Super Study God

Chapter 1071: Su Shenzun kissed!

"Why don't you let me go if you don't go? Early in the morning, I don't want to see that face." Su Hang was very impatient. "Go, let her do merit."

Jiang Li listened and wandered around for a while before knocking at Su Hang again, "Yes, the minister waited to leave."

After that, he took the people back and left with anxiety. That was the goddess of heaven. It was easy for her to kill and let her save people. Is it possible?


Seeing everyone retreating, watching the lively Tang Ao and Miankuang came close together.

"Su Hang, let's leave quickly." Tang Ao said.

It can be seen that he is very anxious. He was originally anxious to see his apprentice, but was hit by innocence. He was taken here by Liu Ruxu. Fortunately, he seemed to have escaped a disaster, but after he escaped a disaster, he The first thing I think about is to go back early and hope to be able to reunite.

Su Hang didn't have time to answer, and the sleepless man next to him hurriedly said, "I don't think this place is a good place. Although we don't know what method you used, although the woman seems to be surrendered, she is after all a strong force in heaven. No matter what, Daozu may not be able to trap her. In case she is pretending to be surrendered, if she is planning something, the consequences..."

The sleepman didn’t finish, but he was obviously worried. After all, if a jackal could conquer an elephant, it was still possible, but an ant would conquer the elephant. Who would believe it? ?

Although they all know that Su Hang has many means, they can't use ordinary people's thinking to figure out, but they are still very anxious in their hearts. There is the woman here. They are like rabbits in the wolf den. Can you be afraid, yesterday I didn’t sleep well all night, so it’s better to leave early.

Su Hang heard it and smiled indifferently, "Now that comes, then settle down, there are still some things here to finish, leave after finishing, and, even if I leave, I will take her all the way."

"What? Are you crazy, are you?"

When the two heard it, their eyes widened, especially the hypnotic, and they wanted to hear something incredible.

"Did you make a mistake? That woman is completely a killer. Are you still taking her by the side? Is it too long?" The sleepman stepped up and pulled the corner of La Suhang's clothes. He really doubted whether Su Hang was the brain Xiu teased.

"I know exactly what I'm doing." Su Hang shook his head. "Me and her are servants now. Of course I have to take her. I have to look at her to make sure she doesn't do anything bad."

"Are you naive, saying something unpleasant, have you ever seen a dog who does not eat Xiang?" Tang Ao also said beside him, his voice lowered, as if afraid of being overheard by someone.

Su Hang smiled, "Dogs eat or don't eat Xiang, it depends on what their owner eats for him. If they are used to eating meat, I don't believe it will eat Xiang."

This metaphor is also absolutely absolute. I don't know what Liu Ruxu would feel after hearing it. However, after listening to Tang Ao and the two, they felt that Su Hang was too naive.

From their point of view, it is almost impossible for Su Hang to completely conquer the heavenly maiden Liu Rusu. Su Hang's behavior is completely playing with fire.

At the end of playing with fire, it is easy to ignite and burn, the skin is tender and the meat is tender, and the dead are dead.

Of course, Su Hang knows what they think and it’s for his good, so he doesn’t fight with them anymore. No matter what the future will be, at least for now, he feels that it’s best to leave Liu Ruxu watching beside him select.

Su Hang looked at Tang Ao, "I know, you can't wait to see your apprentice, so let's go first, and call the couple who are not bad, I will go back and see you in the Dragon Palace!"


Both of them were stagnation, and the sleepaholic had a little trouble, "This is not good? Is it too arrogant!"

The black line on Suhang's forehead was heavy, and a white eye passed to him, "Don't be fake, you two, I don't know what you think?"


Both of them are stagnation. Indeed, they really want to leave early, and what will happen to them when they follow Su Hang!

These words are not just for fun. They haven't seen anything happening during their travels in recent months. Instead, they came after encountering Su Hang, and they came so thrilling that they almost gave up their lives. Gone.

If you want them to stay, facing the woman day and night, it is really embarrassing them, then it is no different from walking on the steel blade with an axe hanging from the head.

Su Hang is courageous and can take the risk, but they are not the same and they are really scared!

"Then, let's go check it out first!"

"Yes, yes, I don't know if it's up to this point. The old cow's nose is not afraid of becoming real!"

The two old men, you said one word, and walked away from shoulder to shoulder, seeing Su Hang was speechless for a while!


When the two had just left, Su Hang was about to find some water to wash his face, then Haotian came again.

"Holy Venerable, the big thing is not good!" Hao Tian hurriedly said when he saw Su Hang.

"On this day, can't it be a good thing?" Su Hang was very upset when he heard this, and looked back at Haotian.

I stared at him for a while, but fortunately, this face finally returned to normal, not the horrible Great Rift Valley of Africa seen last night.

"Something to talk about!" Su Hangdao.

Haotian quickly stepped forward, "Sacred Venerable, it's not good, Father-in-law, he's gone!"

"Well!" Su Hang responded while washing his face. After a while, he suddenly turned back and looked at Haotian. "Who said, who left?"

"Master Father-in-law, the disciple's old father-in-law Ji Xuanyuan!" Hao Tian quickly repeated.

"Ji Yun is gone?" Su Hang froze for a moment.

"Yeah!" Haotian nodded quickly. "Early this morning, the disciple went to ask his old father-in-law, but he didn't want no one in the room, so he only left such a letter!"

Saying Haotian presented a thick envelope!

A piece of turf paper was wrapped very primitively. Su Hang took a look at it, and there were a few energetic characters written on the Shenzun opened!

Obviously, it was left to Su Hang. Su Hang squeezed it with his hands, and did not disassemble it in front of Hao Tian, ​​so he put it away.

It feels quite thick, and I don’t know what to install?

"Shen Zun, what should I do?" Hao Tian looked at Su Hang a little anxiously.

Instead, Su Hang said indifferently, "What can I do? He has hands and feet, can you stop it if he wants to go?"

"However, after so many years, it's hard to see his old man, can't he just miss it again?" Hao Tian smiled bitterly.

Su Hangdao, "You have time to come to me, maybe you will be able to chase him back!"

"Uh..." Hao Tian's face was embarrassed when he heard it.

He also had no idea. Since these days, he has become accustomed to ask Soviet Air about everything, but it is also just a conditioned reflex. Seeing that letter was sent to Soviet Air, he immediately came to find Soviet Air. (To be continued.)

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