Super Special Forces King

Chapter 3076: Too arrogant

Zhang Feng changed his words again and said, "Oh, no, even if they don't hold back, nothing will happen!"

Dai Er was still very worried: "Are you going to tell them to act?"

"Wait another five minutes!"

Dai'er's people are in a hurry, so many people come and they have guns. They have the task of protecting Dai'er. If Dai'er has any accident, they can commit suicide and apologize.

"His Royal Highness, we will send you off from the north of the island!"

Dai Er said: "It's okay, I'll be fine, don't worry!"

"But, Your Highness, there are two thousand people!"

"How many people come here are the same!" Dai Er said.

"Mr. Zhang..."

The subordinates asked Zhang Feng, and they knew that His Highness listened to Zhang Feng.

Zhang Feng said: "Don't worry, your Highness will be fine!"

"Mr. Zhang, I must ensure the safety of Your Highness. There are too many of them, and they have already been on the island. They are only two hundred meters away from us!"

Zhang Feng said: "Well, let your people act!"

The subordinates looked at Dai'er, and the latter nodded. Naturally, he would listen to such serious orders.

The subordinate quickly took out his mobile phone and called: "Action!"

In the next moment, five or six military helicopter gunships appeared on the sea, and there was also a maritime guard frigate in the distance.

The people on the cruise ship were stunned.

"Where did those maritime police come from?"

"Let's kill these helicopters!"

Someone clamored to get small air-to-air missiles and aim them.

"Don't be impulsive..."

"Anyone who is impulsive, let them get close to us and it's done! Shoot me!"

The boss shouted loudly, and his men would only listen to him. He carried the missile on his shoulder and pressed the trigger, and the missile flew out.

The armored helicopter over there immediately intercepted it. A few hundred rounds of bullets killed the missile without tracking system. The pilots were terrified. They thought this was not a pirate. Unexpectedly, it was so rampant. Dare to advance and call for support, because there are many people on the other island.

"What? His Royal Highness is on the island?"

"Yes, sir, it is very likely that he has become a hostage, what shall we do?"

"Contact your Highness first and see if you can contact the ground. If you can't get in touch, immediately ask the Navy for assistance!"


The marine guards on the frigate became nervous and entered a state of battle. They quickly got in touch with His Royal Highness.

They were relieved when they learned that His Highness was okay, otherwise everyone would be in trouble, because now His Highness is a celebrity, and if something goes wrong, no one can bear this responsibility.

"His Royal Highness, leave there quickly, and let us take the rest!" Captain Bob said worriedly.

Dai'er said: "I'm fine, you immediately destroy these pirates, they probably want to occupy this small island as a stronghold, and they can't let them succeed!"


Dai'er immediately called her boss and explained the situation, saying that they had already fired, and that the situation was very serious and could not be ignored, so she began to mobilize staff and send more.

"You leave there right away!"

The boss still cared about Dale.

"Minister, I'm fine, I must destroy these pirates!"

Dai'er's awe-inspiring disregard for her own safety is touching. The minister said: "You must protect yourself, Your Highness!"

"Yes, Minister!"

The minister contacted the special forces and asked them to set off. Because time was limited and the distance was too far, the minister also asked the air force to assist. Such a real combat mission, and almost at their doorstep, everyone was shocked when they heard the news.

Too arrogant!


"Go up, get missiles, launch missiles, don't let them get close..." the people on the cruise ship yelled.

There were many people on the cruise ship splint holding RPGs and shooting at the helicopter in the distance, but the distance was too far without hitting, and the helicopter retreated.

At this moment, the frigate had come up, and the artillery on the frigate opened fire, shelling the people on the island, and immediately killed and injured a large number of people.

Instead of bombarding the cruise ship, tackle the people on the island first.

At this moment fighter planes appeared on the sea level, and three fighter planes flew over in a fringe shape and dropped a few incendiary bombs, so that more than two thousand people were left with less than one thousand.

The battle is not over yet, the remaining people are still attacking, but they dare not move forward, all hiding in the grass, because there are planes in the sky, these people are usually very powerful, but they still encounter such equipment. scared.

"What to do, what to do? The air force is here!"

The people on the ship were already panicking, where they dared to launch missiles.

"how so……"


They were all dumbfounded and could not accept the result at all. They knew what would happen next, and they also knew what their ending was.

Can not accept!

They even forgot to surrender and forgot to let the people on the island surrender and withdraw.

"How to do how to do?"

I was clamoring just now to scare the people who killed the helicopter.

No one spoke, and now they knew that this was a conspiracy of that person, and asked them to come here to die, and he was here with his pockets ready and waiting for them to come in.

"It's him, it must be him..."

Some people realize this, but it is no longer useful. Their ending is doomed. Who would have thought that he would make such a big deal? Don't talk about justice!

He even joined forces with the authorities to deal with them.

Who dares to commit suicide now?

They cherish their lives, this matter can be solved with money, it's okay!

"My suggestion is to hang the white flag!"

"I agree!"

"it is good!"

So the white flag was hung on the cruise ship, and they put down their weapons.

The gunship came up quickly, and the combatants took control of the deck when the helicopter got up and down, and all the old people gathered there.

They dare not care. This cruise ship is very big, maybe there are people hiding under the cabin. They searched one by one. The deck was full of people. There were helicopters hovering over the cruise ship, and the three fighter jets had not left yet.

Not long after they discovered that many ships and helicopters came in the distance.

All the land, sea and air came, what happened?

"His Royal Highness, how are you?"

Dai'er is answering the phone here: "I'm okay, have you wiped them out?"

"They all surrendered!"

"it is good!"

Now the coast guard has been on the island. The people hiding in the grass saw that the cruise ship had surrendered. How could they still fight? They immediately surrendered to the beach. The weapons on the beach were pushed a lot, but they could The Marine Police was terrified. Is this going to fight? Where did the young marine police have seen these? They went up and pushed these bad guys down one by one and searched the ground.

"It's safe!" Zhang Feng said.

At this moment Li Jian and the others came over, full of fire.

"I was beaten!" Li Jian said angrily.

At that time Li Jian was dishonest and was beaten.

"It's okay, now we will go and find the place back!"

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