you ask Xiao Lao at that time?\"

\"I asked, but the old man didn't say it!\"

\"Don’t say it!\"

Zhang Feng is very puzzled: \"Why do you mean?\"

\"Maybe Xiao Lao was a member of the expedition team back then? He grew up in Germany and returned after the founding of the nation!\" Professor Fei said.

Zhang Feng was surprised, how could it be? Don't the old beggar know?

\"This is just my guess!\" Professor Fei said.

Zhang Feng nodded. These people are really mysterious. You can't see anything at ordinary times, and they will explode when something happens.

\"Maybe you can ask Gusu, he knows!\" Professor Fei said.

\"Forget it, if you want to say what he can say, if you don't want to say it, you are asking for nothing!\"

Zhang Feng didn't want that much, he was here now, and asked what else was there, how can he survive by strength?

The old beggar behind came up with a map in his hand.

\"Xiaofeng, Long Ao, come here!\" The old beggar sat there.

The two walked over and the map was placed on the ground. He pointed to the map and said: "There is a cross road about three hours ahead. Our road has encountered three roads in the past. According to the records of the first two expeditions, left and right Both roads have been walked, Abudu and the others also walked on the left, so there is only the straight road in the middle that has not been walked. Do you have any comments?\"

Zhang Feng said without even thinking about it: \"I don't understand this, I will fight wherever you point!\"

Said Zhang Feng and walked away.

\"Long Ao?\" the old beggar asked.

\"I mean that too, I have no opinion on where I go.\"

The old beggars were not angry either. Their mission was just to ensure the safety of the team and deal with unidentified creatures that might appear, otherwise the old beggars would not ask them to come.

\"Professor Fei, what do you mean?\" the old beggar asked again.

Professor Fei said: "Why don't we go up and talk about it!"

\"it is good!\"

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