Super Special Forces King

Chapter 3071: There is no right or wrong!

In fact, Zhang Feng could kill this person immediately. He hadn't asked what happened that year before, and Zhang Feng decided to find out.

\"Then you kill me!\" Vitas closed his eyes.

Zhang Feng was taken aback. A person who was afraid of death was able to die calmly after hearing his identity?

What's the reason?

Zhang Feng asked: "Don't you tell me what happened that year? Maybe I won't kill you!"

\"Haha, I am seventy years old this year, I was already dead that year, I have lived for so many years, I am content, Zhang Dashan, is he dead?\"

\"My father is still alive!\" Zhang Feng said.

Vitas said: "I still let you escape back then. With you descendants, there are endless troubles. We have been investigating these years, but we can't find out. I think you are all dead, but you are still alive. Haha ……\"


\"Kill me!\" Vitas said again: \"You should ask your father instead of asking us, there was no right or wrong back then, it was war, young man, do you know what war is?\ "

Zhang Feng said: \"Thank you very much, I already know the answer, how do you want to die?\"

\"You are stronger than your father!\"

Zhang Feng said: "Erha, let him go!"

Erha stepped back and Vitas could finally move. He supported his body with difficulty, and Zhang Feng kicked the pistol on the ground to his feet.

\"You can solve it yourself!\"

Zhang Feng stood up and left.

Vitas picked up the pistol and hesitated. The gun was aimed at Zhang Feng's back. When he was about to shoot, there was a flash of light. Half of the gun in his hand fell to the ground with blood marks on his neck. , He saw that girl took the long sword.

He covered his neck two seconds later, fell to the ground and died.

\"Isn’t it good to end your sinful life? You have to do this. You haven’t changed at all for many years. If you don’t conform to the times, then you will be abandoned by the times. Your world has been abandoned by the times. Now it is my day. Out of the Eastern era!\"

Zhang Feng came out, there was something to do. Vitas was right. It was a war. In fact, Zhang Feng had already guessed that there could be nothing but war for such a big thing.

There are many forms of war, such as war without gunpowder, war with gunpowder, and hidden warfare.

Zhang Dashan's war was a secret battle. There is indeed no right or wrong, but Zhang Feng will not let them go. Just as Vitas said, he regretted not eradicating the roots.

This time Zhang Summit shoveled the roots.

Standing on the deck of the yacht, Zhang Feng said: "Is this world right or wrong?"

Siljava said: "No, only weak and strong!"

There are a lot of fish in the sea looking for food here. The big fish eat large pieces of meat, and the remaining meat residue is eaten by the small fish. This piece has turned red.

As the waves rise and fall, this attracts more fish.

It is estimated that they will not eat fish in the sea for several days, or go fishing in the sea a little farther away.

Zhang Feng asked for their yacht. The value is estimated to be two to three billion yuan. That is also money. Clean it up. Although it is a little troublesome, Zhang Feng is not too troublesome.

But he doesn't need this now. He already has one, and he doesn't need such a luxurious one. Wouldn't it be fragrant to replace it with money?

He called Zhai Qiang.

\"I have a yacht here. You can get someone to take it away. It is estimated that you can get a good price!\" Zhang Feng said directly.

\"Yacht, not bad...\" Zhai Qiang said:\"They said you went to travel...\"

\"Take care of those people while traveling, this yacht was left by them, it's a pity that it exploded! \" Zhang Feng said: \ "If you don't want it, I will explode it!\"

\"Don't, how can you avoid this kind of good thing?" Zhai Qiang smiled.

\"Then call someone to come!\"

\"no problem!\"

\"I said, it's almost the New Year, don't you plan to go home and have a look?\" Zhang Feng asked.

Zhai Qiang said: "I want to go back too, but you don't know. I am single now, and the problem will be big when I go home. I don't want to be interrogated by my family. Besides, it is best to do business during the New Year. Yes, and go home and suffer, it's better to make money...\"

\"Whatever you want, your mother asked when I saw Yun Qian last time, so I just asked you, it's the task!\" Zhang Feng said.

\"Let’s just say, come here to ask me about it coldly. I'm really scared of my mother. She asked me to get married when I graduated that year. She asked me to go on a blind date when I didn’t have a girlfriend. Is Zhai Qiang someone who needs to go on a blind date? How will I get involved in the future? How can I say that I am now the chairman of the 100 billion group. Isn’t it a joke to go on a blind date? Anyway, I won’t go home this year! Don’t persuade me. , I'm not thirty years old yet!\"

Zhai Qiang was a little excited as he spoke, and it seemed that this matter was indeed a problem for him.

\"If we gather together during Chinese New Year, you will be missing!\" Zhang Feng said.

\"This...\"Zhai Qiang said:\"You threatened me...\"

\"How could it threaten you, that is not your freedom!\" Zhang Feng said.

Zhai Qiang said: "You are going to get together this year. Why didn't you get together last year, but this year? Isn't that a threat to me?"

\"Do you love coming or not!\" Zhang Feng said directly.

\"Hmph, come on, how can this matter without me, it's a big deal to deal with my mother, right?\"

\"That's your business, it has nothing to do with me!\"

\"Fine, you are cruel!\" Zhai Qiang is very helpless, it seems that this matter cannot be escaped: \"Where are the people on the yacht?\"

\"The fish in the sea are eating!\" Zhang Feng said.

\"I'll go, it is really suffocating, I like it, this yacht can definitely be sold at a good price! \"Zhai Qiang is excited: \"I will call someone to the past, you send me the location!\"

\"it is good!\"

After hanging up the phone, Zhang Feng sent Zhai Qiang a location and took photos.

Zhai Qiang was shocked when he received the message. Large areas of the sea were red. The fish in the sea were rolling, and there were many sharks.

It's so scary, how many people are there?

Anyway, Zhai Qiang couldn’t do this kind of thing. Fortunately, he was not Zhang Feng’s enemy. Back then, he was with the right person and gave him such a yacht. Although it’s a bit hot, Zhai Qiang has a lot of resources. Just get it and it will become another one and sell it at a high price.

\"Caldera, bring Amelia here, I think she likes it very much!\" Zhang Feng said to Caldera.

Caldera smiled and said: "That must be!"

Siljava said: "I don't know how many people will come, and when will they just drop a missile?"

\"What's so scary about? Some villas on the island have several floors underground, so you can avoid the huge waves!\" Zhang Feng said.

\"This is pretty much the same, if there are missiles, we will know in advance! \"Silgarva said: \"The equipment has been set up on the yacht!\"

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