Super Study God

Chapter 1001: Fuyao Cave!

This mountain is very large, so large.

Feng Danniang deceived Su Hang, saying that the enchantment where Fuyao Cave is located was easy to find, but in fact, non-five people could not sense the existence of the enchantment because the enchantment was condensed by the demon power.

On the contrary, if it is a five-family monk, it is much simpler. Su Hang has just broken through the realm and released its consciousness. Once it was searched, it took a while to sense the energy fluctuation of the enchantment.

So, he directly took Haotian to break the enchantment and entered the enchantment space.

This is a small half-mountain, a quiet valley, birds and flowers, many fairy birds and birds are flying, and a waterfall hangs on the mountain next to it. This scenery is simply beautiful!

In the deep valley, above the cliff, there is a huge Shenpeng carved, awe-inspiring, under Shenpeng's wings, there is a stone portal, the stone door is closed, as if it has not been opened for a long time.

There is a stone plaque on it, with three big letters on it, Fuyao Cave!


Su Hang approached just now and heard a carving!

On the cliff next to the waterfall, there was a golden shadow. Su Hang looked up, but it was a golden eagle.

The golden eagle fell to the ground, and immediately turned into a middle-aged man, holding a golden gun and pointing at the two Su Hang.

"Who? Dare to break into the Fuyao Forbidden Land!" the man yelled at Su Hang.

"Dare, be rude to God!" Haotian professional protector, these days, he said the most sentence, it is estimated that this sentence.

"Unauthorized break into the forbidden land, kill without amnesty!

The man did not speak so well, and he shot directly towards Haotian.

Hao Tian was shocked, but he came out and pretended to be a force, thinking that you would kneel, how could you just take the gun and dry it, and not follow the routine at all.

Hurry to avoid now, this person should be a respectable person, the strength is not low, Haotian skill is suppressed, it can not be an opponent, but this person did not use all his strength, Haotian dangerously escaped.

The waterfall behind was swept by the man into two.

Haotian's heart is not very big, but this time it is a fire, not enough skill, and a magic weapon. As a disciple of the Taoist ancestor, can this magic weapon be less?

At the moment, Haotian took out a jade seal and threw it towards the man, and the jade seal suddenly became larger, like a hill, and hit the man with more force.

Heavenly Emperor's Seal, containing the power of the Three Mountains and Five Mountains, not only symbolizes the majesty of the Heavenly Emperor but also a magic weapon. The master who first entered the Heavenly Realm is not necessarily hard-wired.


The man roared loudly, the golden light on his body soared, and the spear in his hand was drawn to the giant seal.

The giant seal was distorted by force, and it actually fell to the side.

Haotian felt suffocated for a while, the realm was suppressed, which made the Emperor's Seal, and the power was much smaller, even a little guy in the Venerable Realm couldn't suppress it.

"God be careful."

Looking aside, Hao Tian's face changed greatly, and the direction that the giant seal smashed was actually going to Su Hang. At this time, he was too late to scream, and quickly shouted.

Although he knows that Su Hang is mysterious, he often behaves weakly. Haotian has always been unable to understand Su Hang's bottom. At this time, he is more afraid that the seal will go down and squash Su Hang.

You know, Daozu asked him to follow Suhang to protect Suhang. If he was killed by his own seal, the sin would be greater.


Haotian was still worried, but the next second, he was shocked by Su Hang.

When the big seal came under pressure, Su Hang was too late to avoid it. He only heard him sip and slap toward the big seal.

The right hand rests under the giant seal, and the small body, which looks small, actually holds up a hill-like seal of the heavenly emperor.

"go with!"

With a loud bang, Su Hang exposed the green muscles on his face, radiating endless power, and threw the giant seal aside.


Juyin flew out and smashed into the mountain wall, blocking the waterfall.


After a long breath, Su Hang's body slowly subsided.

This time, not only surprised Hao Tian, ​​but also surprised the golden eagle.

The Emperor Tianyin contains the power of the Three Mountains and Five Yues. Su Hang's throwing was equivalent to throwing up the Three Mountains and Five Yues. What kind of force is needed?

As the master of Heavenly Emperor Seal, Haotian knows very well that the ordinary strong men in the early days of the Heavenly Realm do not dare to say that he can lift up his Heavenly Emperor.

Although his skills were suppressed and his power was limited, what Su Hang did just now is still shocking.

The man with the golden eagle was equally surprised. He just used all his strength and a bit of ingenuity to take the giant seal off. How scary the force on the giant seal was, he was very clear.


At this moment, Su Hang's qi and blood are still boiling, and his strength has increased by 8000 times. It is really powerful.

It was only at that moment that he really had the illusion that he was mastering the world, even if Zhen and Tianzunjing masters met, he dared to punch.

But unfortunately, the time for the strength increase is a little longer, and it just disappeared after a while. At this time, he was alive with blood, but he felt a little physically weak, and he played for a moment before he recovered.

This 8,000-fold strength talent is not something you can use if you want to use it.

However, this is already a very powerful talent. Su Hang even feels that if he can use it, with his current ability, if unexpected, he can even hurt Tianzun Realm Master.

Of course, if this is really the case, then it is not easy to say, after all, the real master, not necessarily the physical strength.


These two people are not ordinary people.

The golden eagle man held the rifle tightly, as if to pull out the water, his eyes were cold and cold. Although his opponent was powerful, he did not want to shrink back halfway.


The golden eagle man snorted coldly, and the rifle flicked, and he was about to kill again.

"Xiaojin, stop it."

At this time, in the deep valley ~ ~ came a thick and old voice.

The golden eagle man immediately closed his gun and stood up. As soon as he heard this voice, the slight sternness and coldness in his face just turned into respect.

Su Hang couldn't help looking into the deep valley. The closed stone door slowly opened to both sides.

The deep cave door is like an invincible abyss. It seems to be able to devour everything. Su Hang tried hard to see through him, but he found that he could not do it.

Haotian stepped forward and stood in front of Su Hang faintly.

Not long after, a figure came out slowly from the stone gate.

It was an old man, an old man with gray hair, wearing a gray gown that was not new, his body was a little thin, but those eyes were full of wisdom and endless vicissitudes.

"I don't know God is coming, the Yu clan Zhu Yu, see God."

The old man stepped forward and bowed to Suhang. (To be continued.) To find this site, please search for "" or enter the URL:

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