Super Study God

Chapter 1085: Master has something to worry about?

"Tree of faith?"

Su Hang froze for a moment, "The 14th in the list of monsters, the tree of faith?"

Liu Ruxu nodded, "The legendary tree of faith feeds on the beliefs of all living beings. If the faith continues, it can blossom and bear fruit once every 3,000 years. Each fruit bears eight fruits at a time. Each fruit contains a powerful ability. , You don’t need to refine souls, you can get powerful abilities!"

After hearing Liu Ruxu's remarks, Su Hang nodded. He also knew some of the information, but it was not as detailed as Liu Ruxu's.

"Of course, the tree of faith was a legendary existence in ancient times, not to mention the present." Liu Ruxu continued, "This king apricot is only a descendant of the tree of faith, it is not as ancestors. Strong, but still retain some characteristics..."

"For example, absorbing faith and cultivating faith fruit, but this apricot fruit is not as magical as the legend..."

After Liu Rusu finished his speech, Su Hang was also surprised. This humble tree really has a history.

Yang Jian listened beside him, and was also surprised in his heart. Hearing Liu Rusu talking about it, it was really like listening to the fantasy.

"It's a pity, a pity."

Su Hang shook his head. It's a pity that if he could meet a real tree of faith, then it would have happened.

With an ancestor of Niu Bao, but it has become very chicken ribs, it can only be described as a pity.

However, there is no doubt that this thing is now in the Yuxu Palace, and it can definitely exist as a holy thing.

In Suhang's eyes, they are nothing, but for other monks, they are absolutely treasure.

"You said, this tree only bear fruit not long ago?" Su Hang regretted for a while, turned his face and looked at Yang Jian.

Yang Jian froze for a moment, and said, "When did I say he had a fruit?"

"Don't you say that earlier, if I come early, how many fruits can you ask for it?" Su Hangdao, Yang Jian, can just forget what he just said, deliberately.

Yang Jian said, "You don't understand, this tree is born out of weirdness, and survives by faith. Earlier, did Yuxu reopen the mountain gate, and I don't know if it was the blessing of the Taoist ancestor, or something, this apricot tree suddenly all night The flowers bloomed between them, but there was no result. I mean, if you come at that time, I will help you find something under the apricot tree, maybe it will produce fruit."

Su Hang heard it and couldn't help rolling his eyes. "It's enough. You have taken all the flowers to make tea for others. Still thinking about the result, isn't it funny?"

Su Hang is quite speechless, without flowers, where is the fruit?

"I just saw the flower that it didn't bear fruit until it was picked, and you don't know this apricot tree, its temper can be tricky, even if it blooms, it won't be a simple result, it will be at the time of flowering If someone wants to go under the tree and be sincere in heart, this apricot tree may only produce a fruit for you. In the few days of the flowering period, all the disciples have come to ask for a pity. Unfortunately, none of the apricots has fruit.

Su Hang listened, a little ignorant, turned to Liu Ruxu and saw Liu Ruxu nodded, only then was convinced that Yang Jian was true.

"Is this too picky?" Su Hang couldn't help but ridicule while looking up at the tree.

Yang Jian accuses him that he has lived for so many years, and he has seen the tree bear fruit once. It is really not easy to see the result of this tree.

Su Hang shook his head, if Haotian was here, just a few flatterers patted, and specified that the tree should be comfortable to shoot, and obediently produced fruit.

Su Hang originally thought that if he could get a fruit of this king's apricot, he could see if he could refine it with the Xueshen system, maybe he could refine a tree of faith.

Not to mention, if you have a chance in the future, you can really let Haotian try!


After two days at Yuxu Palace, Suhang felt that this place was indeed pleasant and had the idea of ​​wanting to live longer.

However, Su Hang could feel that during their two days in the Yuxu Palace, everyone in the palace, including Yang Jian, was very anxious and cautious.

Standing on the top of Daguangmingding Mountain, looking at the clouds below Yunshu Yunshu, Su Hang's eyes were fascinated and he didn't know what he was thinking.

"Master seems to have something in mind?"

Liu Ruxu appeared behind Su Hang and asked gently. The wind blew over, and the covered scarf raised a corner, exposing half of his delicate face.

Su Hang did not look back, nor did she answer her. The identity of the person sealed in Amber is still confusing him.

Is he really an immortal god? Why does it look like Xue Qi?

When they were below the poor mountains, they had already reminded Su Hang. After all, they knew that Su Hang could take them a few hundred thousand years ago. Maybe they might go to Taikoo?

The Eight Commandments were taken by Su Hang in the ancient times and became the current Buddha Buddha. Does that mean that Xue Qi may have the same experience?

It's just that this time, the ancients were replaced by the ancients!

From the perspective of several of them, this is not impossible, but from the perspective of Su Hang, this is very possible.

Because, now he really has the ability to go to Taikoo.

Su Hang also thought of Mito and the little toad. The reincarnation mirror shows that the previous life of Mito was the little toad. However, the little toad is just a child, and Mito is a great **** who has become famous. The relationship between them is really too much. absurd!

Before, there was always confusion, but Su Hangjing thought about it, a thought lingered in his mind.

Would these two men be taken to Taikoo by themselves, and then stayed in Taikoo because of various accidents?

This is possible!

So When he came to let him go to Lingshan in Buddhism to attend the puja, he refused after thinking for a while.

He didn't want to send Xue Qi to Taikoo, and he didn't want Xue Qi to become the legendary undead, leaving himself sealed in Amber.

Although this is only possible, it is also possible that Xue Qi has not been to Taikoo and is not immortal at all, but even if only 1% is possible, Suhang will have to find a way to put an end to it.

Right now, Su Hang feels that if he wants to prevent trouble, the best way is to not meet Xue Qi. As long as he doesn't meet, it is impossible to take him too old?

What's more, this time Xue Qi went to the Buddhist country, and the little toad was also in the Buddhist mountain of the Buddhist country. If he went there, he must have joined the two together. In case of any accident, it would be a real deal. This baby was sent to Taikoo, how to explain to the Xue family at that time, Xue Xuan was afraid that he had to tear himself.


In addition, Taikoo, that ticket has been held by Su Hang until now, and he has been hesitating, not knowing whether it should be used or not, that gadget is a Pandora’s box, and once opened, I don’t know if I will do it. What happened? (To be continued.)

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