Super Special Forces King

Chapter 3099: Chang Xiaoran's worry

Trust’s way of coping like this is a \'procrastination\'. Now he is thinking about how to solve this problem. A week is not long or short. Whether he can get the trust of his boss again depends on this time. Up.

But now he has no clue. From yesterday to now, there is no news from Cass. He and Cass are in one-line contact, and no one else can contact him.

He just sent someone to the clubhouse to find out the news.

After thinking about it for a long time, he couldn't sit still and go there to see in person. When he got there, he was stopped by security and said it was closed today.

Trust had no choice but to go to the distance to ask his two subordinates.

\"Sir, we have been watching for a long time. There are frequent garrisons here. We could go in yesterday, but we couldn’t come out. We can’t go in now!\"

Another man said: "Mr. We don't have an inside line, or we will know what happened inside!"

Trust said angrily: "What is the use of you saying this? We have done a lot of work and hints to many of them before, but we have not succeeded. No matter how much money we pay, it is useless!"

\"I didn't expect them to be like this, don't you want to have money? That's a lot of money!\"

\"They are not stupid. Even if they have this money, they can’t spend it. They will soon be discovered, confiscated and arrested, and all their friends and relatives will be ashamed of it. There are laws and morals. They dare not look at them!\"

\"Is it discovered so quickly?\"

\"We tried it before, but it failed. We spent a lot of money but couldn't get information! Our work here is difficult to start!\"

\"Yes, Cass only started from the students, but the students can provide too little information, and they can’t tell them clearly what information they want. They are very vigilant, and once they are discovered Will immediately exit, and then call the police!\"

\"Don't say it, it's because you are useless, it's a waste, and you are looking for excuses everywhere!\"

Trust is very angry, saying that his opponent is difficult to deal with, which means he is useless.

The boss was angry, and the two subordinates did not dare to speak anymore. Trust is also reflecting now. The problem lies here, and the previous work has not been done well.

\"Sir, I have an idea!\"

\"Say it!\"

The man said: \"Sever contact with Cass immediately, it is very likely that he has been found, sir, otherwise Cass will not fail to contact us, we will be in danger after he is caught!\"

The other said: \"Yes, sir, I also mean the same. After cutting off the contact with him, they can open up new lines again, without him we can still continue to obtain information!\"

Trust was meditating. According to the current situation, Cass had a high chance of being caught. When he said their position, it would be a disaster.

Think about this trust and fear.

\"Okay, let's do it, let's change place right away and go to the suburbs!\" said Trust.



At this time, Cass was locked in a small room. He didn't know how long the time had passed, and those people didn't come to ask him, so they locked him here.

In fact, Cass really has no effect on Zhang Feng. Everything about him is in the computer, including all his contacts.

It stands to reason that Zhang Feng wanted to continue to arrest people, but Zhang Feng did not do so. It is better to keep the trust than to arrest him, to confuse the enemy.

Keeping is not about letting them go, but about monitoring.

That's right, the three of them were under surveillance, and Zhang Feng knew it when they arrived outside the clubhouse.

Chang Xiaoran still doesn't understand this. Chang Xiaoran's idea is relatively simple and the intelligence skills similar to agents are not very good.

But she would listen to Zhang Feng, as long as Zhang Feng explained clearly to her.

\"I think the risk is still great. What if the trust is going to destroy everywhere? Then our loss will be great!" Chang Xiaoran said to Zhang Feng:\" And you said before that you would give Billy a little gift. Let Cass go back! I haven't seen any action from you yet.\"

\"Are you worried about what they might destroy?\" Zhang Feng asked.

Chang Xiaoran said: "Create terrorist incidents and so on, such as explosions!"

\"They are not as stupid as you, what effect will this do for them?\" Zhang Feng asked.

\"If we have losses, it will work for them!\"

Zhang Feng said helplessly: "This is the most stupid thing. What they want is information, not this innocuous behavior. Even if they blow up a street, it will not do them any good, they You can't do such a stupid thing!\"

\"Oh, that said!\" Chang Xiaoran nodded:\"Then what shall we do next?\"

Zhang Feng said: "Let Billy reuse Cass and replace the trust!"

\"Isn't it? I think Trust is not very capable, but Cass is difficult to deal with! \"Chang Xiaoran still doesn't understand.

Zhang Feng said: \"No, we need people with ability and a bit of strength, so that we can do things. From the exchanges between the trust and Billy, I learned that this trust is a mediocre person. Tora does things, except for cursing his subordinates. I don’t know how to do anything outside, what use do we want such a person?\"

\"Even so, Cass will not give up on doing things for us?\" Chang Xiaoran asked.

\"If he wants to live, he has to do this. If he doesn't do it, he will offend both parties. Billy is a suspicious person! \" Zhang Feng said: \"We can hold Cass firmly! \"

\"Oh, it turned out to be like this, Zhang Feng, how did you think of this?\"

Now Chang Xiaoran understood why Zhang Feng was allowed to hold this position, but no one was more suitable.

\"Want to know?\"

Chang Xiaoran nodded.

Zhang Feng whispered a few words in her ear, Chang Xiaoran's face immediately flushed, and angrily said: \"Smelly hooligan!\"

\"let it go!\"

\"Huh, can you change it?\"

\"Do you have to bargain over this matter?\"

\"Can't it?\"


Zhang Feng smiled and said: "That's right!"

\"Huh, smelly rascal!\"

\"Will you come to see Cass with me in a while, this hacker talent!\" Zhang Feng asked.

\"Yes, why not!\"

\"Do you really want it?\"


\"How much do you want?\"

\"really want!\"

\"Then I'll give you tonight!\"

\"Ah, you, you are here again, rascal, don't go...\"


\"Cass, I need your help!\"

In the dark room, Zhang Feng smoked a cigarette and said to Cass, Cass did not speak.

\"Maybe you also need my help!\" Zhang Feng said again.

Cass looked up at Zhang Feng and looked at this terrifying man. Now Cass already knows the identity of Zhang Feng, and he also knows that this person is the person who caused huge losses to District 52 a few years ago and was the number one enemy in District 52. , Has not been able to find him in the past few years

This person is standing right in front of him right now, and he is facing this person, presumably there is no chance to live, Cass knows this very well.

But he said he could help him, and he could help me Cass? impossible?

That's why Cass looked up at Zhang Feng.

Chang Xiaoran, who was on the side, was very surprised, because Cass actually looked up, just two words from Zhang Feng, two words almost the same.

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