Super Study God

Chapter 1051: Are you irritating me?

The voice is cold, without emotion, as if to say what a common thing.

After he finished speaking, he looked at Su Hang with a scorching gaze. Although he was farther away, Su Hang could still feel the annoyance in her eyes.

If this is not correct, I'm afraid she will kill Xingtian with one foot.

"If it is me, I will give him another chance to affect him with thick love and make him feel ashamed!" Su Hangdao.

sweat! God, he has to affect him with love!

There was a lot of virtual sweat all around. What I said, did not follow the routine. People asked you this way to make you agree with her point of view. She went on foot and gave Xingtian the result and dealt with the traitor.

What did Su Hang say?

The woman was surprised, and then said, "It seems that there were some reasons why Chu Tiankuo chose you to be the emperor!"

Hearing this might seem like a compliment to myself, but when I think about it, it tastes a little bit different. Does Nima want to say that Chu Tiankuo chose him by his brain?

"Shen Zun's face must be given, let me give you another chance!"

The woman smiled, and immediately retracted her foot on Xing Tian.

Xing Tian was lying on the ground, unable to get up for a while.

The woman sorted out her clothes, drifted off, and came to Su Hang and others in a very chic manner.

Unrelenting and others could not help but stepped back a few steps, with a deep guard and panic on his face.

At this moment, Haotian has also recognized the identity of this woman. Although the other party covers her face, they also had a relationship.

At this time it was near, watching his eyebrows, if he could not recognize it, he was really stupid.

Hao Tian was frightened with cold sweat, when Fang realized how stupid and dangerous he had just been.

"What are you doing here?" Su Hang was also afraid, but did not back away.

The woman smiled indifferently, "Why do you ask for some reason?"

He said, reaching out to Suhang.

Su Hang froze for a moment, and also stretched out a hand, holding it towards the woman's hand.

My God, what is this for, a friendly handshake? Isn't it wrong? People are asking you for something!

Su Hang, unaware of it, held his hands together like a leader's meeting, and the few people beside him were guilty of embarrassment.

This hand is very soft, but it is very cold, Suhang does not like it.

The woman had heavy black lines on her forehead, and looked at Su Hang with an extremely weird look. "Don't pretend, I want what I want!"


Su Hang withdrew her hand and looked at the woman in surprise, "What do you want?"

"What you found inside!" The woman looked at Su Hang straight.

"What's found in it? I didn't find anything in it!" Su Hang said very seriously.

From the angle of the woman's eyebrows, she could sneer, "You're not honest!"

Su Hang was speechless.

"I have already stated that you and I have written off our past and grievances. Since then, we have not committed each other. You give me something. This promise is still valid!" The woman said coldly.

"Listening to what you mean, if you don't get what you want today, you can't count on the promise that day?" Su Hang asked.

The woman just chuckled, "Maybe you can try it!"

Su Hang's face was black, "Excuse me, can you take the veil off and talk, you would be very rude!"

As soon as these words came out, Su Hang clearly felt a bit of murderous intention flash in the woman's eyes, but quickly hid them again.

"I know what idea you are playing. To be honest, I really appreciate your..." The woman's words were still cold.

"Thank you!" Su Hang nodded politely.

There was a glimmer of cold light in the woman's eyes, "Oh, you don't think that if someone supports you, I won't dare to move you!"

"It's better to try one!" Su Hang interrupted the woman's words and responded with a smile.

"Hahaha!" The woman suddenly laughed when she heard Su Hang's words. "It's ridiculous. I have never been threatened by Liu Ruxu in my life..."

This woman is the sky demon girl Liu Rusu.

"Oh, this is what I said, I didn't know who was punched down." Su Hang sarcastically sneered.

"You are annoying me!"

Liu Ruxu looked at Su Hang lightly. "However, if you miscalculated, I won't be fooled."

That's right, Su Hang is really angering her. Last time he was fighting in the Ares Star Zone, Su Hang wanted to inspire her to make Hong Jun come forward.

Unfortunately, the last death was not successful, how can this death be successful?

"I won't move you, but they..." Liu Ruxu smiled and turned his head to look at Xubu and others.

It's true that people are so scared and sweating that they almost kneel. Faced with such a demon god, everyone has infinite fear in their hearts.

Even if the other party did not use coercion, it almost caused everyone to collapse, especially Tang Ao, who was still in distress. He just wanted to see his apprentice. Is it really so difficult?

Looking at this posture, today it is very likely that everyone will have to lose their lives here.

"Then I can't guarantee it!" Then, Liu Ruxu looked at Su Hang again, "How about, would you like to take things out?"

At this moment, Su Hang's heart was about to collapse. Facing such a peerless witch who killed without blinking, it would be false to say that he was not afraid.

However, afraid of what is the use, you have to find a way to get rid of the current predicament.

Hong Jun promised to protect him, but he is not the only one who needs to protect him at the moment, so they are not worth them. Even if they add up together, I am afraid that Liu Ruxu will not step on it.

Su Hang can disregard itself, but it cannot disregard its friends who are sad and suffering.

"What? The mother can speak clearly?" Su Hang asked under pressure.

Liu Ruxu's eyes narrowed Cold light flashed, "Since Divine Deity and I play deaf and dumb, there is no way, the little girl can only invite you to sit down and sit down!"


As soon as these words came out, Su Hang felt bad. This tone is to start!

Everyone felt bad, and immediately wanted to escape, but who could escape the palm of the heavenly realm.

Liu Ruxu's cuff shook, and a bottle flew out and landed in her hand.

"Sky demon bottle?"

Seeing the bottle in Liu Ruxu's hands was frightening and frightened, and the subconscious scattered away.

Under the gauze, Liu Ruxu's mouth was bent, and the mouth of the bottle was slightly slanted. Suddenly, a huge suction came out of the mouth of the bottle, and everyone was caught before they ran far.

A terrified cry, three feet away, including Su Hang, everyone exhausted the means and could not resist the powerful suction, and the room was immediately sucked into the bottle. (To be continued.) To find this site, please search for "" or enter the URL:

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