Super Study God

Chapter 1045: Huge sea clam!

To be honest, after two months, although they have found many ruins of the ancient ancestors in this space, but they have no use for chicken feathers, and the benefits collected can be said to be minimal. Please read the most complete!


"Choo Choo Choo……"

However, just when Su Hang wanted to make Xiao Kun turn around, Xiao Kun screamed and suddenly turned around and went to the right.

"Little Kun..."

Su Hang called it unstoppable. Why didn't this little guy suddenly obey? It was just fine.

"What's the matter?" Seeing Xiao Kun carrying Su Hang away, Haotian was stunned for a moment. Is this the wrong direction?

"Perhaps, it wants to take Su Hang somewhere!" Mrs. Qingxia said suddenly.

Everyone's eyes are bright. This Kunbei dwelling here doesn't know how many years it is. This ancient ocean is definitely more familiar than their outsiders.

"Follow them!" said a bit.

A few people said nothing, and immediately chased up, leaving Tang Ao alone, and after a moment of hesitation, they also chased up.

Although he didn't know what moth came out, he also wanted to see his apprentice as soon as possible, but if he left alone, it would be too rude.


Su Hang called for a long time, and Xiao Kun didn't listen to him. Slowly, he also understood something, or this little guy didn't want to leave this space, we just wanted to take ourselves to somewhere.

This space is vast, and there is no distinction between northeast, southeast, and northwest. The small Kunming carrying Su Hang and the national division is not slow.

Overlooking from the benefits, the endless stretches below are the skeletons of various marine creatures in the sand, the most is the coral reefs, colorful, under the sky light, very beautiful.

Of course, there are a lot of living creatures on this ocean ruin. After tens of millions of years of reproduction and evolution, it is already all kinds of strange things, so Su Hang can't call out a few things.

There are a lot of creatures here, it seems to be a brand new biosphere, perhaps Su Hang has too many masters all the way, seems to be much safer than Wanquelin.


It was just a few hours that the little kun was flying, and the scenery below did not seem to change much.


Xiao Kun screamed suddenly, tracing a very beautiful arc and swooping down.

In front, there is a huge mound, which is covered with corals of various colors and stretches for ten miles.


Just when Su Hang thought Xiao Kun was about to hit the mound, Xiao Kun suddenly stopped and called out to the mound in front.

A ripple of sound spread out, and the mound shook wildly, and the coral sand fell down one after another.

What's wrong with this, how did it dry up with a mound, is there something in this mound?

Nothing was found in the detection of the consciousness of the people. Only Su Hang pulled out a scan of the Xueshen system before he discovered a few clues.

Under this tall mound, there is a large area unknown. As for what it is, the Xueshen system has not informed.


Just when Suhang was puzzled, the shaking of the hill became more and more intense, as if a super earthquake of magnitude 18 had occurred, and the endless sand was shaken off and collapsed in all directions.

Immediately afterwards, a bright horizontal gap appeared in the dust, just like a big curtain that slowly spread out. At first, only the hair was thin and thin, and it gradually became wider and wider.

Everyone looked at this scene curiously, looking forward to the things that would appear in the dust.

Looking through the dust and mist, Su Hang has been stunned by the sight in front of him.

The thing under the mound turned out to be a huge sea mussel.

A giant sea mussel with a height of more than ten miles and a height of one or two miles!

This sea mussel is against the sky!

Others also saw clearly what was in front of them, and the dust fell, and the huge sea clam was slowly revealed, quite shocked.

There was such a giant beneath the mound, they didn't even find it at all, this thing might be amazing!

The clam shell opened slowly and hurriedly shot through the gap of the clam shell, which was very dazzling.

Is it necessary to make pearls? How big a pearl is this big clam shell?

Su Hang couldn't help thinking in his heart!

Until the clam shell was fully opened, it was ninety degrees, and the scene appeared in front of everyone, once again shocked everyone.

Inside the clam shell, the innermost part, there is a sparkling crystal palace in the innermost part of the clam shell.

Everyone stayed for a while, and it was totally unexpected that there would be such a place hidden here.


Xiao Kun screamed twice without stopping, carrying Su Hang directly to the crystal palace inside the sea mussel.

Waiting a moment for a while and waiting for others to follow quickly in, there must be something hidden in this place.

After everyone went in, the giant sea mussel slowly closed again, but the space in it was still very wide. The light radiating from the crystal palace was enough to make people see the surroundings clearly.

Soon, Xiao Kun, carrying Su Hang, came to the crystal palace.

Above a small square in front of the hall, Su Hang jumped from Xiao Kun's back and looked around in novelty.

The palace is made of shining crystal stones and has a very ancient architectural style, with colorful corals and beautiful gems and pearls everywhere.

The palace occupies a small area, but it is quite luxurious. Su Hang does not know where this is, nor does it know where the sacred is living in this palace. Whether there are still people living in this palace now, so, Don't dare to act rashly.

It is true that a few of them came afterwards, and also looked at everything around them very novelly.

" It's amazing. We have been searching for two months. We didn't even know that there is such a place." Miankuan said.

It is not empty, "It should be the cave house left by the master. If it weren't for the Kunming beast to lead the way, I wouldn't even notice it."

Mrs. Qingxia also nodded. Even her, she did not notice it. It is conceivable that the people who left this cave house should have the skill above her.

"It should be the existence of Taikoo!"

"Is this, the grave of the Undead?" The national teacher's face was full of surprise and excitement.

Although he had taken the antidote given to him by Tang Ao, his skill was restored, but his mouth and ears could not be swollen for a while. Tang Ao asked him to leave, but he did not dare to leave alone, so he could only rely on not leaving.

As soon as the words fell, he slapped a slap on the top of his head, and turned back to see Tang Ao staring at him.

"Predecessor, senior!" The master of the National Teacher's University looked at Tang Ao timidly, and he forgot again that he could not intervene casually in front of the Great God. To be continued. To find this site, please search for "" or enter the URL:

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