Super Special Forces King

Chapter 3092: The so-called Cass!

Sure enough, there are people in the circle who are easy to do, otherwise Zhang Feng will have to be very troublesome to get this information.

\"Brother Feng, give your orders!\"

Tie Guan didn't have a word of nonsense, he looked like a cruel man.

\"No hurry, don't bother him! \" Zhang Feng said: \ "And you just called to ask, telling them that they can't disturb Lin Shaocong, just assume it has never happened!\"


Iron pipe called again.

\"Now, let's go find him!\" Zhang Feng said:\" Come and drive!\"



Soon Zhang Feng saw him again. He was drinking with a group of people in a barbecue restaurant on the side of the road. He was no longer the Lin Shao he was before, but now it is Brother Lin at most.

A beautifully dressed young lady sat on his lap, while his hands were walking up and down behind the girl.

He has fallen.

He was able to gather a few subordinates in a short period of time, indicating that he also said that there are some means, besides means, there is strength, and his strength is money.

The so-called money is a man's face, and everything is easy to do with face.

Zhang Feng was thinking that his way of making money should be selling photos, and why didn't he take the photos personally, so that he could save a lot of money.

The iron pipe waiting quietly by the side didn't say a word, but waited for Zhang Feng to give an order.

\"Can you mark people?\" Zhang Feng asked.

\"Yes!\" Iron Pipe said coldly.

Zhang Feng said: \"Forget it, I will come personally! There are people around him staring at him, it should be his home!\"

Iron Guan didn't speak, he found that he had no effect with Brother Feng, which was a very dangerous signal.

Lin Shaocong inside often looks at his cell phone and looks very busy.

Zhang Feng decided to stare at him for two days.

\"Can you get his mobile phone number?\"

\"Yes, I prepared it before!\" The iron pipe took out his cell phone to find out a cell phone number.

\"Haha, good!\" Zhang Feng smiled:\"Call him and ask him to pay back the money, don't let him know it's you!\"

\"I know!\" The iron pipe said: \"I have a lot of mobile phone cards!\"

Talking about the iron pipe and changed the phone card.

\"Prepared in advance?\"

\"Brother Feng, I have hundreds of them, activate them and use them!\"

\"It's yours!\"

What an individual talent.

The iron pipe can call here. Lin Shaocong in the barbecue restaurant immediately picked it up. The iron pipe cleared his throat and said: \"Lin's name, pay the money soon...\"

An angry voice came from the phone: \"Who are you, pay back the money next door to your mother, come here if you have a seed...\"

Lin Shaocong hung up the phone with a curse.


I can feel that the iron pipe at this time is very angry, being scolded by such a small person.

\"It doesn't matter, I just want to know if this number can be contacted with him!\"

Zhang Feng said that he sent Mike a cell phone number, and then called: "Mike, I sent you a number, I want to see everything in his cell phone, oh, well, he is in the barbecue shop, It should be connected to wifi, I will send you the wifi address in a moment!\"

After hanging up the phone, Zhang Feng asked Iron Guan: "Do they know you?"

\"I'm not sure, but they should have heard of me!\"

\"That's not easy!\"

\"Brother Feng, I wear a hat to go in!\" Iron Guan said: \"They won't recognize it, I have rarely appeared in the past few years!\"

\"Well, you go, take a picture of the back of the router!\" Zhang Feng said.

\"it is good!\"

Iron pipe put on his hat and got out of the car, sat in the corner and ordered something to pack.

\"Boss, what's your network password?\" Iron Guan shouted.

\"It's on the wall!\"

The iron pipe said again: \"I can't connect after several times, where is the router, let me see...\"

\"At the counter, see for yourself!\"

Tieguan walked over and picked up the router to take a photo, then sat down and waited a few minutes for his things to be packed and paid for.

Back in the car, the iron pipe said: "Brother Feng, eat some!"

There are dozens of meat skewers and two bottles of wine in the bag.

\"Good!\" Zhang Feng said: \"I will reimburse you later.\"

\"Brother Feng, don't slap me in the face!\" The iron pipe looked pitiful.

\"Ha ha!\"

Zhang Feng smiled and sent the picture provided by Tieguan to Mike.

Then eat skewers and wait for the result.

Soon, Mike sent a message, and Zhang Feng's cell phone could watch Lin Shaocong's, or live broadcast.

The iron pipe I was looking at was shocked in a cold sweat. This is too invincible, right?

If Zhang Feng wanted to do something to someone, wouldn't it be too easy, this is simply a big BUG.

Don't be too scary.

\"Sure enough, this kid still has a lot of people sending him pictures, no wonder he didn't go there himself, and he could make most of it.\" Zhang Feng couldn't help but sigh.

Lin Shaocong sent all the pictures to a person named Cass, and the name was a ghost.

All the pictures sent were around the troops, but fortunately they could not enter, otherwise they would all be leaked.

Now what Zhang Feng wants is Cass.

This Cass is very cunning. There are many numbers to contact Lin Shaocong, and all of them are overseas addresses. Mike has already marked them.

It is really not easy to catch this Cass.

Zhang Feng stopped watching the live broadcast and called Mike.

\"Mike, can you catch this Cass?\" Zhang Feng asked.

Mike said: "Brother Feng, I'm checking it!"

\"it is good!\"

\"Now it is certain that this person is in Kyoto, but this Cass is not just a person!\"

\"Are you sure?\" Zhang Feng asked again.

Mike said: "I can be sure!"

\"Can I find Cass’s home again?\"

\"That's overseas!\"

\"Well, send me the detailed addresses of these Cass in a while!\"

\"Yes, Brother Feng!\"


After hanging up the phone, Zhang Feng said to Tieguan.

Zhang Feng's mind was wondering whether to let the police assist or let the iron take charge of people.

It is estimated that there will be some shopping.

After thinking about it, Zhang Feng still didn't want both, so let Chang Xiaoran and the others come.

They have a combat team, and they can adjust as much as they want. Of course, the more the better.

When Mike sent the address, there were ten places, which surprised Zhang Feng too much. They were too arrogant.

Zhang Feng called Chang Xiaoran.

\"Xiao Ran, we have work tonight!\" Zhang Feng said.

\"I'm still very busy, maybe tomorrow, or you go back to Yunqian... Next time I will make up for you...\"

Chang Xiaoran's words caused Zhang Feng to spit rice, but the iron pipe couldn't hear it.

\"Find them!\" Zhang Feng said in a deep voice: \"I will act to arrest tonight!\"

\"Ah, I, I thought...\"Chang Xiaoran couldn't say things smoothly, this is more shameful: \"How many people do you want?\"

\"Two hundred, all combat personnel, the other party may have weapons!\" Zhang Feng said: \"We want all the tasks in plain clothes!\"

\"Good! I'll arrange it right away!\"

Zhang Feng said: \"Do you just say it counts?\"


\"Said to compensate me!\"

\"You didn't mean that, and, I, I...\"

\"Anyway, I owe it...\"

\"That, okay...\"

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