Super Special Forces King

Chapter 3056: Always work hard!

Yun Qian took the children out to play, and a few girls also went, and it became a beautiful scenery on the street. Although they all dressed very plainly, they couldn't hide their superb figure and amazing faces.

Taking the two children out to bomb the street, Chen Wan was busy doing something like this. In fact, she didn’t know much about Longgu’s affairs. They were all busy in the desert. She came back immediately when she heard Zhang Feng’s return, and she had to change At work, I returned to the Red Star Club. I can do remote control over the desert. She also has things to do in Kyoto. A lot of information from Dragon Valley needs her to participate, because the old beggar has insufficient manpower.

With Emiko, who would dare to come and die?

When a few women go shopping, they won’t come back so quickly. Zhang Feng was eating, and Chang Xiaoran blushed and went to the kitchen to continue washing the dishes. She was still able to stand firm because she had high intensity in the army every day. Training, if you change to another girl, it will take a long time to adapt.

After washing, Chang Xiaoran came out and said to Zhang Feng: "Do I need to add some eggs for you?"

\"Yes, a few fried eggs are also good! \" Zhang Feng responded: \ "The kitchen floor is slippery, don't fall!\"

\"Hmph...\" Chang Xiaoran turned white, and he went back to the kitchen and fried eggs for Zhang Feng.

Five eggs, the yolk is half-boiled.

\"Eat it!\"

\"So many!\" Zhang Feng thought there were only three.

Chang Xiaoran said: \"Will you not add a bit? Eggs are the best, Yun Qian said!\"

\"Really? What did she say?\" Zhang Feng asked.

"What else can I say? She is a doctor. From the doctor's point of view, she said that men should eat more protein, and eggs have a lot of nutrition. I don't know the specifics!" Chang Xiaoran said.

Zhang Feng asked: \"Should I eat more after doing business?\"

\"That's it!\" Chang Xiaoran responded seriously.

\"Did Yun Qian say that? She said this to you?\" Zhang Feng asked again.

Chang Xiaoran said angrily: "You still eat or not, you can't stop your mouth even if you eat! You can talk."

\"Then you can talk when you eat?\" Zhang Feng asked.

\"You, you gotta fuck...\" Chang Xiaoran slapped him into anger, and Zhang Feng flashed quickly.

Chang Xiaoran angrily said: \"If you mention it again, I will be rude to you!\"

\"Why are you welcome?\"


Zhang Feng didn't dare to speak anymore, and honestly ate eggs.

\"Hmph, fight with me...\" Chang Xiaoran won a round and felt pretty good.

Sometimes Zhang Feng discovered that Chang Xiaoran's lung capacity was much larger than Sharapova. This should not be the case. This may still depend on talent.

Zhang Feng feels that, each of the women has its own strengths.

After eating the eggs, Zhang Feng's thoughts came back and asked Chang Xiaoran: "Is it okay with you? In the army, do I need to go out?"

Chang Xiaoran said seriously: \"It is still very stable at the moment, the other party dare not provoke, the area I am responsible for is not the first contact zone! I will call you if necessary, oh yes, Uncle Luo is there too!\ "

\"He has gone there, it seems to be very serious!\"

\"You are all in control, you don't need to dispatch your Huangquan team! \"Chang Xiaoran said: \"Aren't you going to Dragon Valley?\"

\"We don't need us now, don't need to go, I don't know in the future, now it is Xu Guanshan and the others watching! \" Zhang Feng said: \"No danger was found, the only one was solved by us! \"

\"Is that place amazing?\"

\"Yes, come here, I will tell you...\" Zhang Feng said, patting his thigh.

Chang Xiaoran was very wary and said: "I'll just sit here, you can say it!"

\"Well then!\" Zhang Feng began to say: \"That is prehistoric human civilization...\"

Chang Xiaoran was fascinated by it. Although Zhang Feng spoke very concisely, it still shocked Chang Xiaoran, because she knew it was true.

\"Is there really such a magical place?\"

Zhang Feng said: "I didn't believe that although Abudu still had two expeditions before, I thought it was a tomb of a certain royal family in ancient times. I didn't expect it to be an abandoned city of prehistoric civilization!"

\"Have they really all gone to a certain planet in the universe?\"

\"Of course, where else would they go? That should be the time machine. There are still four robots. The robots can still move for thousands of years. Unbelievable?\"

\"Yeah, but I don’t understand what kind of civilization can drive them to such a place and be forced to leave the earth!\"

\"It is estimated that it is a more powerful foreign civilization! \" Zhang Feng said: \"Then this foreign civilization was eliminated by another civilization. There have been too many civilizations for billions of years on the earth!\"

\"Yes, if we are not strong enough, will other civilizations be eliminated by then?\" Chang Xiaoran asked.

\"It is possible!\" Zhang Feng said.

\"Then we need to work harder, otherwise we can't resist it!\"

Zhang Feng said: \"Maybe it is our human beings!\"

\"how could be!\"

\"Is there anything impossible, such as war or virus, or other, in the future, the human population will be larger, longevity, and fewer resources, the more problems will be, and it will be weird if there is no war!\"

\"Immigration to aliens!\"

Zhang Feng said: "This is not a problem we need to consider!"

\"Why not, we have to prepare now!\" Chang Xiaoran said.

Zhang Feng said: "If everyone can be like you, the world's technology will be more developed!"

\"Don't make me so great, I'm just a female soldier! \"Chang Xiaoran said: \"Your contribution is great.\"

\"Hehe, I'm just a male soldier too!\"

\"Take the dish and I will wash it!\" Chang Xiaoran said, and took the dish in front of Zhang Feng and went into the kitchen.

Zhang Feng was thinking about what Chang Xiaoran had just said, and he reminded Zhang Feng that he understood why the old beggar would spare no effort to engage in those things, and set up the 01 base, this time it was a full attack on Dragon Valley.

For what?

Perhaps it is to plant a big tree so that future generations can enjoy the shade.

To this end, he would not hesitate to fight for a lifetime and pay a heavy price. Zhang Feng couldn't help but sigh. Sure enough, people who have been in the army for a long time are like this. Chang Xiaoran is like this, why not the old beggar, and Yan Wang Li Jian...

He Zhang Feng is stubborn, he doesn't seem to have such a big ideal, he just wants to hug his wife and play with the children at home.

Is this worthless?

Zhang Feng is a little suspicious of himself, but hasn't Zhang Feng been acting all these years? He is proved by practical actions.

He is always on standby, didn't he just ask Chang Xiaoran if he needs help? So he has been working hard.

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